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According to Outpost Gallifrey it got 7.83 million viewers on average and 8.73 at it's peak, still it was the most watched TV program in in British Isles on saturday night.


These figure are mainly estimates tho and usually on the low side. The BARB poll is usually higher so I would expect around 9 million viewers.

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It does seem that the Daleks do make some sort of return in the last two episodes of the series,. I"ve seen one site that lists Nick Briggs (Dalek Voices) on the credits for epsiodes 12 and 13.


Although it's not specific about the episodes, Briggs is creditted on IMDB as being in 4 episodes. See here.


This fts in well with my theory that Davros is the "believed dead" character that appears in "Boom Town". I might actually be onto something. :thinking:


That"s different. :p



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I dunno, theres a long list of characters that the Doc could have thought dead, were automatically thinking of the obvious, Master, Davros etc. So who else could possibly turn up...and no, not Dirty Den from eastenders, hes most DEFINITELY dead this time. :)


What about Lytton, he was involved with both the Daleks & The Cybermen, and hed be one who the Dr thought dead on Telos.


Adric..hes supposed to be dea....ok stop Wedge!


Seriously though, its gonna be full scale specualtion until episode 11-12 unless we get another Canadian leak!

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Not having watched the original series much after the Tom Baker/Davison years, was "Dalek" the first time we've ever seen a totally shirtless Doctor? And are (were) all Time Lords so hairless?


Inquiring minds...



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you know I was actually thinking Adric too but alas there is no way .

rewatched Earthshock etc and the Dr was pretty adamant about not bieng able to save Adric


but along those lines maybe it is a former ally thought dead .

will review many eps of classic Dr who for insight

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you know I was actually thinking Adric too but alas there is no way .

rewatched Earthshock etc and the Dr was pretty adamant about not bieng able to save Adric


but along those lines maybe it is a former ally thought dead .

will review many eps of classic Dr who for insight


I always got the impression that it wasn"t so much impossible, as something that should not be done. With the timewar thing, they could easily rewrite one or more aspects of the series history and blame it on the timewar.


As for "Boom Town", the "dead" being could be practically anyone. At least anyone believed to be dead. This could even be old companions who "don"t belong" in the current setting. For example, finding Jamie MCCrimmon in the 21st century (should have died many years ago).

In fact, the "dead" being could even be a new character from the Doctor"s past. Anyone from Susan to a Sontaran, to someone who died in the new series.



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Yeah probbably 'Wilson' the electrician from Rose's shop basement lol.


As for a shirtless Doctor, the only other time I can recall is when Jon Pertwee jumped into the shower in Spearhead From Space. And he was a little hairy, hard to tell with his blondeness. He even had a tattoo, the timelords must have had a bit of fun with him when they gave him Pertwees body! :)

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The 'presumed dead'? I think it will be a 'classic' enemy.


Adric? Unlikely as from the small blurbs around it seems to be a sinister reunion, not a happy one.


Davros? Has been ressurected virtually every time he's appeared. Very likely and would feed into the last 2 episodes nicely.


The Master? Is he supposed to be dead? I thought he was alive after 'the movie' but the Doctor said in 'Dalek' he's the last Time Lord so its possible.


The Rani? Please God no..........


The Cybermen? Also unlikely as theres been no mention of them in connection with the new series.


My vote goes with the Master, seeing him and the Doctor joining forces and then heading into the Time Wars together......




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Davros and the Master would be also be the easiest to introduce to new viewers.


I agree. I think the Master is more likely, until the Daleks are more established in the new series.

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Where has it come from that 12 & 13 are anything to do with the Time War?


Pretty much from the "Bad Wolf" bit. From most accounts episodes 12 & 13 deal with a Dalek invasion of Earth, modern day.

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Where has it come from that 12 & 13 are anything to do with the Time War?


Pretty much from the "Bad Wolf" bit. From most accounts episodes 12 & 13 deal with a Dalek invasion of Earth, modern day.


And The Radio Times Episode Guide mentioning Daleks in those episodes.

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lol - Certainly more sinister than than the return of the Dalek, Cybermen and The Master.


Until someone proves my wrong I going to stick with my pet theory that BAD WOLF is Fenric. (I know it's probably wrong, but hey I cant think of anything else).

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