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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by magestorm

  1. I'm also liking how in the new BSG, you see that things are taking far longer to shape up. In the original, you suddenly see Casseopia go from a Facilitator (read prostitute) to a Med Tech in one episode. Excuse me, but wouldn't it take longer to become a med tech than one lousy epsisode? In the new one, some people have things to do. But many are just trying to figure out their places in the new world they are living in.
  2. This means the difference between a Blu-Ray blank and one filled with movie is nearly the same. Frak that! I'm gonna stick with what I have, and tell them to go frak themselves with their stupid discs.
  3. It won't hold up. This would apply to the owner, website, or offending poster is in NJ. Otherwise, this would be an interstate matter, and the Federal government won't want to muck with this.
  4. The Other People Rather than waste the space here, I decided to post a link to the site I read this from. Good read.
  5. The issue is that nutrasweet was billed as a safe alternative to Saccharin. But, it seems it is just like Vioxx. We were told it was safe, but they lied. Cigarrette companies have for many decades labeled their products as causing health problems.
  6. What kind of dip goes with this kind of chip? ***ducks***
  7. If that is what you got from that article, then you have misread it. Spent fuel is kept in holding facilities for 50 years, till the fuel loses much of the radiation. However, for the spent fuel to reach safe levels, you have to store it for 10^6 years, or 10 million years. This is not to say there aren't ways to keep it safe. One good idea is to reprocess it, extracting all avalible Uranium and Plutonium, then use some of the remainder as RTU cells for space probes, or send it to a storage facility into space. From there, if all else fails, one could launch it straight into the sun, where the radiation from the waste would be tiny compared to the sun's output.
  8. If you all support LOTD, I know I'd go for it! Been trying to get a game going at my forum, and it keeps getting pushed back.
  9. The problem with fission power is not the fuel, but the waste product. When a Fission plant uses all the plutonium or uranium in the core rods, the remainder is so hot with radiation that it would be lethal within minutes. This wate doesn't just sit around for a few days, months, or years. It stays around for millions of years. I don't know of any place on earth that has remained stable and safe for that long. So before we start building tons more plants, we need to think safe disposal of the spent fuel.
  10. Well, here is one bit. This would violate the constitution. This is because it does impose on our liberties. Right now, if someone is talking in a room, we have the right to listen, or leave the room. But by disallowing fast forwarding, we are held hostage to content we cannot block.
  11. There is an organization that is selling acreage on the moon and on mars. It also sells the rights to name stars that are currently unnamed. However, the legality of the deeds are currently in doubt.
  12. Warrant Officer Magestorm. Nice ring to it :cyclops:
  13. Well, one thing I am liking about the new one is the issue of habitable planets. Besides the colonies, there has only been two habitable worlds. In the old one, there were habitable worlds all frakking over the place.
  14. This is exactly what happened with DVD+/- R formats. Most manufacturers wound up just making players and drives that run both.
  15. Right wing economic policies doesn't work either. The policies that Bush is trying has been done before. During the Reagan years, it was tried as well. It wasn't called Voodoo Economics for nothing, you know. Trickle down theory states that by cutting taxes for the rich, they will take the saved money and reinvest in the nation. However, in practice, the rich merely pocket their money and cut costs, stating the economy is poor. In essence, they use the reason for the tax cuts as a reason to lay more workers off and cut expenses. What is really needed is an economic policy that removes behaviour from the equation.
  16. However, this causes problems when people chase after that ideal, and can never attain it.
  17. Well, it has been shown in history that when things get desperate, someone eventually starts exploring and settling new areas. But, there isn't anywhere left that is unclaimed. Even Antartica is claimed, as belonging to all nations. But spaced is unclaimed. I forsee a huge push to get out there and take our place.
  18. Well, I am already boycotting. But if they did this, I'd go even more into protest over this.
  19. May? They are already doing it. You know how many times I have had friends tell me their sons or daughters are starving themselves, or wind up with an eating disorder? Or guys saying they don't want a girlfriend who is over 120 pounds? And people wonder why I don't rejoin society.
  20. Last woman I was with who was in her BMI range for acceptable, I broke her :( So I go for the ones that are over the BMI. Less problems, and lower emergency room bills ;)
  21. I feel like a frakking idiot, but what is freespace?
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