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Everything posted by Potato

  1. Doctor Who: Earthshock The Velvateen Rabbit Both purchased in the last few days.
  2. Potato

    Dr Who 2006

    If it's a laser, tiltable lens at the tip of the weapon nozzle. Of course, one has to wonder how lazers can stun people in the first place... The laser light overloads the optic nerve causing the brain to shut down to avoid being damaged resulting in a state that could be considered "stunned" but is more accurately rendered as "unconcious."
  3. Hey I don't hate the TV Movie. You're generalizing that there is a generalized hatred. Don't you know that generalizing is wrong? It leads to rampant generalization and, generally speaking, no one likes that. :p
  4. Just to add some more fuel to the fire of your conversation. The Hugo Awards (the biggest, best awards in Science Fiction) have given 3 Stories from last season a nomination for best dramatic presentation (short form) and they are: Dalek - Shearman Father's Day - Cornell Empty Child and The Doctor Dances - Moffatt Looks like the Hugo's don't think much of RTD's writing either. Me I don't have a problem with it. Now, Toby Whithouse on the other hand better do something spectacular with the story they swiped from me or I'll be really miffed.
  5. A clone from the Tenth Doctor's hand would be the Tenth Doctor's clone, not the Ninth's.
  6. Have we had the object of derision known as Kandyman?
  7. Does that mean we both missed each other's sarcasm or perhaps our sarcasms cancelled each other out. Any way, I'll use Neeva (The Face of Evil) so that's A to ya'll.
  8. Potato

    Dr Who 2006

    That was K-9 Mark II....we're not talking about him right now. ;)
  9. Once again someone has failed to see the humour inherint in the post, sigh. So we have an S... have we had Shrivenzale? if not it's E to you...
  10. Potato

    Dr Who 2006

    Not to mention he was stolen and canibalised, by that evil chick from Robot, in the Sarah Jane Audios.
  11. I finally landed a copy of Parkin's Gallifrey Chronicles!!! Happy Easter to me and God Bless us Everyone! Oh wait, that's Christmas. Oh well, Who cares; it's still applicable.
  12. Pella, Maybe you should have done these by Doctor, we might have had more agreement. The way it is it's almost a favorite Doctor poll. Just a thought.
  13. Looks like Genesis wins. What say ye, Pella?
  14. Hoothi - Mentioned in Brain of Morbius and seen in the Novel Love and War. So who as an I. (I've got two of them!!!! I also think I used this joke earlier in the thread.)
  15. Besides it's not like I could have seen Dimensions in Time since it has never and will never air in the States. I mean I'd have to buy a bootleg copy at a convention or illeagally download it! ;)
  16. Yeah, but WHO counts Dimensions in Time? Even the novels claim it was a bad dream of the Doctor's.
  17. Not specifically, but my direct supervisor does. When he's in he watches FOX News. We just put on half a dozen TVs all tuned to the same chanel so we can see and hear it from just about anywhere we might be working. There's also a DVD player hooked to all the TVs. It's pretty sweet, shame the actual job sucks.
  18. The Rani isn't in Mawdryn Undead, so I doubt her Tardis is. In point of fact I don't think her TARDIS was ever an obelisk, in any of her appearances.
  19. Potato

    Dr Who 2006

    I got it from the tooth and claw section on the mindrobber web site. They have screen grabs for several episodes from the trailer. I mirrored it to get it facing the right way.
  20. While your talking about the Ka Faraq Gatri (The Oncoming Storm), has anyone else noticed all the NA/MA continuity links in the new series?
  21. We are looking for an r......Arrrrrrgh!
  22. Potato

    Dr Who 2006

    Your not getting refreshed properly...It's Tooth and Claw now!!!
  23. Sarah Jane Smith (plated by Liz Sladen) is under the spider.
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