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Do alternative realities exist?


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Odds are, picking a universe without an uncertainty principle, or one where it IS possible to circumvent it, would immediately be selecting one that isn't OUR universe... not to mention that getting both position and momentum is like raising and lowering your arm at exactly the same moment and have your one arm (and the whole thing) go both up and down.


Edit: Sorry for editing a little too slow there... ^^'

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Odds are, picking a universe without an uncertainty principle, or one where it IS possible to circumvent it, would immediately be selecting one that isn't OUR universe... not to mention that getting both position and momentum is like raising and lowering your arm at exactly the same moment and have your one arm (and the whole thing) go both up and down.


Edit: Sorry for editing a little too slow there... ^^'


I agree the odds are astronimical, probably almost infinite in themselves, But not infinite. And If there are infinite realities, sooner or later there is going to be one where exactly what you described is happening/has happened/ will happen


head hurts.

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Actually, now that I think about it, it may be even more difficult to isolate a particular universe... it might require knowing the exist/nonexist state of every possible particle in a universe from it's birth to it's death to be sure you've picked one with the desired past and future...


... yeah, the head hurting thing happens a lot in this sort of discussion :D


Edit: On the good side, that STILL means a finite number of possibilities thanks to the limiting floor of the planck length... which in itself is a parameter isolating a particular branch of reality.


... on the bad side... it's still impossible to detect position without disturbing momentum and vice versa...

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Actually, now that I think about it, it may be even more difficult to isolate a particular universe... it might require knowing the exist/nonexist state of every possible particle in a universe from it's birth to it's death to be sure you've picked one with the desired past and future...


It doesn't matter how difficult it is if there are infinite realities, because someone would be able to do it in one of them


... yeah, the head hurting thing happens a lot in this sort of discussion :D


Edit: On the good side, that STILL means a finite number of possibilities thanks to the limiting floor of the planck length... which in itself is a parameter isolating a particular branch of reality.


I agree, that a finite number of realities could exist without paradox


... on the bad side... it's still impossible to detect position without disturbing momentum and vice versa...

only in a finite universe

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YES! I come from an alternate reality. Here's a picture of me with scissor feet (hard to get proper fitting shoes where I come from).




Seriously though...yes. I believe in alternate realities. Anything is possible.


c4 B)

And your brother Edward got the scissorhands. Anyways, if there are parallel universes, the odds that finding one similiar to ours are astronomical.
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And your brother Edward got the scissorhands. Anyways, if there are parallel universes, the odds that finding one similiar to ours are astronomical.


Yes but in an infinite universe, the chances become extremely likely, because you have infinite possiblities. Or to put it another way: Million to chances crop up nine times out of ten.

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And your brother Edward got the scissorhands. Anyways, if there are parallel universes, the odds that finding one similiar to ours are astronomical.


Yes but in an infinite universe, the chances become extremely likely, because you have infinite possiblities. Or to put it another way: Million to chances crop up nine times out of ten. :p

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the Universe has 100 billion galaxies (it's a big number) , but is that infinite ?

the fact that they're rapidly moving away from us at huge speed only tells us that there were times when this galaxies were much closer(maybe too close).

so where do infinite reallities get in there?i suppose if ever the only time infinite reallities may have occur is during the singularity time at the start of the universe.

too bad i'll never know for sure , the damn videocams were not invented at that time. :huh.


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the Universe has 100 billion galaxies (it's a big number) , but is that infinite ?

the fact that they're rapidly moving away from us at huge speed only tells us that there were times when this galaxies were much closer(maybe too close).

so where do infinite reallities get in there?i suppose if ever the only time infinite reallities may have occur is during the singularity time at the start of the universe.

too bad i'll never know for sure , the damn videocams were not invented at that time. :huh.


The infinte realities would not exist in the gaps between galaxies. Each reality would be a plane of existance in itself.

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Why not, infinite possibilies Some people belive that we cross over temporaly, this is were we get dreams from.

Dont really belive in that.

However maybe that is what people are saying when they claim that they have seen a ghost!

Just a whacky thought!!

you never know??

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For every action there is a reaction. Thus your reality is based upon your actions. In another reality the other YOU is doing something diffrent and is causing other reactions. So there is a reality or a univers for each and every possible way of doing some thing. i.e. you kick a ball in this univers with your left leg, in another univers you kick a ball with your right foot, in another univers you migh have lost both of your legs in an accident....america lost WW2/america surrendered, amaerica blah blah blah, it goes on.

Now you get into diffrent demensions and the diffrent posiblitys there...it hurts my head to think of it. ;)


Now a ghost can be presived as a spirit or a "crossover" from another demension, or reality, or univers. But i think that ghosts are human enery, Enstines theory on energy sates that it can not be distroyed but only created. example: Energy from a fire is still there after the fire.


So when a human is created more energy is created, and when a human dies the energy stay on this plain of existance.


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For every action there is a reaction. Thus your reality is based upon your actions. In another reality the other YOU is doing something diffrent and is causing other reactions. So there is a reality or a univers for each and every possible way of doing some thing. i.e. you kick a ball in this univers with your left leg, in another univers you kick a ball with your right foot, in another univers you migh have lost both of your legs in an accident....america lost WW2/america surrendered, amaerica blah blah blah, it goes on.

Now you get into diffrent demensions and the diffrent posiblitys there...it hurts my head to think of it. ;)


Now a ghost can be presived as a spirit or a "crossover" from another demension, or reality, or univers. But i think that ghosts are human enery, Enstines theory on energy sates that it can not be distroyed but only created. example: Energy from a fire is still there after the fire.


So when a human is created more energy is created, and when a human dies the energy stay on this plain of existance.


Again, though if infinite realities exist, how do you solve the paradox mentioned in the first post?

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