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Most stupid-looking aliens


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I can't remember what they are called, but they are from either TNG/DS9/Voyager


They kinda look like Veridians but much lighter colored skin, with a nose ridge that's actually a protruding bone thing. It protrudes from the space between their eyes, down to above their mouth, with the area in between "empty" (think a half of a donut).


They looked so frakkin goofy looking. Like anyone could just run up and grab them by this handle looking thing on their face and slam them into a wall, easily. I HATED their look, it was like the costume department got lazy..

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^^^ Mav - The Tak Tak :D




Maybe if you can find a sideways picture..


But from that picture, it's not the Tak Tak. They look kinda like that, but that long ridge down their face, has an actual hole/opening above the nose are, like a ovalish/circlish shape. Literally you could stick a few fingers through the space where it is.

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A similar species was in DS9 - a man threatened Quark and he had that bone thing over his mouth - it was in an episode of DS9 season 1 or 2


Edit: ah ha - found him - his name was Falit Kot in the DS9 season 2 episode - Melora



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