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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Chiggy

  1. Ha Ha we've heard of Trailer Park Boys here in the UK. I found it sad that people in Canada are so stupid. These people should of been put to sleep long ago. We should have a series like that in the UK.......The Pikee Boys.........based around Irish jippos robbing houses, garden ornaments and visiting leisure centres to have a wash. our trailer park boys also have guns so you wouldnt be missing out on that. Throw in a few Irish folk songs for the theme.........great show concept.
  2. The final episode had to show flash backs because unless your a Star Trek freak you probably couldnt remember season 1 because it was shown years previous. I think you've all been watching too many back to back DIVX episodes.
  3. I thought the DS9 was probably one of the most well thought out endings of any series. I can tell some effort actually went into it unlike all the others.....including Voyager. It brought good closer to Cisco and Gul Du Cot. However I always wondered what Jake would of thought about losing his father?
  4. The whole series is currently doing the rounds at 5.30 every day on free view in the UK.......assuming you live in the UK. You can get your episodes there.
  5. When I was a wee nipper I used to watch an animated series called Ulysees 31. For its day this was a fantastic series and that theme tune was so catchy I can still remember it from all those years ago. The great Mr Niteshadow has of course torrented the entire series. Another one of my favourites (the brain child of the guy who wrote B5) was Jace and The Wheeled Warriors which came a lot later. Such a shame they dont make kids shows like these anymore. Fantastic stuff. Are there any like minded fans on forum? P.S. I can remember thinking those floating lifeless bodies in Ulysees were really freaky! Incase you need a refresh on those theme tunes you can download them here: http://www.sfxb.co.uk/animated/index.html Some one should really take these old shows and give them a new lease of life........in 1998 there was talk of a Ulysees film......its sadly came to nothing.
  6. I can tolerate other peoples beliefs until their beliefs start to encroach upon my own. That is where I draw the line I wont let people walk all over me. I once worked (ha ha) in office where a Muslim girl complained to a line manager because another girl had a small pink plastic model of Winnie the Poohs Piglet sitting on her monitor...........and you know what Piglet had to go. When will this sort of sillyness end?
  7. I was the bloke watching who shouted "jump".
  8. It would appear my post has gone missing so I will tell you why people hate Nemesis....... Because it was marketed as a Gnerations Final Journey.........ie supposed to bring closer to TNG. It did nothing of the sort and I was conned out of a cinema ticket.
  9. Didnt really do that much........I started drinking at 3.30 in the afternoon and left the same pub at 9.00 after a few shandys. Got my arse grabbed by the land ladies daughter whos about 15 years old than me and looks it. The pub was full and I was stood near the front door just in case any young ladies had to get past I`d be sure to brush next to them........sadly it didnt happen on the night. Took the P out of some Chavs who were passing the pub as I left. I shouted "Yeah" in a rap type voice at their clapped out Ford Sierra which they thought was so cool whilst giving them the Devil Salute. Their reply was as impressive as could be expected "Yeah" so I then replied with "nice come back". That was my final bit of Chav bashing for 2005 and it made me smile. Got home watched Zulu on TV and fell a sleep and missed New Year. What a fascinating day dont you think!
  10. Giving Channel 4 was the worst thing could of happened to Star Trek......they show it at totally random times........used to be on sunday nights then Sunday morning tucked in with loads of kids stuff. You have to look hard to try and find episodes on Channel 4.........so hard in fact I cannot be arsed anymore.
  11. I dont believe anyone is going to post Narnia........but they might post Tron because that is sc-fi and a Walt Disney film
  12. I dont read it that way. I think its means the whole lot.......but i did notice its a BBC survey.......so its probably most missed on BBC.
  13. I`ll go with the man with large vegetables any day!
  14. What are these UK muppets talking about.......every Saturday Channel 5 two epsiodes of Voyager back to back......what more do they want!?! Yeah, the A-Team I miss that show........I aint getting on no plane fool! The A-Team was a great inspiration for 6 year olds to beat up their mates. I myself developed an active interest in machine guns. Those were my days of sweet innocence. Why is it they always found a mig welding kit in every show in an abandoned barn? So you can remember that theme.......and you thought 'shit'........thats so damn good I wish I had it on my mobile phone. Well friends theres no more waiting because I made you a ring tone to get those ladies talking. Click Here for the Kick Ass A-Team theme...By Me!! P.S. If you diss it.........and you think you can do better post a link! And if anyone asks you where you got it just say some lonely job less geek from the Star Trek forum plucked a few cords. Any excuse for a jamming sesh!
  15. Yes your right Ms Evap......I am too young to be joking about Thai women next year. But I wouldnt rule out the possibility in later life. Now I wonder if any on this web site like Star Trek ...........
  16. Thats it........I could be the bald bloke in the middle from Thunderbirds!
  17. Sound advice there. I remember before all my friends were married we used to have names for our ex's. "The Manhattan Project" used ring up for mini buses to our house......taxes we didnt need.........or pizzas we never ordered........crazy. I know what I`m getting next year for Christmas...........a Thai lady...........you get no trouble from them........back chat, laziness, clever remarks, cash control problems or cheating are a thing of the past...........they let a man be a man and do what he wants to do.
  18. Its gotta be this one for me ..... I just love it .......its a love story really! That no joke! Nicolas Sinclair is one of the team operating the time travelling APEX (Advanced Prototype Exploration unit) in the year 2073. When one of the APEX probes is accidentally sent back to an area containing a family in 1973, a sterilisation probe is launched to destroy any chance of a time paradox. However Sinclair himself goes back to 1973 to stop the unit - but in doing so he creates a paradox and unleashes a virus. When he returns to 2073 he finds the paradox has created a new timeline where the humans are in a war with APEX units sent from hi timeline to destroy the paradox. Have you seen Terminator - you bet your ass that Phillip J. Roth has! He certainly drew a lot of inspiration from it when he wrote this. Having said that, the story is actually alright - the whole time travel, killer robots thing has been done before, but that doesn't make it less interesting. It doesn't go anywhere unexpected but it is not as bad as you suspect it might be. What does let the story down a little is the rest of the production. Produced by Talent Captain (strangely no Oscar nominations yet!) it seems his biggest input was to get his son cast in one of the roles. The whole thing has a TVM feel - despite the swearing and violence. The special effects are cheap and very reminiscent of a straight to video sci-fi, the locations are good if basic - only the occasional interior shot looks like cardboard. But really you can see the budget constraints up there on screen. The tight budget goes through to the cast - they aren't great and aren't helped by some poor dialogue. Keats, Cox, Russell etc are all TVM actors but they do actually do all right considering. The APEX units themselves are mixed - they look cheap at first, but then you forget that they look cheap. But then after a while you realise that they're rubbish - they can't shoot straight at all while the humans just need one powerful hit to get them (or even a music CD!). This takes away from the tension of the film - at least with Ernie you knew without a doubt that he was one mean mother who wasn't going to miss!
  19. The Enterprise Incident and Amok Time. Because I`m a sick puppy who likes to see Spock kill Kirk.
  20. Depressed on a Christmas! I hope you havent been crying whilst watching Star Trek! You could always join my Star Trek crying club. Watching Tasha Yars funeral over and over helps me a lot. Christmas is what you make of it Ive been told..........so I made my own crap. My brick Christmas present isnt bitter at all.........my best friend went out one Christmas to find his ex had left him a present........how thoughtful, how kind.........apparently she rolled up on his drive way with a step ladder and a tin of white spray paint. Luckily she had finished before he arrived home..........he had the B word spray painted in three foot high letters diagonally across the front of his house. Clearly she was a women who thought exterior decorating isnt a mans job.........now thats bitter!
  21. Try a four pack in the fridge!
  22. I recieved books this year. Your girlfriend must love you loads for buying you those two lovely gifts.......what did she want from you.......a car? When you didnt get her that did you get the line about Christmas being importnat because of the 'giving' lol. Damned parasites girlfriends at Christmas........you should of shown her the door........that would of made a good present lmao. My ex got a present from me this year.........a well wrapped brick. She always said she wanted to invest in bricks and mortar.........she's getting a bag of cement next year. P.S. Cement can be expensive and I dont recommend you buy your girlfriend such an item...........be sure to nick it from your local building site during the early hours of the morning.
  23. Chiggy

    Hand To Foot Combat

    Simply answer......none of them. One swing at each other and they probably fall over exhausted from beer gut syndrome.
  24. Ive never felt ashamed........its other people who have the problem not you. No one should ever be ashamed of being a trekkie. If someone picks on you because you like Star Trek they probably have some sort of issue of their own which they need to resolve. If your so called friends are the ones dropping the comments then perhaps you should consider they arent really your friends at all because they should accept you for who you really are. In the UK many people bully moshers because of the way they look. But if you've ever spent the time getting to know a mosher you`ll quickly realise they very nice people who dont condone voilence like all the arse wipes who go round robbing old ladies and smashing phone boxes up. Moshers are like trekkies........and lets be honest it takes some intelligence to understand Star Trek..........some people are just drongos who will never understand.......but its not their fault...........they were born that way. :-) The man who said Trek is like a constant was a genius. A geeks life can be falling apart but he will always have the secuirty in knowing Star Trek will be there. Liking Star trek and dressing up in uniforms isnt going to bring the world to an end or cause the polar bear to become extinct is it? If anyone is critical of my interests in public I ask them......."havent you got anything better to do?" P.S. Thats a quote from Star Trek .......lmao
  25. Chiggy


    Woe to You O Earth and Sea For the Devil Sends his Beast with Wrath Because He Knows the Time is Short Let Him Who Hath Understanding Reckon The Number of the Beast For it is a Human Number It's Number is Six Hundred and Sixty Six This ones not for small children: In one final, desperate attempt to reassert himself, the Devil will send a false prophet - the Antichrist - and the Beast 666, a ferocious apocalyptic creature who rises from the sea ridden by the whore of Babylon. Beast 666 is a scarlet-hued monstrosity with the body of a leopard, the feet of a bear, and the jaws of a lion. It sports ten horns and seven heads, and spews blasphemy and haughty words from each of its seven mouths. It will have power over the world for forty-two months, and within that time 'dwellers on earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will marvel to behold the beast, because it was and is not and is to come'. (Revelation 17:8). Well it looks like theres hope for yet on the dating front! I`ll let you know how I get on down Pizza Hut.
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