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Ah, the topic that has been seen a thousand threads...


Ironically because the search function of the forum is so horrible, I suppose if something isn't on the first couple of pages, a new comer can't be blamed.


There is no official explanation of how the Borg came to be and the V'Ger theory is at best... improbable. Given the time, nature of the planet described etc. etc.


Basically, if you're looking for a canon answer to your question - there isn't one.

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The borg were just a normal Human like species who found this technology and used it on themselves



Isn't this the way Voyager (series) described it at one point? That they were a humanoid race, who eventually developed cybernetic technology that intergrated partially with biological organisms? If I remember correctly, they obviously didn't go into detail of who, how and when but they did say at one point, they simply were overtaken by their own creation(s) and became the building blocks that are the Borg.


Not to mention Species 001 seems rather, odd. There are thousands of known species in the galaxy. Unless the Borg have only encountered up to 999 of them, or started labeling them 001a then shouldn't their original species have been 0001 or even "higher"? (00001 for example)


I wish if they ever did a new series (rumors of current aside) it should be all Borg. Like the Feds launch an offensive finally into Borg space, we learn their origins, all their real inter societal/technological secrets etc

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Yeah - this is where i got my theory from but Voyager never really went into detail about this


And as for a Borg series - hmmm... not sure - they might just do what they did in Voyager and ruin the Borg even more

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I think it was that the Borg became less of a threat and more minor annoyance



Season 3 they were crapping themselves that the Borg were anywhere possibly close

Season 7 they were planning full frontal attacks like they were nothing



I did enjoy the episodes too mind.


They did the same thing to Species 8472. On Scorpion they were the Borg killing muthas you wouldn't want to mess with and then they got 'weakened'

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Before Scorpion there wasn't really anything about the Borg except for the build up "Oh no! THE BORG ARE ABOUT!" type stuff.


Voyager did a great job of really spoiling the Borg after that though. I remember hearing about the Borg kids... and I thought "No, not even VOYAGER could sink that low."


It's pretty hilarious that in season 2 - dreadnaught, Voyager couldn't even manage to destroy a glorified photon torpedo but a few seasons later somehow they're having run ins with the Borg more often than I'm down to the off-license and doing a whole lot better than my wallet.




You'd really think that after the number of times people have beamed on board cubes and frakked them up, that they'd actually do something... like stop people transporting onto their ships.

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Voyager did a great job of really spoiling the Borg after that though. I remember hearing about the Borg kids... and I thought "No' date=' not even VOYAGER could sink that low."[/quote']


When the Borg first appeared in TNG the Enterprise crew found a child in a maturation chamber on board the cube, so there is precedent for the children to exist like that.

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Guest c4evap
Sure but they didn't become an integral part of the show' date=' did they?[/quote']


The Borg children portrayed on Voyager were NOT "an integral part of the show" either. They took up a few EPs then left the ship. Fini. End.


Geez, quit blaming Voyager for everything wrong with Star Trek.


Oh, wait...I did recently hear that Voyager caused WWII! Wonder if there's any truth to that?


c4 :thinking:

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how did voyager ruin the borg?


i liked those episodes.



In TNG the borg where protrayed as a beast. They had only one purpose, assimilate. There was no comprimise, they knew no other words than "you will be assimilated, resitace is futile"


In VOY the borg had a face, Janeway made an alliance with them, they where easy to avoid, and yes, they where still a powerful foe, but having 7/9 on the show have the borg a littel color.



And what ruined it was that most ppl liked the blackness of the borg. They where literaly "Perfection", the perfect enemy.

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Sure but they didn't become an integral part of the show' date=' did they?[/quote']


The Borg children portrayed on Voyager were NOT "an integral part of the show" either. They took up a few EPs then left the ship. Fini. End.


Geez, quit blaming Voyager for everything wrong with Star Trek.


Oh, wait...I did recently hear that Voyager caused WWII! Wonder if there's any truth to that?


c4 :thinking:


hey, I am with you. I have been converted. Before I hated VOY, but now that I re-watch it, it seems better than I first remebered. yes, there are some flaws in it, but it is far from being the worst show. It is better than TOS and ENT on my list.


and I have heard a lot of theory to the orgins of WWII, I even heard some one say that GWB started it :thinking:


buy yea, VOY=cool



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The Borg children portrayed on Voyager were NOT "an integral part of the show" either. They took up a few EPs then left the ship. Fini. End.


Geez, quit blaming Voyager for everything wrong with Star Trek.


Just the IDEA of having a bunch of Borg kids running around for one episode was bad enough but then to keep them around. They weren't integral to the show but they got a fair amount of screen time during their time on Voyager.


The fact that they weren't blown up was just an indication of how desperate B&B were becoming to fill the 42 minutes.


And if you want to know the real reason I hate Voyager so much - it's because it killed my parents, ok?!

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Guest c4evap
And if you want to know the real reason I hate Voyager so much - it's because it killed my parents' date=' ok?![/quote']


I sure hope you're kidding...that's not funny. :(


If true I'm very sorry to hear that. What happened? Did they meet Nelix?


c4 B)

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