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It's also totally bad-ass how it can turn it's upper body like a turret, so no more sneaking up behind it!



This was actually something that Raymond Cusick wanted for the orignal Dalek concept that was dropped for bugetary considerations. The hemispheres along the "skirt" of the dalek was also envisioned to change color to reflect the Dalek"s emotional state. Even the concept of the Doctor fleeing from his people following a disaterous TimeWar (that concept got dropped during the development of the pilot).


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I'll be glad if they get rid of the trailers. They did a really good job setting up a cliff hanger at the end of aliens of london, I know we all already knew they'd get out of it fine but they still completely ruined the suspense showing the trailer.

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Coolcat, I heard about the lack of trailer when I read the Fear Factor page at the official BBC site, but I think it may have been due to the fact the kids had a preview copy of DALEK and not the final release (like 'Rose' leak). Also you may notice the lack of detail in the fear factor so as not to give us any spoilers, just the kids/parents reactions throughout the 45 minutes. Heres the text....(my comments in red) NO SPOILERS, Just reactions


bbc.co.uk's Fear Forecasters count the cushion-clutching in episode six, Dalek:




(1) Samuel engrossed, 'That's sad.'


(2) Titles crash in. Amy is puzzled - 'Is it finished now?' (awww bless her lol)


(3) Quite unsettling. Amy behind Mum 'I don't like this bit.'


(4) Samuel laughs. Amy smiles. 'I like this bit.'


(8) Harry, opened mouthed.Samuel's eyes are stood out on stalks, too. 'That's scary,' says Adam. Amy is unperturbed. (Wow, scary in 8 minutes, cool)


(9) Samuel is amazed, Adam is amused. Amy is more cautious and frowns.


(11) A cushion clutching moment for all the kids. Adam covers his mouth in shock.


(12) A minute later Adam's laughing.


(15) Samuel winces.


(17 - 19) Edge of seat stuff. Adam, Harry and Samuel agog,'I never knew... *that*!' (I wonder, what wouldnt kids 'know')


(22) Adam groans in dismay. Samuel looks very serious. Harry is thoroughly engrossed.


It's all a bit much for Amy - she decides that the best way to watch this action-packed sequence is by doing a handstand on the sofa. She remains like this, on and off, for the next ten minutes.


(30) Impressed smiles all round.


(33) 'I know what will happen!' predicts Harry, smiling confidently. He's wrong. Scary.


Samuel's bottom lip sticks out. He puts his head in his hands.


(34) Amy frowns. (girls pa :) )


(37) The whole family grin.


(40) Harry moves closer to the telly to get a better view. Amy grimaces. Samuel busily starts drawing.


(42) Mum and Dad try not to blub. (?? )Samuel is still busy with his illustration.


(44) Episode ends, and there's no trailer on the preview tape. 'Awww!' shout the boys.


PS: I hope someone is doing 'Confidential' tonight, as last weeks instalment took almost a day longer to get here as opposed to the previous weeks, I feel that this weeks confidential will be as exciting as the episode, looking forward to it eagerly and with thanks!

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That was definitely the best episode of the series so far 10/10!!! Rob sherman definitely my favourite writer. I really hope that,as rumoured, the final 2 stories of this series involve the Daleks!!!!!


And a cyberman cameo too!!!!


BTW did anyone else notice that the helicopter at the start was called Bad Wolf? more foreshadowing now we know that that is the title of epsiode 12.

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So, THATS what Dalek balls do hehe!


Oh My word!! It floats!!!

I take it youve never seen Remembrance Of the Daleks! (1988)


Terrific stuff, also loved the classic cyberman head :) A lot of emotion from the Dr in this one, anger too, but then again he seems to get a bit emotional when the Time War comes up. A bit sad to see the Dalek 'changing', when the tentacle come out towards Rose, I thought, NO PLEASE, dont even go there BBC!


Yup I noticed the Bad Wolf callsign too. More intrigue. And is episode 12 really called Bad Wolf? Or is it still rumour!


Well that definitely sounds like the end of the Daleks, perhaps thats why the Nation family agreed for a comeback...a one off special it seems, hope Im wrong tho.


I dont really understand why theyve taken the direction of Rose touching the Dalek so it absorbed geneteic blah blah and so on, what about all the previous Dalek stories where people have touched them (there must be some surely).


Anyway Im not gonna get technical, just loved the story, PLEASE someone upload it so I can see it again! j/k tho, anytime!


The next week trailer was a bit of an anti-climax. And I hope they drop that stoopid twat Todd and send him back to Coronation Street, if he stays I think itll suck, unless RTD is going for a love quadrangle Rose-The Doctor-Todd Twat (didnt catch his name, didnt care) and Mickey, boy, theres a storyline to lose ratings! :)

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The next week trailer was a bit of an anti-climax. And I hope they drop that stoopid twat Todd and send him back to Coronation Street, if he stays I think itll suck, unless RTD is going for a love quadrangle Rose-The Doctor-Todd Twat (didnt catch his name, didnt care) and Mickey, boy, theres a storyline to lose ratings! :)


I didn't mind him, but he's only in next weeks episode according to the epsode guide on Outpost Gallifrey. The new possible companion is Captain Jack Harkness, from what I've read; a rogue in the Capt Jack Sparrow mode.


The thing we now know that the Daleks and the Time Lords were wiped out together (ah, some much for the Faction Paradox idea), so if it's true that the last two episodes are a Dalek invasion then there must be more Time Lords. Perhaps the Time Lords tricked the Doctor in into believing Gallifrey was destroyed and they were all dead. And maybe the Doctor finds this out in Boom Town when (again according to rumour) he meets the Master (or at least someone he thought was dead.


All this speculating is so fun. Wonder what Bad Wolf is tho, perhaps an anagram? Anything in the classic series that might give a clue?

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