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Beta Quadrant


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If the Alpha Quadrant is home, the Gamma Quadrant is where the wormhole goes and the Delta Quadrant where the Caretaker sends you - What goes on in the Beta Quadrant - or Have I missed something in DS9 some of which I've not seen?

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I had a poster once that kinda explained it;


The four quadrants are set up in a square (I forget which is connected to which). Obviously Alpha being where most of the humonoid based Progenitor species are, Alpha leads into Gamma via the wormhole at DS9 but I'm not sure if they are just next to each other or the wormhole dips into space to cut a vast shortcut (some do some don't).


Delta is on the other side of the galaxy. If I remember my scripts correctly, in TNG season 2 this is where Q sends the Enterprise D when they first encounter the Borg.


Beta, is mentioned in the series. I know for a fact it was at least mentioned several times in Voyager, specifically in the whole Unimatrix 001 story arc. The romantic interest for Seven of Nine (forgive me I forget his name) turns out that while he enteracts with her in the unimatrix, his real world body is on a Borg ship/outpost, far off in the Beta Quadrant. I also think they mention the Beta Quadrant again in Voyager's Endgame episodes but don't quote me on that specific episode.


I don't recall TNG ever mentioning the Beta Quadrant, nor DS9. Definitely not ENT.


There are some good pictures of what the galaxy supposedly looks like on various fansites, I'm sure google will turn up some.

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The Romulans are part of the Beta Quadrant as well. And there is a sizeable chunk of Borg territory there too, in the "upper" regions and extending well into the Delta Quadrant.


The wormhole exits in the Gamma Quadrant outside the edges of Dominion Space.


If you want to visualize it, there is a map here: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Crater/1176/voyager/4quadrants.jpg

And another, here:



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yeah - Gul Dukat often talked about taking over the ALPHA Quad - and yet quite a bit of Federation space is actually Federation space and Earth is basically in between the 2 quadrents...


In fact even the Voyager talked about going back to the Alpha Quad. I don't think they would have ever said Beta Quad.


The Breen are also in the Alpha Quad

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if this chart is accurate, it means that there are still large unexplored sections out there waiting for st :)


although I think the federation should be more on the outher rim of the galaxy (at least earth is there..)

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Ja, oh ja.


It's really a foolish notion to think that the Federation haven't explored the Beta Quadrant. They're crazy close to it. Of course - you have to think of it like this, the federation have explored very little of the Alpha quadrant...

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Stardate 9521.6 Captain Sulu and the Excelsior was coming back from a mission charting gasious planetary anomialies in the Beta Quadrant (Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country) - and was on her way home just as they encounthered a Subspace Shockwave caused when the Klingon Moon Praxis exploded.


Therefore you know that Starfleet has explored part of this region, and that the Klingon Homeworld must also be in Beta Quadrant.


In addition to this you also know that the Hirogen have ventured into part of this space - even if 'accidentially' - as the Ancient Stations/Arrays that they used, span the Delta and Beta Quadrants. (as seen in ST: VOY S4 Message in a Bottle



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You there's something i want add in the discussion of quadrents... If DS9 was set up and controlled by starfleet the time of Voyager being pulled into the delta quad... why didn't they head fro the gama quadrent and take a same trip home through the worm hole?


I know they couldn't run a series on that idea... but still

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well probly b/c they would run into the Dominion. and if I remember correctly the fastet way to get some where is a stright line. and they where under a lot of stress so they probly didnt think of that' date=' lol[/quote']


they had lots of time to think of that, after a year or two it would still be a shorter way, and i'm not sure how much they new about the dominion by the time voyager got lost. the Makis was the big threat not the dominiond, i would think the borg would seem a MUCH larger threat to them, i think it was just an oversight in the making of the series.

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Well, they could been at DS9 just before the wormhole was discovered, but judging from the look of Quark's bar I'd guess not. They would have had to be there in the narrow time frame between the Cardassian withdrawl and the wormhole discovery, but I don't remember seeing any of the promenade, which would have been severely damaged if they were there just before the discovery. We know they didn't know about the Dominion War, but that doesn't help us much.


But the way I look at it is, if you had a choice between going 70,000 light years in the direction of home, and going 50,000 light years in the wrong direction heading for a spacial phenomenon, which would you pick? 75 years of solid progress towards home or 50+ years of travel for something you can't call a guarantee and if fails, would add another 70 years to your trip? Hmm, I'd have to go with the first choice.

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i dont understand why ppl say space is so big, i mean if you look at the maps it appears that these vast empires conqure a large prtion of the Milky way galaxey. And some where i remeber hearing in one of the seris that only about 11% of space has been explored in the milkey way galaxey.

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I never understood why the crew of Voyager did not know about the Dominion - Voyager was launched around Stardate 48315.6 (ST: VOY S1 - Caretaker), and the Jem Hadar was first encountered by Starfleet on 47987.5 (ST: DS9 S2 - The Jem Hadar), and then Sisko's mission to find the founders took place on Stardate 48211.6 (ST: DS9 S3- The Search).


I fail to understand why the Dominion were not known to the Voyager crew in Season 4 yet were used in a Paris pilot training program ST: VOY S2 - Parturition (when Paris and Neelix protect and hatch an alien reptile on Planet Hell).


You can clearly see two Jem Hadar attack ships through the shuttle craft window. (FX shot taken from ST:DS9 S3 The Search).


You would also think that Starfleet would notify the entire fleet about the destruction of a Galaxy Class Starship - the USS Odyssey, and that Voyager might notice the Defiant Class Starship docked at Deep Space Nine???




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When the ferengi go through the Barzan Wormhole it has moved from the Gamma Quadrant to the outer arm of the delta quadrant not far from the gamma quadrant. Since voyager came across those ferengi later they were obviously in the same area. Having just recently seen the Barzan wormhole episode again it also occured to me that it would have been quicker for voyager to head for the Gamma quadrant wormhole.

Also earth is suposed to lie on the border between the alpha and beta quadrants

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Voyager was thrown into the Delta Quad - they didn't know where they were -they just set a course for the Alpha Quad - it wasn't untill like Season 4 when they got those Astrometric Sensors that they found out where they were in reletive position to the centre of te galaxy

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Voyager was thrown into the Delta Quad - they didn't know where they were -they just set a course for the Alpha Quad - it wasn't untill like Season 4 when they got those Astrometric Sensors that they found out where they were in reletive position to the centre of te galaxy


but you cant set a course towards something if you dont know where you are (point of origin).

you have to know where you are if you want set a course towards alpha quad - how would you know which direction to go if you dont know where you are right now?

the only solution would be towards the center of the galaxy but you still gamble that that will take you away from federation (since you dont know where you are)..

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