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Starfleet Academy
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  1. I kinda like it but then again I like b-movies :) I can't wait for the dvd to come out. Here's hoping they don't double dip
  2. its called having a far better graphics card, very fasy processor and a boat load of Memory, thats why it should of been better graphically. So it doesn't matter how the game was made as long as you have a good graphics card?
  3. I don't know why you'd think the pc version would be any better than the console. The first battlefront was better. I can't stand this one.
  4. From what I've heard ipods aren't all that reliable. Seems like Apple is becoming the new Microsoft for the media world.
  5. DRM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_rights_management it basically protects the file from being copied are changed. the reason I say it's going to be crappy quality is cause itunes songs are crappy quality. Well, it's not crap but it's far from cd quality, so paying a dallor per song is a bit of a rip off in my opinion. Ipods are more of a fashion statement for people with money. I mean look at this http://shop.riptopia.com/Browse_Item_Details.asp/Item_ID/121/categ_id/10/parent_ids/0,10/Name/Shugabuds
  6. garbage! Still don't see why they can't just release the eps for free with ads. I'd rather buy the dvds of a series than pay 2 dallors for a crappy quality ep and I'm sure they'll be laced with drm
  7. I still don't understand why they would take a 3 month break? Isn't this how shows loose viewers, when networks fickle with airing dates and time slots?
  8. You are Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer). You have many personalities. You are a leader, a fighter, a lover, but also a killer. It's best to stay on your good side.
  9. these primetime network sci-fi tv shows always end up getting canceled, no point in watching it. Plus, it sux.
  10. That's exactly why I won't watch it. Though, I could use something new to watch. Farscape has left a huge gap in my tv watching... to watch or not to watch... :(
  11. I hope the second has more strategy in it. The first one ended right when it started to get a little more complex and fun.
  12. I've recently gotten into farscape. I can't say I'm in love with it but I do look forward to it after a hard days work.
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