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Hard Drinking in the Alpha Quadrent


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Make no mistake—Captain Kirk and his crew were cowboys and they treated the universe like the Wild West. There was always a lot of solemn talk about the Prime Directive and not interfering with native cultures, but that went right out the window the moment Kirk laid eyes on the first attractive female of whatever species they came across. Sure, they solved a lot of problems, but half the time they were solving problems they created. The crew of the original Enterprise wasn’t trying to unite the universe, they weren’t trying to right the universe’s many and sundry wrongs—they were looking for kicks.


And alcohol played and essential role in that quest. It was a beautiful situation—you not only got to drink, you got to drink ales, wines and liquors the human race couldn’t even imagine. And they always seemed stronger than our silly earthling libations, every alien race bragged their booze would floor a human if he so much as looked in the bottle’s direction. Klingon Blood Wine, Romulan Ale, Saurian Brandy—they came on harder than a photon torpedo barrage and when you woke up, if you woke up, you’d be nursing a nebula-sized hangover the fastest warp drive in the universe couldn’t outrun. Humans were considered the lightweights of the universe, a bunch of Bartle-and-James swilling high school punks among whiskey-chugging dilithium-crystal miners.




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romulan ale always looks so cool on the shows ... i wonder if by the time we get to meet someone from another planet if we'll even still be drinking alcohol. With the way things are going with anti smoking laws i really dont think booze is that far behind!

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Never been a drinker myself but I'd like to dry some Blood Wine or Romulan Ale, just to see how much of a kick a single glass/stine would have on a human.


Anyone else ever not really understand synthehol? it's supposed to look like, smell and taste like a real alcoholic beverage but without any of the effects such as a hangover or intoxication. yet in some instances that's not the case, there's been more than once where a crewmen has gotten drunk of a synthehol drink, like synthetic wiskey or whatnot.


I understand only allowing synthehol during duty hours but what about offhours?

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