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Shinzon's Predator Vs. Borg Cube


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Thanks for the replies, but I still think the Predator would win... I don't see any Borg cube taking out the Enterprise and the Romulan ships so easily as the Predator did in Nemesis. I suppose the Borg would need two or three cubes to kill it. Anyway, it'd be an interesting fight...


BTW, here is a quick article about the Predator:



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Borg cubes aren't what they used to be... when I were a lad, a single Borg cube could take on an entire Federation fleet and leave it for dead with na'ery a scratch almost assimilate the entire solar system and you'd be glad... now one flying bucket of bolts and a deranged captain can face them down... a sorry state of affairs.

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Ok... fine... there's only 2 way to settle this battle...

Mmindnumbingly pointless rambling about which is cooler and who kicks more butt.


Point by point analysis.

Since its ME... it'll be the 1st one :p












ok... not very funny.

Let's see what are the achievments 1 has done over the ages.



1) Has 52 disruptor banks and well... lotsa Torpedo banks... I think about... 38 and outta those... we have NO idea how many Torps it could fire together and what types it carried. Dissruptor wise it had 3 major arrays... that fired in the beam like and arc fashion and about 12+ pulse disruptor type that fired in cannon style like the DEFIANT's one.

2) Cloaking system that's apparently perfect but CAN be detected through wepon trajectory lock

3) Has Primary AND Secondary shields that Regenerate BUT... they are not high capacity ones like that of ENTERPRISE E [i'll explain in a minute how and why]

4) Doesn't have very tough armour... or regenerative

5) ENTERPRISE E went through its shield and HULL and applied heavy damage after ramming it head on... while stuff hitting on ENT E's nacelle bounced off 'cause of the shield.

5) End berdict... a really cool ship to scare Klingons and kick a lotta butt.



1) Has an immensely powerful tractor beam that can crush ships... an Energy Beam array that can be fired through the Tranctor and decimate a Reguler Federation ship with 1 shot. Ofcourse VOYAGER doesn't fall under that catagory because they r uber cool and don't follow rules and if you bring that up I'll beat you up... or not.

Has plasma torpedoes that blow the crap outta any ship other than ofcourse... VOYAGER. Has a cutting beam that can well... cut ANY ship in ST universe... other than ofcourse... you guess it... VOYAGER again.

2) Is over 3 km long... 28 cubic km.

3) Regenarative hull...AND shields... PLUS primary, secondary & tertiary shielding systems.

4) Can adapt to any weapon other than VOYAGER's n 8472's after about 12 hits.

5) Has minimum 100,000 drones half of which work... and atleast 10,000 of which are ready to board any ship and do some whoopa$$.

6) Can surive a planets debris hitting it AFTER the planet has exploded... for a while.

7) Took more than 30 to 50 FED ships... armed to the teeth to destroy one BORG cube AFTER Picard gave its weakness.


Yes... the SChimitar is powerful and own any FED ship on 1 on 1 or even 3 on 1 BUT... the end result is... a BORG cube owned FED ships in Wolf 359 and in 1 contact. Shinson's beloved ship couldn't take being rammed while in 1st contact Ships rammed into it at speed as well as in Wolf 359 but the cubes took somewhat damage... nothing major.

Plus... fighting a BORG with Disruptor !?... C'mon... they would adapt to that in less than 4 shots... meaning 3.


now if you had said VOYAGER vs CUBE or any ship in the ST universe... then they r toast.

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Borg Cube - though i think it might be kinda close - the Scimitar does have really really strong shields but i think the Borg is too much for the Scimatar


It actually is weak u know... here's how...

Whenever the ship got too much pounding... there were hull damage because the shield failed.

Ofcourse I don't mean its weaker than the Warbirds... but definitely weaker than ENT Es

ENT E took direct impact to the NACELLE but shield held... while in SCHIMITAR's shield WAS that powerful it won't have been damaged by the Warbird attack on the rear or ENT E ramming it... it'd have moved backwards rather than getting smashed like that.

There are lot of other times during that fight u'll see that. Whenever there's a heavy beating the shield fails faster than ENT Es... but with duration in hits... the Shield regenerates very quickly... specially with the secondary shield.


Hey... Tetsuo... how do u think VOYAGER will beat SCHIMITAR !?

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Voyager vs. Schimitar


Janeway: Tuvok - give me some technobabble to explain how we can beat a shield that is vastly superior to ours in everyway, is crewed by people who aren't inept and pretty much couldn't lose unless crewed by angry goldfish.


Tuvok: I believe we can lock onto the intense ugliness of the Remans and then use a 5 trillion isoton warhead that we've secretly had for mohtns but never mentioned to destroy them.


Janeway: Fire!


And so Voyager wins. Hell, that's the Voyager movie RIGHT THERE.

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Oh... what an epic battle that would be...

But there'd be a twist... u're forgetting to mention that. Being the dumbass idiots they are VOYAGER blows themselves up as well.

Never Fear

30 year into the future some idiot with no social life... gets addicted to VOYAGER's uberness and steals a timeship from a 29th century time enforcer who just happened to crash land and died.

The fearless loser uses that to go back in time and SAVE VOYAGER by changing the chroton particles coherant frequency to a incoherent mambo jumbo that creates headache for the telepathic Reman's as they realise that their foe is superiorly mindnumbingly dumb.

Janeway says MAXIMUM WARP and Paris goes eye eye as they leave the fearless unknown loser to sacrifice himself with the more advanced ship... which at the right time lost all its weapons... but still manages to destroy the Schimitar.

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