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rate BadWolf


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I had to vote the top option, The BBC have finally created a top notch series (or should i say continue)..this season has been a huge joy to watch without any doubt, will miss chris as the doctor has he has done a brilliant job acting as the Dr, rose and captain jack have hugely fitted into the series as well.


memerable lines in badwolf


rose "oh my god the android.............the ann droid" lmao had me laughing with reference to the old battle axe ann robinson.


Capt jack "am i naked infront of million of viewers" "ladies...your viewing figures have just gone up"


I probably get some people disagreeing with this following statement but what the hell its just my opion, Dr Who verus ST:Enterprise season 4..........the Doctor is miles and miles better and thats coming from a trationally star trek fan. ITs dark, exciting, witty, well written, full of suspense and makes you dying to see what the next episode is gonna be like.

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I actually loved the preview of next weeks, first watched it last night and thought "holly shite!!!!".


I think i have watched and rewinded the preview about a dozen times as well as re-watched the whole episode 3 times already.


Love the part in the preview


dalek "launch missiles.....exterminate" then the woooosh of the daleks missiles, Tardis spinning into action against the daleks, jack shouts "we have incoming" thousands of flying daleks deploy from there ship "this is it ladies and gentleman we are at war"


I cant honestly say when the last time i thought "wowwww that was great" and got excited over a tv series (think last time was Voyager and the end of scorpion part 1).......bloody ell im ment to be 33 FFS, great aint it lol....nice warm fuzzy feelin hehe

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It was what I had hoped for, and then some...

You just can't have a good episode without a confrontation involving Daleks... I know I'll be pacing the floor in anticipation of the next episode. Can't wait to see the who the 'voice' belongs to either, although I have a sneaking suspicion as to whom it is already.



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I do think next week will have something to do with episode 6 "dalek" and I think the key to defeating them has something to do with the dalek in that episode.


But clearly we saw the Dalek self destruct - i think it actually was Davros - The last Dalek episode that had Davros in it saw him escaping from destruction.

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I do think next week will have something to do with episode 6 "dalek" and I think the key to defeating them has something to do with the dalek in that episode.


But clearly we saw the Dalek self destruct - i think it actually was Davros - The last Dalek episode that had Davros in it saw him escaping from destruction.


no it wasnt so clear was it as there was a doubt if it teleported or self destruct

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I could only understand about 50% of the dialogue in this episode, same for many of the other ones. For example, I could not understand a single word that that "Controller" gal said, and in other areas of the episode as well. It seems the background music and other noises, drown things out for me.


Anyone else have this problem?


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I could only understand about 50% of the dialogue in this episode, same for many of the other ones. For example, I could not understand a single word that that "Controller" gal said, and in other areas of the episode as well. It seems the background music and other noises, drown things out for me.


Anyone else have this problem?


No, but then i watched it on BBC 1 - the quality of the download you got may not have been the best.

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Dr Who verus ST:Enterprise season 4..........the Doctor is miles and miles better and thats coming from a trationally star trek fan. ITs dark' date=' exciting, witty, well written, full of suspense and makes you dying to see what the next episode is gonna be like.[/quote']


I'll go one step further and say that Doctor Who, especially this season is far better than Star Trek for all the reasons above. ... and I'm quite a Star Trek fan myself.

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