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randomname's Achievements


Crewman (2/24)



  1. This _might_ work. Try enabling the guest account on the PC you can't connect to.
  2. randomname


    No offense if you're Michael Jackson :p ___ Why did Michael Jackson go to K-Mart? He heard boys' underwear were half-off! ___ What's did Michael Jackson say to the priest? "I saw him first!" ___ What do Michael Jackson and Coke have in common? They both come in little cans ___ How do you know Michael Jackson is having a party? All the tricycles in the front yard ___ What's the difference between a grocery bag and Michael Jackson? Well, one is made of plastic and is dangerous for your kids to play with, and the other one holds groceries. ___ How does Michael Jackson pick his nose? From a catalogue!
  3. randomname


    No offense to any Irish, Welsh, Polish or French people here :p ___ What happens when a blonde woman moves from England to Ireland? The average IQ of both countries increases. A lot. ___ Why don't they have fireworks at Euro Disney? Because every time they shoot them off, the French try to surrender! ___ So this Polish terrorist tried to blow up a car... He burnt his mouth on the exhaust. ___ Bob: Did you hear the Polish government bought 5000 septic tanks? Joe: Why, whatever for? Bob: As soon as they figure out how to drive them, they're going to invade Germany! ___ Breaking news, Irish shoplifter was found dead under Tesco's! ___ How do the Welsh find their sheep in the long grass? Very satisfying!
  4. I'm from England (London, to be specific). I complained and complained about the weather, and then we moved here, to Pakistan. Mister Kevinp, I would like to inform you that we have you well thrashed for weather: today was 37 degrees (centigrade) and 80% humidity. What I wouldn't give for some rain!
  5. Ooh, this takes me back. My first (well, my parent's then) was a 14.4k. Not as early on as some, but a heck of a long time ago. Then we got a state-of-the-art 28.8k, and I remember being really, really excited about it being a fax modem, and I used to send faxes from the PC to the fax machine on the other line whenever I got bored. Oh lay off, I must have been ten! Then I got a 33.6k, and had it about a week before the first 56k's came out. I remember wanting one so bad it hurt, and the whole K56FLEX vs X2 debate seemed terribly interesting :o I eventually got a V.90 voice modem ( B) )and it's still used as an answering machine. Heck, it was used for data too until last year and my 512/256 ADSL... and then I actually had to go backwards to 128/128 :mad:
  6. I think the time I somehow 'lost' a hard drive containing 250GB of all my music, recorded and downloaded TV and movies, and more importantly, all my photos and home movies would qualify. I don't know what happened, I booted up, left the room, came back a minute later to find XP in the middle of a thorough pre-startup disk error check. When Windows finally loaded, I looked through the D: drive to find -nothing-. I panicked. Tried everything - norton protected crap bin, data recovery programmes, everything. Never recovered a damn thing. Then I went for a drive and threw the drive out of the window (no pun intended). Lesson learned, all my media is now backed up to DVD, and all my essential files on all my computers are now backed up to the server, which is ghosted weekly. Paranoid, yes, but once bitten and all that.
  7. Personally, I think that, provided space is not 'regulated' strictly by governments in, say, the way the nuclear research is, given a few years, corporations will be all over it. I don't think it'll be too long until we see privately owned enterprises building and operating orbital craft and habitats, and, following close behind that, missions to the moon. After that, it's only a matter of time until missions to other planets take place, and, although it may take quite a while after this, inevitably, habitats will be built. I think that, at that point, we'll be safe enough with regards to not having all our eggs in one basket until the sun dies out. I also think that by that time, we ought to have sorted out many of our own problems, so that a hypothetical advanced alien race might not shudder in disgust at us and turn away upon seeing the solar system. That said, if the aliens are hostile, we probably won't stand a chance - they find us, remember! As far as interstellar travel is concerned, we don't even know whether that's possible yet, so I'm not going to speculate on that.
  8. Did you google for a translation of the welsh, that's what i did, can we get away with swearing if it is in a different language? Yes, and I doubt it.
  9. No, I'm 'random', dammit! Oh great, now there's two! Im more random then u. and plus i have skill in walking silent behind people and scaring the #### out of them. they be like WTF!? Where you come from. Lol XD i felt it necessary to quote this coz i have never seen so many quotes. but dont quote me on that, this is off the record Why ? :cyclops: Thats funny the biggest quote was with 355 on a private message which cover the whole browser til we had to eraise most of the quotes. Listen to some soothing Music. Jimmy Eat World i am listening now. some rock before i play halo which during that 15 hour gaming period i will be listening to Techno. and this has nothing to do with the topic soo....ACh Choo. Don't believe him, I'm random. By name, at least. Does anyone else have a sudden urge to hug the creators of Norton Ghost? woooooooo hahahahahahahahahaha chortle chortle chortle i feel like i just jumped in a puddle :D good bit of quoteing going on here. I concur. Sumis: Oh, so that's what it means! I'd say something similar in English, but you'd all probably understand :(
  10. No, I'm 'random', dammit! Oh great, now there's two! Im more random then u. and plus i have skill in walking silent behind people and scaring the #### out of them. they be like WTF!? Where you come from. Lol XD i felt it necessary to quote this coz i have never seen so many quotes. but dont quote me on that, this is off the record Why ? :cyclops: Thats funny the biggest quote was with 355 on a private message which cover the whole browser til we had to eraise most of the quotes. Listen to some soothing Music. Jimmy Eat World i am listening now. some rock before i play halo which during that 15 hour gaming period i will be listening to Techno. and this has nothing to do with the topic soo....ACh Choo. Don't believe him, I'm random. By name, at least. Does anyone else have a sudden urge to hug the creators of Norton Ghost?
  11. In answer to thought 1 i just thought i would clarify, other people might not know that cymru is welsh for wales. In answer to thought 2 i can't be the only girlie around here, am i? and put that tongue back in your mouth! ;) Just so you know, you kept me awake at night wondering which "Wales" was in Australia. When I realised I was missing the "New", I'd have slapped myself if I wasn't so damn tired.
  12. Hmm, school. I'll bite. My AS-level mocks are coming up. Hating every bit. Actually, it wouldn't be that bad were it not for the waking up in the morning. That's what really gets me. Anyone else?
  13. I'm living in Karachi, Pakistan, but I'm from London (the real one, in the UK :p )
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