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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by magestorm

  1. Actually, if you run pure or blended ethanol fuel past 20% in cars, you need to rebuild the motor to handle it. Right now, in the Sugar plantation regions in Brazil, Ford Motor Company is already working with locals, and offering cars that can run as high as 100% ethanol, or any mix of ethanol and gasoline. The ethanol used in the local cars there is produced by the sugar refinery, as a by product of making pure sugar. This isn't a new deal. US Fuels already run with 5%-10% of ethanol blended in, to make the fuel run cleaner. The reasoning behind the US dragging its feet on alternative energy sources is due to false logic. Politicians and oil companies try saying it will cost too much to revamp the fueling stations to pump out hydrogen, natural gas, or rapid charging of batteries. False logic, I dare say? Yes. Ethanol and Bio Diesel both can be pumped from current technology, without the need for revamping the whole mess. But they don't want you to know this. They WANT us hooked on oil, as the oil companies get richer, and the government collects hefty taxes from the sale of gasoline.
  2. Ethanol can be used in cars, and not just from corn. Ethanol can also be made from the byproducts of sugar refining, wheat, and many other sources.
  3. We fat people jump into the water with lobster bibs, knives and forks when a shark comes around. Jaws my butt, your name is lunch!
  4. Mind if I borrow that for a different site?
  5. They don't do that here in the US. We pay for unlimited usage, and by gum, that's what we get.
  6. Well, much of the oil we use isn't just burned in cars, it is used to fuel the turbines that produce the electricity in your homes. No matter how efficient we make the cars, you won't solve the problem. One of the best ways to start solving this issue is by legislation. Ban the standard light bulb. The most efficient standard bulbs out there are only 10% efficient, meaning that for every one watt of energy actually converted into light, 9 watts are wasted, usually as heat. A flourecent bulb is 4 times as efficient, using a quarter of the energy a standard one does. But why are there still standard bulbs on store shelves? For some, it is a matter of ignorance. They don't know about the developments on these new bulbs. Others could care less, and just want to buy whatever is cheaper. They don't think that while they save money on the bulb itself, they waste a lot of energy. So, how do we get people to change? Well, we have been trying to educate people. Unfortunately, this hasn't worked. One person in my building is openly hostile to using anything other than these energy wasters. The only way many of these people will change is to force it on them. Make it so the old, energy wasting bulbs are banned from being sold in the United States. Before you know it, the ones openly hostile to changing over will be using these, and saving a ton of money. Also of note, the diesel engine was originally designed to run not on petroleum, but on vegetable oil. It wasn't till automakers adapted this efficient engine for it to run on petroleum. Switching over is so easy, usually requiring as little as a tune up. We can even use waste oils produced by our food service industry, creating a fuel source from something that normally just gets tossed out.
  7. It's time to dance the mamushka!
  8. I'm watching it right now. But, I'm not being all that impressed. To me, it seems like the worst of all the bad shows I have seen. I'm going to watch it a while, but so far, I am not too impressed with it. I know I'll probably get lambasted for my opinion. But, everyone's entitled to their opinion.
  9. Well, there is an old saying. Never take a dump where you eat. (changed due to language) I have noticed areas that normally get large ammounts of snow and bitter cold temps aren't getting it anymore. Summers are getting hotter. Also, more and more of the water table is polluted. uneuseable. And what kind of arrogant people are about? Save the planet????? The planet is just fine. It's been areond long before we evolved, and will likely still be around after we become extinct. What we need to worry about is saving OURSELVES, not the planet. If we do nothing, the ecosystem will adapt. However, we won't be able to adapt our biologies fast enough to survive. Realize the world is fine. But if we do nothing, WE HUMANS, as a species, will be frakked.
  10. There can be no peace, as long as Bush lives! Seriously, it will take a catastrophe for things to get any better than the status quo right now.
  11. Well, simple question, simple answer. They need a program to distribute corrupted files. P2p Programs have adapted, and the monkey suits want to find a way to fight back.
  12. Well, here is my opinion on this. If you were an anti p2p company, how would you fight p2p networks? Would you bust your butt? Or would you sit there and get a programmer of a top p2p application to make you a "legitimate" software, then turn it into something that distributes false files? If you said the second option, then you're right.
  13. Could you send me the correct link on PM?
  14. Contact the seller. Otherwise, you could be billed and hounded till the situation is resolved.
  15. It's awesome. But, it would be nice if they went ahead and labeled some of it.
  16. I drink or eat things with nutrasweet in them, and I wind up going like a goose, with abdominal cramps, severe headaches, and usually nausea. And that is how I react, no matter if I know it is in there or not.
  17. I'd be on the IRC chanel, but the java program doesn't seem to work at all. At least it has not worked for me.
  18. This won't hold up in court. Freedom of speach in effect.
  19. Well, as a sign of my displeasure, I have since switched to Azureus, and will not use uTorrent at all.
  20. We have to wait till October to see it continue?!?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  21. Hit www.skepticsannotatedbible.com for an online bible that has notations about the really screwed up stuff in the bible. Of course, most professional translators who have looked at pre KJV bible verses and compared them to the King James Version have stated that it is the WORST translation job in history. Take the verse, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." The correct translation should have been well poisoner, not witch. This, in historical context, fits. The Roman army generally had a policy when they had to retreat from a town. They would literally poison the local wells, making it impossible for people to inhabit the area, as uncontaminated supplies of water could be days away. It was the ultimate act of spite, and was an unpardonable sin. But, King James had a bug up his butt about witches, and had the translation changed accordingly. There are many other parts that are poorly translated in this fashion. But, fundamentalists state the King James version is the most accurate version of the bible to date. Hmmmmm. I think not.
  22. magestorm

    Overseas DVDs

    If something is purchased on Ebay with Paypal, and it is not as advertised, you can get your money back.
  23. In the English BSG, they constantly refer to superior officers as Sir, irregardless of sex. This is something that has been going on since ST: TNG.
  24. Well, I tried the one on Sci Fi, and didn't care for it. It just was too clunky for me, and simplistic. I know I'd love to see a game similar to Tie Fighter, where you actually fly the ships in the show.
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