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Old Galactica Or New?

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I believe that the new battlestar galactica is the best but it has lost something that the orginal had, its orginality. Sure the new series has a different twist, and its great but what has happened to the fun.

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I watched the original movie many years ago and I can say that I never got the chance to watch any thing else. But the new series has caught my attention again and really interested me back into the story of the Battlestar Galactica. I'm enjoy the style of space life that BG has and the humor. I'd like to see this series go far but am a little afraid that its not going to last.

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i can only vaguely remember the film much less the series, star wars sorta blanke it out.

i love it because i never knew much of the story. that said the blond did have a big say! :D

Much as i like enterprise, i drifted away from DS9 after a bit and only really watched voyager after sven turned up ( seeing a pattern? lol! ;)

i was a fan of quantam leap so i it was easy on the eyes from the start. such a shame its been cancelled.

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I think the new ones have better episode plots and what can be done to make things more real is also a plus for the show.


The original ones just seem a bit corny to me, but I still like it for its ideas and what they could do then.

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I watched the miniseries a while back (before the new show) and I watched the original movie once too. The original was pretty slow... nothing really exciting. The miniseries was better, but not a whole lot. The TV series could be good because I don't have a good background in the storyline and I would love to have the show go into history and explain how they got where they are. Again, I haven't watched any of the new series.

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B) I always remembered watching the orginal as a kid and I loved watching it. last last year i bought the orginal season 1, on refection the effects where way over used, the stories where mostly poor with the odd good episode with the count in and the mysterious light ships.


When I watched the new mini series I liked it but like all new shows i didnt get into the characters untill the first season was released, after watching all 13 episodes I know that this new version is miles better than the orginal.


The characters are well written, it has a darker tone to the orginal (christ they all seemed mighty cheerful even thou they lost millions of lives and being persuded by the cylons).


Comparing the new series and the old one I think that the new one is better in most respects and should continue being a success, if you like sci-fi this is one series you should watch without any doubt.

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I haven't watched the new Battlestar Galactica yet, but the original series and Galactica: 1980 were pretty damn awful. Poor acting, cheesy plots, one-dimensional characters... I suddenly realize the old Galacticas are pretty similar to Star Trek: Enterprise. :cyclops:

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Watched the original film and mini series and just loved it to bits! Also watched ep1 of new BSG and was impressed though as I haven't got sky have watched no more episodes.

Have just looked on the torrent site and started downloading the new BSG so above problem will soon be sorted!

Hurrah for Niteshdw



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I have seen ALL of the Old series as well as ALL of the new series.

I think that the NEW one is WAY better because of the advancement of technology (CGI, Hardware & software). The old series was done in the late 70's early 80's so had to be done with the technology of the time, so it was a simply program. They had to rely alot more on the Storyline, which they did have some good stories and good humour as well. The new series is alot more Serious with better technology.

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Actually i do remember seeing somewhere that Universal studios in the late 70's after star wars wanting to up on the sci-fi band wagon, hence why battlestar got released.


There where some good episodes of the orginal series actually but not many one for example was Return of Starbuck where starbuck gets shot down on a planet and he repairs a cylon. Another was war of the gods..i think that was the name.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The old battlestar galactica was better.


The new one is contaminated with craziness and sickness like all current TV shows.


Sure Battelstar original had lower quality special effects. I like them better now. Any film these days has computer special effects. The old battlestar built actual models and filmed them. It is kind of unique even if it is cheesy.


The old Battlestar was more lighthearted and fun. Even though they were running from the Cylons, Starbuck was always cutting up and there was always some kind of funny business going on.


Lorne Green and Baltar from the original were great actors. They were old and knew how to act. The pilots were all believeable for who they were. Sure some of it was cheesy but it was OK.


The new Battlestar? Like I said it is contaminated with that craziness and sickness that all shows have today. Starbuck is a woman who picks fights with men. Is that crazy or what? Baltar walks around having sexual dreams with some Ho. It is sick. I don't wanna watch that. I could watch porno instead.


The show is really dark and dreary. The space shots are really dark. The whole show is just a plain downer. The Apollo replacement is as bad an actor as the guys in Earth Above and Beyond. We all know what happened to that series.


Why don't people make normal, happy, up movies or TV anymore? It is all sexual perversion or sick psychos torturing and killing people. Cutting them up into little pieces on camera. Everyone is a rude jerk and treats everyone else really bad. Or they are traitorous betrayers like that Cylon clone having an affair with the engineer.


Baltar was bad and traitorous but it was an "honorable" traitorousness. There were limits and boundaries to what kind of bad stuff would make it to the screen.


Look at it this way. Let's say you were put in prison. They throw you in solitary and you got the TV. Do you want to watch crazy disgusting violence and sex? Or do you want to watch some cheesy special effects but the people are normal and the show is mostly happy?


Give me happy. That sickness stuff will give you nightmares one of these days.

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The trouble any new series will have is the fact that it follows something thats ORIGINAL and that very hard to beat, TNG had the same problem when that first arrived, i do hope that BSG goes on to be a viable series on its own merit but i do have a problem with starbuck being a birdas for story lines yes alot of the early stuff was weak and chessy but not all of it a few episodes were excellent-Return of the pegasus and one that was retold in the new series where starbuck gets stranded on a planet and has to repair a cylon, class

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I have watched a bunch of the old BSG series, and like them, but I absolutely love the new one. I think the new series is good because it is so much more real and believable than most sci-fi shows. This is probably why it is doing so well in the ratings, because people who would not normally watch sci-fi tv are starting to get interested in the new BSG. Great show.

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Who says it is doing well in the ratings? The PR people? You trust them to be honest?


These days, when I see commercials for movies or TV series it usually means the show is in trouble.


As for real and beleivable, really, if that is what you want, go outside into the real world.


I watch science fiction to see people treat each other with respect like they did on the first Star Trek. They talk nice to each other even if they fight. No disgusting porno disguised as love scenes. No mental sickness. None of the original Star Trek crew was sick in the head. None of them.


I don't care if the old BSG was cheesy or had bad effects. It was about normal people who treated each other in a polite way. I don't want my science fiction stories to be polluted with sex or mental illness. I can turn on Dr Phil if I am addicted to watching people with mental illness.


Ask yourself why Star Trek is dead? It isn't Star Trek. No one watches it.


Star Trek is about people who are sick in the head, sex, or the latest terrorism propaganda. We can watch that on the evenign news so who is going to watch it on Star Trek?


Don't believe me. Disagree with me. Why do you think Star Trek is dead? No one cares anymore? Bull! People love Star Trek. But Star Trekkers don't like gratuitous sex, violence or being propgandized for political reasons. So they quit watching.


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