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The Cylon Models


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A Note On Cylon Models:


The Facts: There are 12 Cylon models....there are Many Copies.


No.1 is

No.2 is

No.3 is D'Anna Biers (Xena)

No.4 is

No.5 is Aaron Doral (Reporter)

No.6 is Gina/Caprica 6/Shelley Godfrey

No.7 is

No.8 is Sharon 'Boomer' Valerii

No# is Cavil (Brother)

No.#is Leoben Conoy (from Ragnar Anchorage)

No.#is Simon/Doctor


& The Hybrids



Potential Sleeper Agents:


Doc. Cottle

Gaius Baltar

Ellen Tigh - She could return

President Laura Roslin



What are your thoughts?




Can anyone think of episodes that explain this a little more?


I'll keep updating the list above as we compile the info

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In the various episodes, it is made clear that each model is given a number. All Sixes look alike. All Eights look alike.


There are only 12 human model Cylons. This does not include the Cylon Mk 1, which is the original human made walking chrome toasters. It also does not include the newer buckets or the raiders.

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Yea, the models are all human variety, so I doubt Centurians or Raiders will count as models 1 or 2.


What I wonder is do they "overlap"?, ok each model can have multiple "versions" of itself alive. Like Caprica Six is alive, while Pegasus Six is alive right. Judging from Downloaded (2x18) there is a queue line for resurrection. Either from having to intergrate the new memories and knowledge from the previously dead model, or a limited number of resurrections to be done at once (like 3 pods of goo, so if a 4th cylon human dies they have to wait in the queue). Now what if say, a Six dies, and goes to the queue line. Then another Six dies. Is the new memories and knowledge combined at once, or does it kinda overlap into the new model?


Since Caprica Six and the Original Sharon killed Number 3 that was trapped with them. I can't remember which one said it but one of them said it would be at least 36 hours before she came back cause of all the other deaths. Considering there was alot of them dead thats quite a wait for what they usually described as an instantaneous process.


Wish they had explained exactly HOW they keep making new perfect copied bodies of each model. Cloning or replication or what...

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From what I gather, from watching various episodes, that the Cylons are cloned. For Ressurrection ships, it makes more sense for them to ship fully developed bodies. However, it appears that on Caprica, they prefer to generate a clone from scratch. This makes sense, as while they may only need a few here and there around the fleet, they'd need the flexibility back on Caprica.


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So they'll try and 'Birth' new clones on the old colony planets.

Because all of their 'space' clones got wiped out.




Is the new memories and knowledge combined at once, or does it kinda overlap into the new model?


Yeh.....One of the reasons i was trying to think outside the box.


Since Caprica Six and the Original Sharon killed Number 3 that was trapped with them. I can't remember which one said it but one of them said it would be at least 36 hours before she came back cause of all the other deaths. Considering there was alot of them dead thats quite a wait for what they usually described as an instantaneous process.


I just thought it would take them that long to 'Process' the body.


Since the Human type Cylons do nothing but act like humans..

and the 'Toasters' do all the work.


Sounds like the toasters will eventually rebel against the human-cylons.

..Maybe a new fleet will start ... controlled by Baltar or Caprica six?!?!?!?

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Yeah - the 12 models are for the human models.


We've seen... The guy from Ragnar, Sharon, Six, Gina, The PR guy from the miniseries and the black Doctor from the clinic on Caprica.


So we have in fact seen half of the Cylon agents. Which of course still leaves us with lots of treachery and deceit.

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We've seen... The guy from Ragnar, Sharon, Six, Gina, The PR guy from the miniseries and the black Doctor from the clinic on Caprica.


So we have in fact seen half of the Cylon agents. .......

plus Xena



So: 6 cylon models so far. (No6 *& Gina are the same model or are they...)



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Since the Human type Cylons do nothing but act like humans..

and the 'Toasters' do all the work.


Sounds like the toasters will eventually rebel against the human-cylons.

..Maybe a new fleet will start ... controlled by Baltar or Caprica six?!?!?!?


Hah, hadn't thought of that. The Human Cylons do seem rather overly-proud of themselves don't they? The old Toasters do seem to be doing most of the hard work, most of the fighting, and most of the dying. The Human Cylons ("Organics") so far seem to treat the Toasters as expandable as we ever did.

The Toasters rebel and the Organics are forced to turn to the Humans for help. Now that would be interesting too.

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Interesting theory, but I don't know if I'd buy it. The only Cylon I can think of that's particularly pious is 6. She probably would see it that way, but as we've seen in recent episodes, Cylons, like humans, have distinct personalities from each other. Some would see the number 12 as religiously and symbolically significant, and others would see the number 12 as just another commonplace number. When you buy a dozen eggs or doughnuts, it's not because there were 12 disciples of Christ or 12 signs in the Zodiac or 12 hours on the face of a clock. It's all just a coincidence.

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OOPs' date=' sorry about that. My browser froze up and I must have hit the reply three times. Can anyone delete two of those posts?[/quote']

you should see a [delete] button in the top corner of your posts :)


^^ 12 colonies' date=' 12 Cylon models... One for each colony? Yep, there must be a correlation. Interesting... :)[/quote']


yeh interesting...

I wonder which one correlates with Geminon... They're usually the religious ones right?!?

Sharon is Taurean (Troy) or something ....

6 is Caprica.. hmmmmmmm ;)

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Well, it would seem to me that most of the Human model Cylons would be homogenous. Most of them would be virtually the same, and have similar backgrounds.


But, the few that are left around humans for a long period of time, or those that are made into sleeper agents, are changed, left completely different. It is similar to someone from one culture being dumped alone in a completely alien culture. Because of this, Caprica Six and Shooter Sharon are not the same as other sixes and eights.

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Aside from the skeptacism of guessing everyone is potentially a Cylon, you should add to your list obvious potential people.


Such as Tigh's wife. I don't really believe she would side with Zarek just to advance her husbands career (from the looks of it she doesn't care much for him). And I doubt she did what she did out of political disagreement with Rosalyn's decisions.


Baltar is always a possibility too (see other threads for the various reasons).

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yeh, Good idea Mav,

I'll add potentials to the list to......


Now i wonder how the Cylons tell each other apart?


How does one '6' model, tell which one is Caprica six etc.

Maybe they have little ID chips in their brains too ?!?!?

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tincho - Maybe it was the '6' area of the ressurection ship....

like there would be a boomer section and a Xena section ...


Or... The one following the Fleet needs all of those No.6's for good reason.

Perhaps there are more '6's' on board the fleet:)




So.. I've edited the main post..

..and will keep this thread alive & updated

about the Cylon Models...

as the episode explain more





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