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Everything posted by Chiggy

  1. Chiggy

    Rip Richard Pryor

    Sure......I know who he is. I heard he had a few million to waste in one of his films.......lol Awesome film and very funny. I`ll always remember him for that one film. Of course I've seen SIII.......he was the IT expert with the design for the super computer.......am I showing my age!?! Its a shame he couldnt make an appearance in one of the new Superman films.
  2. Ive noticed that Channel 5 have purchsed the rights to show Voyager. Two Episodes are back to back on a saturday night......dont miss out.
  3. The big problem is I dont own a Klingon Bird of Prey....... Theres nothing I can do............but what our US forum members can do is vote against this arse whos polluting the universe.
  4. Well look on the bright side.............Sc-Fi shows wont need to build any stages to create post apocalyptic landscapes.........all they need do is film it in the back yard of the old USA! It is a terrible attitude to take...........but its the poor truth of the matter. More capitalists I am afraid! Such a shame there wont be a Kirk to save us.........no number of hump-back whales will help.
  5. Well said.........but thats more that one word. Call me the diplomat, but if a women said that to me I`d steam in with a flurry of blows. .......only jesting!
  6. Simple answer........the US makes shed loads of money from its industry. It will never shut it down for fear of destabalising its economy and creating mass un-employment..........having said, its ok to destroy the world........let future generations worry about that.
  7. Is this a serious thread? :-) Your forgetting one important point............... the Borg even though they have assimilated huge amounts of technological data from other cultures can still only operate with resources available to them. This is their constraint. One borg with out a cube would be limited to resources found on Earth. Not all of the elements that are known do exist in the periodic table have been discovered on earth and it is believed that these exist in outer space.......so with out a cube or transporation device to extract ore the Borg would be forced to work with the only the elements that are present on earth. Even if the Borg used its incredible knowledge of materials to form some sort of super a alloy of metals it wouldnt be long before scientists could break down the composition and develop a weapon to combat it. Steve.
  8. Ive got an annoying word......"BASICALLY".......often used by techno-phobes before they are about to explain anything in some vain attempt to make them look intelligent. Basically gets my vote every time........because the reality is the explanations arent basic at all you just sound like an arse using the word!
  9. Sadly the buzz of blind love doesnt last forever......it may take a month or a year but realisation is never far away. You start sitting back chatting to friends and looking what they have got. If they have more than you or are in a better position you do start to ask questions and wonder why you arent the same. For some people its about the better car, the better house etc etc. I call it material living and I want nothing to do with it!
  10. Its a big show trail. The big problem is that if they execute him it may de-stablise Iraq even more.......is thats possible! This war should not of been.......America should of just kept on bombing supsect nuclear processing plants and left it at that.
  11. I wouldnt disagree with anything thats been said here. It is wrong to hate a whole sex based upon the actions of a few individuals in your life who just happened to be male or female. After all this is the 21st Century we are in and we are all equals. If you asked me who I hate, I`d say capitalists. They are the boring people who just live their lives for money. They will never reach self actualisation because all they are motivated by is greed. Through Capitalism people have become selfish and in-ward thinking. In any relationship your always thinking 'what am I gaining from this'? The answer is simple if your partner or best friend ditches you for no reason its because they have found a better situation to be in. Dont hate them for it.......just accept it, because they are acting with the majority to better themselves. ...........Remember the kid from school who had all the best toys and thus had lots of friends? The kids that were his/her friends were not really interested in the person it was just the toys. That kind of relationship occurs in many instances in adult life.......people are more interested in what they can gain from others.........be it status, money or a better way of life. The thing is you can be ugly, a horrible person but if you've got lots of money the opposite sex will love you anyway. Coin has been made the most important commodity in this world and every day we are blitzed with marketing media that tells us we must buy this product to look 'cool' in front of our friends. You might think I`m sick and twisted because of what Ive written here but remember I`m not talking about all people, just the majority..........if you have friends or other people close to you who enjoy your company for who you are not what you've got.........look after them and treat them well. The biggest mistakes I have made in my life were letting some of the good people I have described above go, for whatever immature reason. You could learn by what I have written in the above paragraph and remember not to repeat my mistake. In this world you cannot buy trust.....in my opinion that is the most valuable commodity in modern society. You can keep the money.......and I`ll take the trust! Thats my Jerry Springer for today!
  12. I was going to suggest that!.........but I dont think chicks would like it. Too much chiggy bashing and it would be long before they would get bored and be wanting you to buy them another pair of shoes. Women that like Sc-Fi are rare........the ones that Ive known generally like horror or x-files type mystery shows. The chances of them jumping around and getting excited at the point where Spock kills Kirk are a big fat zero. If was trying to impess some women I may pretend I liked Bridget Jones Diary not Sc-Fi HA HA HA........But if they've seen enough of Bridget Jones pull out the new series of Doctor Who! What a traitor to the cause! :D
  13. I guess you guys must be better story writers than I. :-) For me its so hard to see past the Trek thats already been made. The enemies, technology, characters might change but whats the point in retelling the same story over and over. Oh look its another planet episode oh looks its another space episode. A shallow view but thats been the format for trek since the stone age. Ok so its a very narrow minded view of Trek but I`m getting the vibe that the general public (i dont mean the hardcore fan base) think they have seen it all so Paramount wont throw millions at Star Trek anymore. The next re-invention of Star Trek will have have to be something very special indeed. Steve.
  14. Lucas is tweaking Nathanson's Indy IV script Tuesday, December 6, 2005 - Gilles V FOXNews.com reported that George Lucas went to New York yesterday only to attend the blockbuster premiere of today's hottest adventure film King Kong. Lucas just woke up one Monday morning and said, "Let's go to New York for Peter Jackson and King Kong." But that's not what this news message really is about. Lucas mentioned to FOXNews yesterday that he is now devoting himself full-time to writing and producing Indiana Jones IV: Lucas told me that he's got a script now from Jeff Nathanson, and he's tweaking it. That won't go on forever, he assured me, and filming will occur before Harrison Ford goes into a nursing home. Head over to FOXNews.com for the full report.
  15. .........but theres some bad news.......this film will introduce Indy's daughter. I`m not surprised Harrison Ford is back.........he was a fool not making any more films until now and I think he realises it. To be honest I dont think any of the films hes made after Last Crusade were any good. Wasnt The Fugitive and Air Force 1 about the best out of the bunch? You know Lucas actually admitted he would of liked to of made Flash Gordon rather than Star Wars. Some one should bring back Flash........its a shame Lucas wont ever be silly enough to make that film and kill his own franchise. I hope someone else does though. Steve.
  16. For those that said the ending of Voyager was weak...........were right. I wouldnt of changed the story line I would of made one more episode that explored how the crews lives had changed when they arrived back on Earth. It needed one more episode not alterations to the story. The big problem with Voyager is that now all the Federation have ownership to all the best Borg technology. Who else is there in the universe apart from Q and gang who can rival that power? In a way this how the producers shot themselves in the foot for a new future based series. My own guess would be to create an internal struggle with in the Federation a lot like the Undiscovered Country...........I`m hard pushed to think of anything else?
  17. Sadly Worf isnt an option. Ramming speed!
  18. Remake V........it would be awesome. I guess the only problem that I could see with that is that Independance Day has kind of brain washed non Sc-Fi fans into thinking space ships over capital cities was their idea. V was so cool back in the day. I bought it all on DVD last week......I still liked it. I cannot understand why it used to be shown so late at night? It was a hidden TV gem. P.S. If you think I`m talking rubbish.........look out for V: The Next Generation.......coming soon.........ha ha ha. They will return......sooner than you think thanks to Kenny Johnson. This screeny is for anyone who though V special effect shots were pants .....
  19. Yes it is is confirmed.......personally I was more excited by the announcement of another Indiana Jones film.........with Harrison Ford.
  20. Let me know what you think of it. Some of the vehicles are really well designed.........and some of those genetic experiments ha ha. Well I wont ruin it for you. Just make sure you get back to me. Steve.
  21. Seams insane to use it then.......to put the show on a bad footing even before it kicked off into a series? Steve.
  22. In case anyone on forum has been asleep for the last month Lucas has announced Star Wars Live Action TV. This will a Star Wars TV series that runs to fill in the gaps between episode 3 and 4. Lucas is currently screening potential producers and then once hes hired them will take a back seat and let them do some more damage........ha ha ha. What are your thoughts on this.......Lucas says the series will have a look and feel like the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles.......which in my opinion was crap........so I seriously hope it wont be on par with that! I guess now we know why Lucas is hanging on to a lot of the props........no doubt some more stories about Boba are on the way and how he hunted down all the walking carpets? Its pure speculation that some stories will be taken from comics and books but it would be nice! So forum members.......whats do you think about this.............is it a good thing or just another cash cow for Lucas to milk and build another 10 million dollar extension to his Sky Walker ranch.......you decide. ;)
  23. No way......Wing Commander and SAAB are two different shows. Wing Commander the movie was made after SAAB. Wing Commander was a Star Wars and Galactica wanna-be.....just a computer game with some cut scenes with Mark and some very silly looking giant Ewoks. Go back and have a look at the Graphics of Wing Commander and have a right laugh! I will admit a mother ship that launches lots of smaller ships is a very old idea.........but it wasnt Wing Commanders idea.........that for me is the similarity between Wing Commander and SAAB ends. Still an awesome show that blows away all the newer stuff into space dust. Now where in the hell are the region 2 DVD's Fox? Steve.
  24. Ive got this on VHS. Its great if you've never seen it. If I am not mistaken Iron Maiden bought a lot of the props. Considering this is a film for youngsters its perhaps a little more adult than would first appear. Crowds shouting "Death on him!" and Amazons who have some less than healthy intentions for our Hero 'Wolf' LOL it could only be an 80's film with a lead called 'Wolf'. :-) Steve.
  25. Until now I have been un able to comment on this series because I hadnt seen it........ It is a nice little western type show that takes the Star Wars Western idea a little further. If you had not realised this idea of a Western type culture in space is not original. I can remember as a young child watching a cartoon series called "Brave Star".......ok its was crap as my friend put it, but is still the wild west with future type technology. In that cartoon the characters wouldd ride jet powered horses and the design for those looks a lot like a Firefly. I actually felt insulted with episode one......the pilot......Serenity......did the producers not thnk I would recognise that the body armour used was actually from the film Starship Troopers. In fact if you look closer some of the other props are from the Rambo series of films........I`m not talking about the weapons. People who watch Sc-Fi arent drongos........they are intelligent people who remember details. I dont like being insulted like this. I like teh characters in this series and with out their excellent interaction this show wouldnt have any attraction for me.........a band of anti-heroes but as the series progressed thay just turned into a band of do-gooders which we have seen time and time again. ........now to go watch the film.
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