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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by slug

  1. Its simple: Starbuck, killed, yet will obviously still be in the show, which means some kind of higher power/ final five semi god like cylons for whatever reason = will all be something to do with the 'Lords of Kobol' which have been alluded to having some kind of genuine existence all along, which may manifest itslef in a way which pays tribute to events in the original series, which will probably have something to do with how the season ends.
  2. I thought that the two parter in the first season where Starbuck crashes on the moon with the Cylon raider was their homage to "The return of Starbuck" which makes it seem unlikely that this is how this will end up. I'd say its more likely that this will end up being the homage to the ship of lights stuff in the original, I recall that had either Appolo or Starbuck dyeing and being resurected by the obligitary etherial beings.
  3. I can see her pulling a Daniel Jackson, *cough** final five *cough* ship of lights.* The only problem is that any ultimate answer will probably be rather generic, after DS9, B5 Stargate and any other of the shows we've seen which throw a bit of evolutionary science into age old concepts of polarised higher powers. It adds weight to the old Lucas hypothesis that all operatic narratives are fundamentally identical.
  4. Errhh... not bad, just not at all special, its the sort of run of the mill episodic stuff that BSG used to stand out against. I'm beggining to feel the show is weakening somewhat, its better when it sticks to some general plan, much of this season has been made up of episodes that have no overall concequence, the Cylon virus stuff, the Bulldog ep, this. That said, the convoy ep, new Caprica and the majority of the stuff involving Baltar has been top notch.
  5. Well, given the fact that six was probably slightly taller than Baltar and the angle at which she threw him on the ground I can think of worse ways to go. And with regards to Baltar being executed in the original, the confusion is drawn from people remembering two different versions, the edited movie and the TV version, he's killed at the end of the movie version but the tv version is recut to make it appear that his life is spared. To confuse matters I expect there is probably a third version which resembles the movie cut but with Baltar's life again spared.
  6. Some of the 1st season is a bit so so for first time viewers. I can't stress this enough: Make sure you watch season 1 right to the end, it is then that it becomes utterly gripping, rather than just well made, some of the characters are a bit of a drag in the first season, Starbuck and Appolo in particular, although the Baltar stuff is pure genius from the get go.
  7. I would not think they could have done particularly convincing CGI humans when the film was made, although I think there were a few in Titanic, roughly the same time, but they were probably less mobile. More likely they made composite shots with the same extras in different places. They have been doing that for donkeys years.
  8. Code 46 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0345061/ Its like 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless yadder yadder...' for people who have not been turned banal by exposuire to an overtly feminine and sentimental approach to romantic entalgelment.
  9. slug

    Klingon Honour

    Had to look up Herc invasion. I'm glad about that.[br]Posted on: January 08, 2007, 07:49:33 AM Oh yeh and the inhabitable homeworld thing, thats actually more of a glairing error, I think I'd read some attempts to explain it, different homeworlds with the same name, some kind of miraculous attempt at cleanup, which would make some sense -in that the only way they could survive was with outside help, which may have involved some kind large scale cleanup. 'Don't wait for the translation, answer me know!' That's more or less a direct quotation of some rather heated discussion with Russian delegates at the U.N. during the Cuban missile crisis, which they put into the trial scene in STVI, you'd wander why they were not using universal translators, you could maybe say they are not admissable in court or something. Anyway, it was much cooler having it all needing to be translated, even if it was all in that early 90's 'Hunt for Red October' style where they start a scene in one language subtitled and revert to English part way to show you what they are supposed to be talking.
  10. This kind of makes me think that the film might be superior to the book, which I have not read. The film would not have had much to say if it had been faithful to the book as you describe it, it would have been inseperable from any John Wayne WWII flick. A lot of people think that the film is dross because the blatant satire goes right over their heads. Whereas in fact the film is a masterpiece. Period.
  11. slug

    Klingon Honour

    As I say, its important to remember that Star Trek VI did not come out until past the third season of TNG had aired. The most obvious sign of this is in 'Yesterday's Enterprise,' when the guy from the Enterprise-C says that they were 'negotiating a peace treaty with the Klingons,' when they got pulled forward some twenty plus years after the events of Star Trek VI, which had not yet been released. It is slightly unfortunate that one of the best episodes of TNG is rather heavily contradicted by the events of the sixth film. Another sign is that the sets from TNG turn up as early as the fifth film, there is one scene where Sybok's followers are quite clearly passing through the corridoors of the TNG Enterprise, add to that they redressed the TNG engineering for the sixth film. I do feel slightly uneasy that I actually know this.
  12. I think the problem is that the Beeb have sold off a lot of their decent archived content and dont have the rights to show it and make garbage instead. They could do with at least one channel devoted to reruns of old content, I would think that they probably still have the rights to show these shows at some point. (Here examples would be Fools and Horses, Notthenineoclocknews, classic Who, old nature documentaries and so on.)
  13. slug

    Klingon Honour

    You also have to bear in mind that the Klingons are conceived differently in different incarnations of Trek. In the original series they are an analogy for the Russians albeit as an antagonist rather than any critique of Russian society, in the films they keep some aspects of this, but the warrior element is significantly more emphasised. In TNG the Klingons are set up as allies to emphasise how things had moved on in the time gap. Worf was meant to emphasise this but was originally only scripted for seven episodes. The Klingons went on to become more of a social study for facets of humanity than a representation of any particular group, except possibly a shift from any Russian elements to historical Oriental influence, partly in much of the Klingon design by Dan Curry and also in a lot of the ritual suicide and warrior conduct stuff. I think this is the pont where they started babbling on about honour all the time and the inherent contradictions became more of a critique of honour as a concept and the whole idea of a code of concuct than examples of continuity errors. At this point the Romulans take over as the metaphorical antagonist, but in a way which more closely mirrors relations with China than Russia. Then you get the final two original series films which you must remember were not produced until TNG was underway. The sixth film takes the form of a very open metaphor for the falling of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War and the Klingons at this point show aspects of all of the different things they have been used to represent to date. If you want my opinion the Klingons peaked in the 4th season TNG episode 'Reunion' where they are increadibley unsettling and well directed, they became a bit lame after this, although they ocasionally regained some of their appeal in DS9. depending on how well that particular episode was put together.
  14. I am not sure that the graphics engine quite accounts for how natural breasts flatten somewhat when their owner lies down. That said they do appear to have moved to the side somewhat, in accordance with certain laws of gravity. But remember Travis saying that his father always kept the gravity slightly lower than average when on long haul missions. Which makes me consider the enticing implications of what effect reduced gravity would have on the female anatomy. Anyway, what were we talking about?
  15. I think Prison Break got leaked entirely by accident, it happened 2-3 times but the episodes were timecoded and had lots of missing shots with various slides or mockups inserted. Otherwise, this sounds like when they leaked Dr who, its just a rather upfront form of viral marketing. I do not condone the harming of kittens.
  16. I'm glad you agree. I usually measure fanfilms on the rather shallow level of how many semi-attractive women the people who made them somehow actually managed to get involved. This film manages to avoid the perculiar egotism you get with fanfilms, where they try and make something on the scale of actual proffesional jobs, lightsabre battles etc, and putting their perculiar looking selves in the starring role. This, alongside 'Troops' and 'IMPS: The Relentless,' takes the more mature approach of finding a more obscure and unexplored setting, and not being obsessed with putting their own faces in the production. The design of this film is also appealing, with the stubby looking Constitution class sans saucer ship, but with a nice rounded edge to it, something that can also be applied to the female stars, who looked and sounded impressively hot. Rather than the usual ghastly exposure of lots of repressed individuals, the guy who did this would seem to have shared his inner desires in a way which we can also appreciate. This may be overly psychoanalytic but I think it is a valid point. There also appears to be some BSG influence, the flashback ship would seem to be a hybrid between Trek design and the 'Colonial Movers' ship seen in both versions of BSG. Its also particularly good that the production puts itself in one of the briefest Trek design periods, that of 'Star Trek The Motion Picture,' which had its own goofy unique late 70's design, which is so much more enticeing than a TNG era production, which would have just been a poor second to what has already been overexposed on screen and is generally uninteresting in amateur productions. Lastly, the shot of the Romulan Bird of Prey in the helmet reflection was beautifuly inspired and an excellent piece of filmmaking.
  17. This straming vid probably works but you are much better off going straight to the site, or getting the vid from this direct link: http://www.auroratrek.com/aurorapt1med288.wmv [stream=475,325]http://www.auroratrek.com/aurorapt1med288.wmv[/stream] Website, with downloadable episode: http://www.auroratrek.com/ I don't usually go for fanfilms but I make an exception in this case. Rather than the usual impressive but slightly dodgy CGI work, interspersed with genuinely dodgy blue screen virtual sets, this flick is completely CGI, and works well. It takes the 'space boomer' idea of freighters in space but actually does a much better job of visualising it than the Mayweather eps of Enterprise. It starts in what appears to be the usually forgotten time period of the first feature film, with flashbacks to TOS era. The character models, camera movement and voice acting are really quite impressive and it ended with me wanting to see more. The 'fanfilm revolution' usually consists of well meaning but ultimately bad attempts at live action on DV, this is a far superior method and I would like to see more in the way of CG fanfilms like this, Star Wars fanfilms in particular could benefit from this style.
  18. The fate of the original Pegasus is left ambiguous in part to create a sense of intrigue but mostly I think because they couldn't afford a shot of a Battlestar blowing up, there was no stock footage of that. Erhh.. except maybe from the beginning of the first episode, not sure.
  19. There was talk of aproper cinematic sequel for a while but wiki suggest this will be another straight to video hell affair. The guy from the original is certainly not above straight to video land. It still has the potential to be decent, or it needs to make sure that it functions as absolute smut as a fall back.
  20. I am not aware of any version of episode IV which actually had new pilots filmed. I am also unaware of a version of Sith with Liam Neeson in. Can anyone shed any light on the existence of either of these cuts?
  21. i've seen the first one before and its excellently put together. The second looks like a lot of it, most significantly the DS9 stuff, comes from pre-divx avi files downloaded off kazaa or whatever was the contemporary equivalent 6 years ago. It also had that telltale divx watermark you get when you attempt to make crappy music videos from your downloaded content on windows movie maker and don't really know what you are doing. Yes, they both had the aspect ratio problem, the first one more forgiveabley, that you get when you mix 16:9 stuff with 4:3, the only real way to solve it without using really good editing software is to crop it or turn it into mpegs before you mix it up. And the youtube one didn't seem to work in firefox for future reference. All that said, the first video is awsome, its increadibley well timed and cut together. The music is from 'Requiem for a Dream' apparently, if anyone wondered, a sign of a true budding editor, instead of using some indulgent piece of rock music he liked like most of these kids do, he found a relatively obscure piece of music that he thought would work well in a music video.
  22. Except Tigh. They should have hade Sheba in the remake. She was hot, slightly mired by the dogfood associations though.
  23. Yes, there is still a lot of material from the original which could be done well here. As a series, the original develops very well, probably without planning to do so. I keep intending to rewatch it all the way through but i think I should focus on attempting to procreate instead.
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