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Dr. Who Ep. 9 (Spoilers)


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Well I thought I would kick things off this week , so here we go.


This is quoted from episode description at the beebs web site.


London, 1941, at the height of the Blitz. A mysterious cylinder is being guarded by the army, while homeless children, living on the bombsites, are being terrorised by an unearthly child.


Interesting choice of words don't you think? The first episode of Dr. Who was called "An Unearthly Child." Could we be being prepared for a reintroduction to Susan? What are your thoughts? Is this purely coincidence or is it a cleverly crafted plan by RTD to seduce the fans of the original series?


Hmmmm. . .

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That's a good spot there, it'll be interesting to see if RTD is pitching towards fans of the old series, like me, or has a bigger plan. Also I'll be curious to see if they throw in another Bad Wolf reference, and if so - what will it be :)?

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i think it would be unlikely that a Bad Wolf refernce wouldnt be included...hehe he might even continue the trend AFTER the episode Bad Wolf, or he might start dropping season 2 clues in. Either way, I love the 'Wheres Wally' (Wheres Waldo) bit of each episode now, makes you watch deeper!


Not sure on the Susan clue, if it was her as the Unearthly Child, why would she be terrorising anyone, let alone children. But it may be another RTD clue towards Boomtown when yes, I think Susan may be a high contender to be the one that the Doctor discovers is not dead!


Thinking back to the end of Dalek Invasion, Susan was staying on with David to 'rebuild' London (and Earth basically). Isnt the use of the word Boom Town referring to someplace that is doing well ie. getting bigger and better. Which is what London would be in Susans post Dalek Invasion time. You never know, well just have to wait the next few weeks, but my money is on Susan.


I think this Jack character looks good, hes obviously making an impression on Rose (Jack and Rose? Hope thats not a nod to Titanic). I didnt quite see what kind of machinery he was operating in the clip but is this guy another time traveller or criminal genius?

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London' date=' 1941, at the height of the Blitz. A mysterious cylinder is being guarded by the army, while homeless children, living on the bombsites, are being terrorised by [b']an unearthly child[/b].

the bbc doctor who website talks about "the empty child"... where did you get that "unearthly child" from?

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I don;t know if any of you are familiar with The Tick cartoon series... but from what I've seen of this up comming episode from the BBC website's photo gallery, the whole deal reminds me A LOT of the pilot Episode of The Tick, and the villians are a lot like The Idea men. Guys in the big coats, the gas masks, even down to the airship.... strange... yet cool...

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You know you're right there. I used to watch The Tick a lot, I have the live action version now...that's quite funny.


But they also remind me of something else, probably the stereotypical video-game badguys I get to design and write about.

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Those nurses and gas masks just seem to have a sinister 'Silent Hill' feel to them, thats my initlal feeling....oh but that would be so cool!


Seems to me like this Jack Harkness is gonna be in it til the end of the season, looking at the credits for each episode. Surely not a more stable companion after the disaster of Adam.

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Just wondering why Captain Jack is in 1940's and if he's got his own method of travel why does he join the TARDIS crew?


Possibly he needs the Doctor to take him to find some sand so he cam make some glass and blow a new vacuum tube for his reticular vector gauge, or something.


Sorry, just being silly, but the original questions still stand.

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I'm new here but I have been following the posts ... and I was wondering ... as far as I know, the doctor has always had one or more companions but there's never been anything between them?! But I'm pretty much certain there's a certain something developing between the doctor and rose?

I haven't seen the new episode, though ... will have to wait until someone torrents it.


Incidentally, my mum's seen part of the Tom Baker series while she was in London for a bit ... but I've never seen any of it (old or new) ... when i was a kid, i used to scrounge the second hand book stores for the Target Publications of Doctor Who ... but nothing has ever aired here and IMHO is not likely to ever air here either ...


I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you guys for all the wonderful stuff I'm getting a chance to watch because of you!




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Just wondering why Captain Jack is in 1940's and if he's got his own method of travel why does he join the TARDIS crew?


Dunno we'll have to wait until next weeks episode, but I can only assume that something'll happen to his ship...


An ok episode.. I didnt realise it was a 2 parter, until it got to the end. I was thinking to myself this is taking ages to get anywhere...

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Well the BBC screwed me over and aired a half hour earlier. So I went as usual to try and get a half decent picture at 6:55 and it was nearly over I couldnt believe it, so im waiting for the file to finish then Ill comment.

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Well the BBC screwed me over and aired a half hour earlier. So I went as usual to try and get a half decent picture at 6:55 and it was nearly over


I don't even live in the UK and I've known they were airing it early for at least the last 2 weeks, possibly 3. Interestingly enough, I haven't seen any of the series as at my connection speed it'd take days to download a single episode. A friend is supposed to be getting them for me but he hasn't managed a single episode yet. He does tell me they're quite good.

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Well the BBC screwed me over and aired a half hour earlier. So I went as usual to try and get a half decent picture at 6:55 and it was nearly over I couldnt believe it' date=' so im waiting for the file to finish then Ill comment.[/quote']


It caught me out as well, thank god for here.


And while I'm at it, a big welcome to Flamewinds!

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