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So... that Axis of Evil


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So, we had President Bush make the much vaunted "Axis of Evil".


Which - for those who may have forgotten - comprised North Korea, Iran and Iraq.


So, after having named that "axis", Iraq has been invaded... but what did those other two crazy evil powers do?


THEY WENT AND MADE NUCLEAR WEAPONS. It's laughable that even now, Whitehouse briefings are STILL giving us rhetoric about Iraq making threats, funding terrorists etc. At least the guy didn't say anything about WMDs, eh? Just as well.


Naturally, I'm not suggesting that even Bush's administration was blinkered or negligent enough to ignore the problems of either Iran or North Korea but quite frankly, the fact that they were allowed to slip by the wayside... probably hasn't helped with how things are now and generally, the time the guys have got a nuke is a bit late to be taking action to stop them from making one.

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They were saying today that any nuke North Korea had would be roughly as big as the ones they used at the end of WWII and they don't really have the capability to deliver one by anything other than -boat.


Some White House fool also said that the world is definitely safer now with Saddam out of power than it was before. Which is contradicted by basic facts that are becoming more and more apparent, eventually they won't be able to say that any more either, like the WMDs thing, it willl be 'We invaded Iraq ande, er... yeh.'

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For anyone that wants to say things are "better" in Iraq now... well, there are quite a lot of


For North Korea, it's not the actual viability of the weapons they have - I believe experts when they say that it's a large, primitive bomb that North Korea lacks an efficient delivery system for.


It's more the prestige element though. It has been said that until they got nukes Pakistan was regarded as a 3rd world country waiting to collapse...

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chappelle said it best.....


"OIL....... who said anything bout oil.... you cooking b*tch????"


*spils glass of water to create a diversion whilst hime & his crew leg it!!!*



that clip still make me laugh!!!!! ROLAF.....


maybe it on you tube!!!! lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol




it was there. check it for old times sake..






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