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Fate of Gay/Straight Topic/Poll


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"There is no way that Homosexuality is a disease or physical or mental illness . That is just a cop out . It is a lifestyle that has transcended the many ages of man .from ancient Greece to modern day America . as far as it bieng so unnatural my profession happens to be Greyhound training and many male greyhounds will ride other male greyhounds and many female greyhounds will do the same . There is one particular greyhound in my kennel right now that constantly gets ridden by the other boys


fact is that you are not comfortable with your own sexuality or you would not care"


This a very bold statement for you to make. The implication based on your greyhound observations seem to be that animals aren't interested in who or what they have sex with as long as they are having sex.


My wife is a professional sociologist and she believes that just about all human behavior is socialized, but even she would agree that our social behavior rests on unconcious/biological urges. Psychologists have found that for a limited percentage of human beings they have biological feelings of attraction towards members of the same sex.


Maybe you are right though, this is probably something we straight people don't want to admit. Your greyhounds may showing us that if left to our primitive/cultureless wiles we might all be "bi" to a degree. Maybe society has imposed these rigid systems that force most of us to be straight? Maybe because of this social system, those who can't overcome their biological urges (for whatever reason) feel they have no option but to be gay?


All that being said about biological urges and the fact that there is sicientific evidence that supports the assertion that homosexuality is a naturally occuring phenomenon is by no means meant to ignore the fact that the cultural role of being gay is not necessarily the same as being homosexual.


It is often far to difficult to seperate being homosexual from being gay, just as it is hard to determine what things heterosexuals do are because of their biology and what are because of their culture. Certainly there are things that straight folks find "sexy" and "erotic" today that previous generations would have been turned-off by. What does that type observation mean, were our ancestors socialized to ignore their urges or are we socialized to create urges? Who knows? Maybe who cares?


I firmly believe that their are (1) those that for various reasons, most notably loneliness and rejection, enter into the gay lifestyle seeking support and acceptance whether or not they are really homosexual or not (I have had several friends like this, who given the opportunity would rather be with someone of the opposite sex, but that opportunity never materialized) and (2) those that would be better classified as bi-sexual, but choose a gay lifestyle for various reasons. But these are in the minority of people who are "gay" I am sure. What would/will our feelings about same-sex attraction be if the naked male form were more common in mainstream entertainment? Why do we not seem to mind (and often fantasize about) women at least being able to appreciate the attractiveness of other women's bodies? What is biological, what is pschological, what is sociological?



I think what I am most concerned about is the dogmatic way that everyone is talking about this issue. It seems like many of us beleive that we "know" for sure what homosexuality is and is not. I think biologically, sociological, psychologically, anthropologically, historically, and even philosophically, homosexuality is still very misunderstood. We are still trying to sift our opinions and agendas out of the facts that we can obejctively observe.


In the meantime I think our goal should be to treat homosexuals and the issue of homosexuality with as much respect and deference as we can, always attempting to analyze our own prejudices and biases. Reminding ourselve that whatever we believe (pro or con) we may be wrong!


As someone whose training is in the social sciences and whose career is in education I don't know what I think. As someone who is a religious Catholic, I don't know what I think. As someone who is an American and humanist, I don't know what I think. There is so much to be sorted out on this issue the best thing that I can do is let people be who they need/want/choose to be and I will try to respect them and their needs/choices as best that I can.


I suppose in the end I will appeal to this attempt by the Catholic Church, with its own mixed opinion of homosexuals (love the sinner, hate the sin), to instruct the faithful on how to treat those who are homosexual:


"The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided."


Section 2358 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church



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Thank you Andreas and Elderbear.


OMG - angrypenis!!! This guy needs therapy more than I do. I just need a quick reality check - this is 2005 isn't it?


my faith in humanity has been shattered and confirmed all in one thread!!!!!!!!!!

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I just hope it is done in all seriousness so this isn't just a sneaky attempt to raise debates just to see how people react (pulling a fast one - or just doing so because it's possible)


Why scepticism? Well in Sweden some guys went to extreme lengths in order to really stir up people with a fake church - everything was extremely well done and it seemed very real although extremely bizarre - even compared to some American stuff :D

But I fail to see why anyone would want to bother doing so, but still I'm not convinced...



I don't want to sound (if I can assume that you ARE serious) petty or judgemental but..well let's just say I find it hard to agree with any of those extreme "analyses".



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In my country it is punishabel by law if you drink (anything) and drive... you have to have 0.00 promills of alcohol in blood to drive if you drank just one glass you get punished ... it's like a new law that is very harsh (it's one year old) but I agree with it and I hope it stays cos we had abnormaly many deaths due to driving in alcoholizide state and we have very bad roads but that's beside the point cos if just one glass of alcohol dimineshes your capacity to react properly and drive carefuly it is very much a good law that you are forbiden to drink aything before driving... anyway I just wanted to say that I agree that people should not look at homosexualizam like something bad cos' as long as it is not harming other people it's not. There are many true EVILS around us that people should be conserned about; not about something benign as homosexuality...

o btw I am gay but that does not dimineshes the things I said (posted)... does it? :thinking:


Not in the slightest! I think zero-tolerance DUI laws make more sense than those currently on the books in America. In my state, you can legally drive after drinking as long as your driving is not impaired and your blood alcohol level is < 0.08%


This allows people to drink - which may very well impair their ability to judge whether or not they should be driving - and then forces them to make a critical decision about whether or not to drive ... It's kinda crazy.


The zero-tolerance laws make it pretty clear up front. Make a choice: are you going to drink or drive tonight?


Inapropriate content edited out.

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OMG! This has nothing to do with the topic! Well, stand me crooked in the corner while gay men beam me with their vampire eyes!





:thinking: :rolleyes: :cyclops: :stare: ;) :p



uhaahhah ohh... sorry couldn't help myself :D :D :D


aaaaaaaaaalright enough of my going off topic :D

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Isn't a photograph a fact? What is your explanation for the bodily posture shown in the photo?


I continue to insist that we can all decide for ourselves, we don't need no stinkin scientist to tell us what to think. Look at the pictures and provide an alternate theory for why they look the way they do. Prove that my theory is incorrect.


My thoughts are based on a familiarity with and study of the human body. I may use analogy and metaphore to explain it but the theory is based on observation and study.


Hey, Boris, I think this will probably be my last response to you. If photos are facts, then notice the one c0g referenced - homosexuals can fly.


I'm not going to argue with your thoughts about the human body. You've already stated that we don't need science in this discussion - so it's only a matter of personal interpretation. I leave you to yours - and I've passed on references to angrypenis.org to a number of friends and family members who need a laugh.


How do I explain the posture in that photograph? It's a pose, dude! Just a pose. None of us even know if the model is gay or not. You assumed that he was and then concluded that his pose was based on a structural defect. That's not even a good observation - and it comes nowhere close to science.


Enjoy your site and your views ... I leave you to them with the brightest of blessings on my lips and a big old chuckle.


And if you're a troll, you've provided a lot of entertainment - thanks!

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i'm offering no evidence or sources for this, and also no opinions. just relating what a friend of mine has told me and what I have seen


a friend is a pig farmer and a very successful breeder as was his father and father before him, etc. etc. you get the picture, these guys have been farming for generations.


a good few years back he bought this young boar, champion stock, he nurtured it, fed it up, waiting for the day when it improved his bloodline.


The big day came and forget it! No interest in females at all, he prodded it, poked it, given half a chance he'ld have shot it full of viagra!


He shoved it in with the young males, figuring, we'll try tomorrow, we now have a very agressive and dominant male, not a backside was safe in the pen!


I was amazed, my mate wasn't, "OMFG a bender!" or words to that effect was all he said.


Basically you get gay pigs, breeders have apparently always known that, there's nothing you can do.


he also said he was against using artificial insemination from that boar to improve that line, as he said "You just get more poof pigs!"


Apocraphyl I know but interesting

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Does it really matter who is gay or straight? I came here because of my love for science fiction. Btw I'm transexual' date=' how does that affect my love of sci-fi - it doesn't!!!!![/quote']


You are my Heroine of the Moment*, you know! I honor your courage to "come out." And your avatar shows a beautiful young woman - be true to yourself, and that beauty will always be there, even when you get old and wrinkled - you'll continue to radiate beauty from the heart!




* My longtime heroines include Emma Goldman, Dorothy Day, both my Grandmothers, my Sister, my Mother, Eleanor Roosevelt, Susan Sarandon, Katherine Hepbern, and a few others (plus countless, nameless women who have struggled and suffered throughout the ages, but never given up). You'll probably end up on that permanent list.


Britanny Spears is very unlikely to EVER come close to that list.


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From the fourth page of the topic (slightly edited for brevity):


What do they teach people in science class these days? Do they still make you take science class? The ones where they teach you about experiments and testing your hypothesis and that kind of stuff?


Yes. That's the kind of science classes I took. That's also the procedure I use when tracking down a software or hardware bug.


Where are experimental results and observations that disprove your null hypothesis? Have you done them? Have others done them and published them? In peer-reviewed journals? What are the margins of error? Is the effect a correlation? If so, what is the demonstration of causation? What is your uncertainty level?


If you cannot answer questions like these, you're not offering science, you're peddling belief. And I already have a belief, thank-you.


My questions are in teal - and to the best of my reading, you have not responded to them.


I had a wonderful homosexual man in my anger management class today. He stood up straight, he sat straight. He didn't lean to one side or the other. His clothing wasn't skin-tight, but wasn't baggy either. I didn't measure the length of his arms or feet, but they appeared equal. When he stands up, his shoulders are level and his fingertips are at essentially the same level.


You asked me to disprove your "theory?" I offer a real-life observation of a counter-example. Not just a pose of somebody that one person surmised to be homosexual. My observation of a homosexual person observed over the course of nearly 2-1/2 hours. My observation was more thorough than yours, and less biased (in the scientific sense, not the pejorative sense). I will continue to amass observations of homosexuals and heterosexuals and see what the evidence suggests.


Yeah, I know I said I would probably not discuss this with you further - but then I noted I'd never responded to your request for me to clarify where my unanswered questions are. I also didn't mean to be too rude - I'll be happy to converse with you on other subjects - and even this one, if you take a measured, empirical (if not scientific) approach. But I'm not gonna debate opinion - you have yours and I have mine. So mote it be.

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Read it. Learn it. Live it.


im sorry i do joke and carry on a bit here but that is TRULY OFFENSIVE!!!! i am appalled that someone would make such a crude and insensitive joke in this forum!!!!! this is not funny!!!!!

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Read it. Learn it. Live it.


#Total Edit#


But everybody wins in the Special Olympics. Unlike arguments (f2f or internet) that get out of hand and everybody loses.


I've known people with severely learning disabled children. I wouldn't want to offend them. But while the post was un-PC, the point isn't to make fun of children with problems - it is aimed at adults who ought to know better (like me) than to act the way they're acting!


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I currently at a stage where my therapist is deciding if I am suitable for HRT. My Avatar is really me' date=' judge for yourself.[/quote']




If you don't mind my asking (c0g is pro TMI) assuming you get the go ahead for the hormones, do you know yet if it is a move towards surgery or not? One of my best friends has been doing the HR therapy for years, but has no intention of getting cut.


However, Again would it matter if someone here was a transvestite (as in the fetish)? Surely it is their love of sci-fi (whether it be Star Trek, Star Wars, BSG, B5 or doctor Who etc) which is important.


Of course it matters!!! What are you talking about? Are you crazy? It damned well matters. Sheesh!!! Doctor Who fans indeed! That's only for THOSE types. That show's like what? 50 years old or something... And have you seen the size of that scarf?




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Occasional episodes of gay sex will likely not cause a person any problems. It is people who are long term gay or people engaged in promiscuous sex or masturbation that usually show these symptoms.



Damn..., no wonder why my body has leaned to the right a bit for so long now...


Guess I must have stroked my :mad: angry :mad: penis a few times too many over the years...



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