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Stargate SG-1 10x10


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While the tests were pretty hilariously obvious (charity test - I figured that out as soon as they opened the chest). The episode was pretty good.


Still, it's the first SG-1 episode that I'd say was out and out good for quite some time. Perhaps that was inevitable given it's the mid-season cliffhanger.

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Throwing rocks??? For Qs sake' date=' they have TONS of SAND and DIRT around them. They could have flooded the whole area and just made a visible hallway.[/quote']


Yeah, but if you think about it, that would make it too easy for Ori footsoldiers to follow. Of course, that turned out to be a pointless worry, but they didn't know that.


Good episode. Looking forward to how they're going to resolve all this.

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Great episode! It reminded me of Indiana Jones III, but that's OK. Anyway, the whole Merlin plot is finally getting interesting. Where's the Sangraal? I bet it's somewhere on Earth just like the Ancient outpost in Antarctica.


Adria losing her powers when she entered the cave was kind of unexpected. That implies her powers are not really hers (unlike that Anubis prototype from season 9), but come straight from the Ori... If that's the case, I think SG-1 should find a way to deactivate her personal shield and lock her up there.

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I was screaming 'throw some sand' in my head while they were still expalining 'localised temporal distortion'. I also guessed the fire thing while they were searching.


The Orisi turning out ot be the 'librarian' was actually a plot twist that I didn't expect. I thought he would've just exploded in a fireball like a prior.


This did feel rushed which added a little to the tension but not so much since they still have another ten episodes to go and no 'the world's gonna end' sub-plot this time.


I expected one of them to bring up the dragon at the end.

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Yeah, the Orsi being the librarian was a bit of a surprise... the setup wasn't hugely surprising but I'd have thought she'd just send a Prior... although, I guess he'd have been toasted by the Mitchel.


Personally, I wouldn't have trusted Baal - and wouldn't be surprised if he was lying about knowing the dragon's name. Like he hasn't betrayed them at every possible oppurtunity.

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Pretty good episode. I did think it was a tad rushed. Didn't see the Orisi thing coming, plot twists are always a nice surprise.


Though the Guardian is a toss up. On one hand, ok cool a pretty nice CGI dragon. On the other hand, it's alot smaller than I expected a dragon to be in the SG-1 universe and two Baal just happens to know the name of it without explaining how he managed to get ahold of it? Either Baal is holding out on them or thats just a small note of weak writing.


And the whole thing between the Orisi and Daniel was stupid. He acted shocked he couldn't pick up the Sangraal, it was a hologram. They knew they'd have to face the Guardian before gaining access to the Sangraal why be all shocked when it's a hologram? They knew what was coming...


Overall, great episode with a few plotholes, on par with usual.

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I don't think its going to be Ori. merlin, perhaps. Or Aurthur, even would make sense.


As to the Orisi, they may not have to lock her up, if she has lost her powers, that may be the final straw Daniel needs to prove to her that the Ori are not who they present themselves to be. After all, why should the power NOT be hers? IF they are truely these beneficient beings that only want to enlighten their followers, etc...then why should "her" powers not be hers.


Unless, of course, that's part of the power of the sangraal.


Overall, I agree, it was one fo the better episodes this year.

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I thought this was quite a good episode although i have to agree - the Orisi has become a bit weak :stare:


The Orisi twist was really cool however and the cliffhanger was really nice - shame we have to wait so long till the next episode :(

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