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Everything posted by Soulreaper

  1. Leetcow your new Anime avatar is cool! a 9-ish! General Lee so far has the best one of all though ;) ;) ;)
  2. Off topic but in response - I went all the way straight down the fire :D You guys aren't polluted enough!
  3. I agree with Elderbear - for instance when it comes to depression; being fat and living the life I've lived I know a bit or two about that (and I can tell that most people believing they're depressed or living in the abyss aren't even close, they don't have a clue what is about or what's like since they're often still only in the outskirts of the Badlands, not Hell itself.) Being slightly fat I have a natural tendency towards negative feelings and thoughts but knowing this I can work against it. In some cases (or many) the physical and the mental are intimately intertwined and living a symbiosis - both feed of each other and can't be neglected for an example: try moving around until you get into "the second phase of breathing" (when your bloodstream starts going, you get OXYGEN in your system / brain, heart starts pumping, sometimes it breaks out in a sweat since before you DIDN'T have any circulation in case you don't exercise) and this will automatically cure a bit of depression since the brain feels better, the system feels better and so your thinking is affected and starts tending towards more healthy or positive thoughts. Remember - when you feel and think, ask yourself; "Where does this come from" is it truly YOU or are your thoughts and feelings affected by influence (i.e. poor physical health or other). Most often thought is impacted by something else which in turn impacts how you FEEL since thought comes first and what you feel is what YOU THINK. This is very narroved down to put it simple but this along with what the others posted (especially Elderbear) should be helpful. Best of luck and Godspeed!
  4. Soulreaper


    Oma, thanks for the confidence although I wouldn't doubt myself if I were you; I'm positive that you're easily as capable as anyone (by their own whim) in here since you're a THINKING person. To THINK is highly underrated. So never doubt yourself when it comes to that (remember, thinking and believing CREATES one's current reality - if you tell yourself you cannot, then you won't and likewise the other way around of course) Daffydk: Yes I agree, it's sort of "cheating" hoping to believe just to have an "insurance" if case Christianity happens to be the ultimate truth once one's death is due (which I find highly doubtful) and you'll either get to meet the guy with the beard sitting on a high cloud or... end up in the opposite direction. No, true faith should be anchored in self, trusting oneself's guidance and morals, experiences and ability to make a conscious choice - not in order to "please" whatever entity there might be - seems to me sort of like just saying yes to the Emperors (or kings) of old just in order to NOT be decapitated although it's totaly against what one really thinks. This also concurs with Elderbear's proposition as it is based in self and whatever seems/feels/is reasonable for oneself both in scientific regard and emotionally, by experience and spiritual / mental.
  5. Only as primal as one BELIEVES in one's own mind. What you think and believe becomes your reality. I hate when people use lame excuses to excuse their own inabilties - and likewise to DEFEND their laziness. I'm living proof that anyone can grow bigger than they ever thought possible. This should technically be enough to get some gears going but time and again I'm proven otherwise, still I can't help telling people to grow up and face the truth - I'm a sucker for growth and idealism.
  6. Hm but what if it wasn't an "accident" that the chemichals and all that made up what later became "US"..thought of that?
  7. Soulreaper


    Nite, I'd say strong individuals are usually strong because of self-esteem and a strong sense of SELF, own morals, belief in oneself and one's own judgement etc. etc. Unlike most people who usually have the "need" for someone else to judge them, stake rules etc. Many religious people don't have the stated above (now I'm not saying religious people are immoral or without a sense of selfworth or selfesteem etc. so misunderstand me correctly :D) and they have the "need" to be judged, corrected etc. from outside of themselves. I think most of you already understand this but this is it narrowed down into simplicity.
  8. Soulreaper


    I put some pointers to this earlier in a religon/mythos topic concerning SciFi. I'm not an atheist and not AT ALL inclined to take on religion either so where does that leave me (for all who wish to stamp everything with labels).
  9. Well..to me, AMSTERDAM sounds like a given choice :D :D :p
  10. Yep agreed - a EuroCon as well! Reflection: Although being probably further "up" north than ANYONE here in the forum (especially Europe) I'm still more inclined to go to the Provo Con :D
  11. Yep a variety of "energies" exist - I'll use that loosely. For an instance, I can sense when someone is in the house or not (of course without actually seeing or hearing someone entering or leaving) because it just feels different and I think the same goes as for how "up and running" someones psyche is as well - test it yourself by being up and around while everybody is sound asleep. Perhaps on the other hand, this "phenomenon" is caused by other subtle things that we're only aware of on a subcontious level, I can't tell, at least not as of yet. People staring, is sensable even without looking. Ever felt when a room becomes ICE COLD when gigantic negative feelings muster up? Perhaps this also is another "phenomenon" which could be caused by subconscious triggers like pheromones, scent particles, subconscious body language, etc. as well? I can only explain these and others like it as "energy" phenomenons existing however based on the above it could also just mean subtle things we "know" on an unaware level but can't explain or theorize just yet.
  12. "how many petals" was a good game! It called for some creative thinking out of the box to comprehend!
  13. Some people seem uninclined to take on other stuff other than PURE trek / scifi but isn't really all the other currently "censored" things part of it as well? Life is a pretty big subject and science is actually about Life and science fiction being about science well... ;) I have to agree with Cog concerning that it all might start "here". It's as good a place as any.. Usually..people always want someone else to start, take the first step or whatever concerning that subject. It's ok if someone ELSE does it, takes charge, make change. Don't forget, we're all that someone else so don't diminish your own individual impact ever. "it only takes one man..." if I may quote myself
  14. Seen "Taken"? I think it's a very good (alternate?) show of what could be. A shame that series isn't up here yet!! I'm intruiged by UFO stuff although I haven't had to my knowledge any sightings around here - we do however enjoy great northen lights effects and other nice views.
  15. 1) Luleå / High North of Sweden 2) Travel arr. flight to the US (LA & Elderbear?) + need a ride I can with high likelyhood help out with cash for gas, taxi, food, sleep etc. etc. instead of transportation. 3) Provo NiteCon (Of course) 4) Timeframe irrelevant - as long as I can find a cheaper flight when it isn't Highseason in July ( = x5 the price) so currently around fall (Aug. / Sep. based on price) 5) Desire = 8 (10 in optimal conditions)
  16. Well, thing is: For a better future / world, changing one thing alone is not enough by a long shot - we need to literary change from the ground up (a check-up from the neck-up). Once with higher mentality and awareness many things will change simply into "what works" and "what works for all". For now, all things more or less fight for survival; Prosecutors and in some instances Lawyers don't want criminal activity to stop because it'd be the death of their roles. Doctors and scientists don't want to advance too fast on many fields - actually today many things COULD be stopped and be treated in a more efficient way but they don't want that to happen because they'd be out of business. Governments and the like don't want too smart voters - it'd be the decapitation of state and so on and so on (just think long and hard around this and you'll see what I mean - or heck, try scouting around the web or read some good books). Of course all these people / institutions etc. want things to be better, however in their heart-of-hearts they know and fear that which I just explained above and at their core, they don't want to see that change..at least not yet*
  17. Currently upholding the 10th position on the donorslist and I'm going to take Elderbear up on his offer on a donation challenge (he mentioned a LOOONG time ago) :D "See you at the top"
  18. Well I'd like to say both 1 and 2 since they both apply and are grounds for good discussion. I'm very impressed by how clean this forum is - especially compared to most forums around anywhere and that is something worth keeping up. Most people here do not accept discussions going over the top and that is good - selfpolicing and this is also the reason the statement above is so.
  19. As most people already know :D Sweden, Europe!
  20. A high post count? as everyone spams like crazy :rolleyes: maybe we should have a poll of the poll of the poll to see what everyone thinks? Actually that's a.."my bad" this IS the poll of the poll of the poll since it all started with Straight /Gay then Fate of.. and now this poll of Fate of =) We're already there man!
  21. One possibility (I've been wanting to write this for a while but everytime forgotten about it but here it comes): If we assume that the "new age" talks about all being one is correct, I think souls would work the same way as "The Dominion" in DS9. When we're done playing the game (dead) perhaps the conscienceness / mind / thoughts / experiences or in other ways the essence of the "soul" returns to the great whole and this INDIVIDUATION (as you or I am now) will cease to exist and all experiences and so on are returned to the "pool" - just like when Odo returned with all that was him and shared it with the other Founders lying as One in the "Great Link" and then ceased to be. I think it's worth pondering - now I'm not totally satisfied with explaining my thought process about this possibility but I think you'll understand how I mean it. (This was based on a lot of different ideas about how things work and I used DS9 as reference just because it's so similar) I like CWG (www.cwg.org) "Conversations With God" because much of it makes so much sense and is obvious at least to me. Check it out (The books that is)!
  22. If we can nail down a timeframe and set date (preferably around fall..August or even September if you ask me - i.e. not during high season) I'll check out what arrangements I can do with the travel company and if it's possible to "crash" somewhere and tag along the road trip. Important thing though is to get the date f a s t so we all can start planning and tinkering for how to organize and such (and not to mention - booking fares early cuts down shitloads on the price!) Why I'm not too inclined during hi-season is because the airfare for a roundtrip costs around $3000-4000! but as long as it isn't hi-season it's only around $1000 or so - which means I can instead contribute with donations for "the con"...i.e. food, gas, taxi, sleep, other, internet and so on perhaps a $300-700 or so. ....and as long as I'm not choked by the airline prices - I'm game!!
  23. Yes, I believe it is! Thank you very much for finding that movie!! (I would never have found it on my own) Ah, dammit - now I HAVE to go and get my tea - it's been waiting in the kitchen for like 30 minutes or so!! I would never have imagined that I would ever participate this much in a forum ever!? (Well of course I did but not really - see the paradox?) :D Tea time and TNG episode of the day!
  24. Interesting pointers Wahaha. CWG states that soul actually "contains" the body" - that whole chapter (CWG book 3) is btw. extremely interesting! I've had sort of some experiences of different things myself but I can't based on what I know state or say anything about this particular subject that I haven't already said.
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