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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by magestorm

  1. Yup. If you have the Nintendo DS, you can play ANYTHING that has the name gameboy on it. That includes the original black and white one, color, advanced, and of course, ds. This is why Nintendo won out on the handheld war with the sega and atari handhelds. Yes, both of those were a much better product, but due to the fact that the nintendo didn't require you to buy all new games for the new system, they were able to capture the market. As a matter of fact, I know Zelda Seasons and Time for the GB Color has special features and rings that can ONLY be accessed on GBA or GBDS.
  2. My post had a point. Just before the tracker was eliminated, there was a sudden influx of signups. If you look at most of these posters, they all have signup dates within the last 2 weeks. The RIAA has made it a habit of joining boards that stay alive once their filesharing/torrent trackers are down. They monitor it to get the addresses of other places, which they then also serve and sue. Do I sound paranoid? Elitest? Well, too frakking bad. We all have the right to not be harassed. So if I happen to know where I can get the latest episode of Frakked, I'm not telling anyone, unless I happen to know them. And yes, I only joined back in December. However, I post regularly on here, and have had the chance to get to know a few good people on here. So get over it, and get to know people on here before throwing a tantrum.
  3. HA! Good one! Seems that the Colonials have vanity plates too.
  4. magestorm

    Time Cube

    Basicly, it's a 50 page rant. But from what I gather, this guy takes the Earth, and slices it into 4 sections. Each section has one 24 your period, making 4 days per rotation. Utter tripe. By that logic, I could divide up the Earth 6 ways, and have have time hex. 8 ways and have time octagonal. Most of the rest is a rant about how teaching the 1 god concept is evil and wrong.
  5. I use Trojans. Wait.......you mean computer protection? Ooooops! My bad!!!!!!
  6. Modern Spamcology. We need to work with Spamchiatrists to eliminate Spamological disorders!
  7. Anyone else notice how suddenly we have people who just signed up right around the time this mess started, and are all clamoring for trackers? People, WAKE THE FRAK UP! The majority of the people that are doing this aren't people we want to know. Most of these are nothing more than a jackbooted leg of the MPAA. They're trying to goad people into giving up information. They especially want to get the information as to where other sites may be for filesharing. There is a simple concept. If you don't know someone, don't tell them anything. I get several PMs a day of people asking for addresses. All of them are from people who have just signed up recently, and not one gets a single SHRED of information from me. Wake up, and be smart. If you don't at least know the person, then don't tell anyone anything. Especially when you have agents of the MPAA scouring about for this information.
  8. For entertainment tech, here's what I feel needs to be looked at in order for it to succeed: 1) It must offer a significant advancement over current technology. Just adding a marginal improvement won't make it take off. 2) It needs to be "backwards compatable". This means if someone currently has a collection, then they need to ensure the old media still works in the new machines. Look at the portable game market. Ever wonder why Gameboy has endured for so long? It's because every new Gameboy is designed to play all the old games. 3) It has to have features that are revolutionary. Without that kind of innovation, people aren't going to go for it. 4) Needs to be marketed correctly. Look at the VHS/Betamax war. While Betamax was the superior technology, VHS aggressively marketed their product and won the war. This is why so many entertainment products fail. Minidisc players would not play current collections of CDs. They were revolutionary, but failed to offer backwards compatability. It was not revolutionary enough to break through the CD barrier, and was not marketed to a broad audience. Because of these, it was not successful.
  9. Hence why filesharing mp3 files has skyrocketed. As the RIAA sues, others decide the greedy frakkers have gone too far, boycott the RIAA, and start downloading their music instead. Unfortunately, the RIAA just sees the decline in sales, and whines about it. They don't realize that their own actions cause this to happen.
  10. Well, I am a natural born citizen of the US, and can say that I know why some act this way. Many of us are indoctrinated to believe our country is the greatest in the world, and it is so drummed into our heads that many of our citizens become openly hostile when issues are pointed out. I'll admit, even I was like this at one point and time. But, I learned that there was more than just the US. It has taken years to understand this. When dealing with the arrogance, it is a matter of just being patient, and help them understand that there is more to the world than the United States.
  11. You know, this is getting old. There are no trackers here. There are no torrents here. And even if we knew other places for torrents, We certainly are NOT telling people that just joined in the last couple of weeks. Sorry, you MPAA LACKIES! You are frakked! Go harass someone else. Leave us alone. We are a discussion board, and will remain so. So go frak off, and find a legitamate use of your time.
  12. You have to notice something in the show. All the Human model Cylons are fairly young. If they are older than 30, it's a surprise to me. Add into it the R&D needed to create human model Cylons. Also add into it the fact they only started infiltrating for about 2 years (when Caprica Six infiltrated), and it is doubtful they'd have aged versions of their models. The idea that Baltar is a Cylon is patently false. Simply put, if he really was a Cylon, then why would the Cylons need to have Caprica Six seduce him?
  13. Well, let's see in our own solar system. Venus could have become another Earth, if conditions would have been different. Mars is close, and with teraforming, could become an Earthlike planet. Also, look at Titan. If it was closer to the sun, it would be another Earth. That's 4 possibilities, and that is just in our own solar system. It would be entirely possible for the Lords of Kobol to terraform planets into habitable worlds. Therefore, the idea that these planets have to be in seperate star systems is just not so.
  14. Yes they are. The minidisc came out just at the wrong time. Sony was trying to avoid leaping into the CD-R war with the RIAA, and came out with the minidisc. However, their gamble lost, and the CD-R became avalible to the public. Had things gone differently, the minidisc would have definitely taken off.
  15. magestorm

    reality tv

    We hates reality tv, precious!
  16. Made Master Chief Petty Officer! WOOOHOOO!
  17. Robospam! With Robospamology, we'll take those nasty Spamtraedi yet!
  18. Why? Dead People can be such fun! Especially when they try eating you!
  19. C4 has got to have the biggest crush on Walken there. I've seen more pics of him than anyone on Star Trek, BSG, or Stargates!
  20. Attack of the Killer Spambells!
  21. magestorm


    Also remember that this isn't just some cruise ship. It is a military vessel. Yes, an ensign could change logs. However, would an ensign on a military naval vessel frak around with logs? Nope. These people aren't just turned loose like crack smoking kids in a candy store. These people are trained to do their jobs, and do it quite well. Also notice that when someone abuses the abilities, they eventually get caught.
  22. Methinks c4 has the hots for Walken there B)
  23. In the original series, Baltar was a member of the Council of 12, who tried to broker a peace between the Cylons and the Colonies. However, his actual intent was to allow all the colonies, except his, to fall, and allow him to rule his colony under Cylon rule. However, the Cylons broke their word, nuking ALL the colonies. They then held him, and was about to execute him. However, the Imperious Leader was killed, and the next Imperious Leader decided Baltar was a tool that still had use. He gave Baltar a Basestar and was told to hunt down the fleet. As far as how hard it would be to tell one baby from another, realize the baby was born premature. Many times, a preemie looks so close alike it is difficult to tell them apart. Add into it that Doc Cottle would have access to the needed techniques and tools to make a baby look similar. This would make it so they could switch babies. Also, it is entirely possible that they could have induced a cataleptic state for Hera, making her appear dead long enough to be window dressing. Afterwords, some remains from the last episode's baby would be enough to give to Helo to scatter.
  24. Dude, shut the frak up. This place is first and foremost a place where sci fi geeks like myself can get together and discuss the shows and movies we love so much. If there were torrents, then those were just the icing on the cake, not the cake itself. If you're just looking for torrents, try looking on Google. If you want a good place to hang out, then welcome aboard.
  25. I started watching the series from the very beginning. In the end of the miniseries, the Priestess running the memorial service mentions 12 colonies, but that they were guided to 5 planets. It is entirely possible that each planet could have 2-3 colonies on each planet. On the copy I have, it is time index 2:39:40 when she starts the service, and 2:40:15 when she discusses the tribes and worlds.
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