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Liberal America Was Asking For It


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The electoral college does the actual voting for president. SUPPOSEDLY based on the voters desires of their area. Most of the US in 2004, was split around the 50/50 mark in the popular elections. They chose who they wanted since we couldn't. Still, came in very close to 50/50. We needed better choices. Still do.

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Since bush has been in office our economy has gone way downhill. And the war has made it even worse for some reason. I really hope bush can't get another term in office.

America can't win if we help a country we get accused of invading. If we do nothing we get accused of not caring.


I miss bill our economy was growing when he was in office.

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Since bush has been in office our economy has gone way downhill. And the war has made it even worse for some reason.


Despite what they'd like you to think, politicians - except extremely able ones and extremely inept ones - don't generally make a big difference to the economy within the period they're in office.


The war didn't help because it's a drain on governmental finances. The only way it's beneficial is Keynesian and that's not really beneficial. Really, wars just represent a big ole drain on your government being able to do something like... support businesses or give tax breaks.


To be honest, I don't think anyone would have accused the USA of not caring if they didn't invade Iraq. No one ever appointed the USA the world's policeman - from time to time it just seems like pretending it is... but really, no one is expecting the USA to save the world.

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I still think Bill was screwed over by the media. His flings were his and Hillary's business as a couple. Only she had the right to bitch at him about it. Nowadays,. how often do we hear about W's drinking and badboy days? none. the lid has been put on.

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W's badboy days are past. Bill's cheating was present (at the time he was in office). Big difference.


Personally, Bill is the reason I'm not a democrat anymore. He broke campaign promises before he even took the oath of office. Not to mention he committed purgery, which is a crime if you or I do it, and got off scott free.


As for W. getting a third term. Not going to happen. This type of stuff gets trotted out every time we have a 2 term President. Remember Reagan and Clinton both had similar rumours spreading about them. At least in the next election we'll have a complete new slate of candidates. No incumbant and no Vice-President trying to move up the ladder. Cheney would be foolish to even try to run (especially now). I just pray that Kerry and Edwards don't crawl back out of the woodwork.

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I've sometimes wondered if we get completely different news coverage in UK. My son lives in the States and I visit regularly so I know American news channels and how events are reported.


I was saddened by the election of George W the first time round and I couldn't believe his second win. While Al Gore doesn't seem to command the respect he deserves in the States, he does have an incredible grasp of the international situation as well as other matters of international interest.


I read a textbook written by him some years ago which was used in an environmentally orientated university course in UK and it blew my socks off. Gore is one switched on kiddie, he explained the financial and political consequences of every environmental decision we make on a global scale. He really should have been the next President back then. I honestly believe we would have been looking at a different world now, one in which things had improved at least a little.


Bring him back America and do yourselves the biggest favour you can do yourselves this century!

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