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Firefox help


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Hi all,


I'm relatively new to Firefox, and I'm having a bit of a problems with themes. I know that this site isn't exactly all about firefox help, but cut me some slack ;)


I went to the firefox site and downloaded a theme called walnut. The downloaded went fine, but when I went to Tools - Themes - Walnut - Use Theme, I was asked to restart firefox so the theme could be used, which I did. However, upon restarting the browser, the default theme was still there. The new theme doesn't seem to be loading even after I restarted my computer! HELP!


FYI, I am using firefox 1.0 (the latest version) for windows XP SP2. Also, I have included a screenshot that might be of some use to someone who would be kind enough to help me.

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My firefox theme wasnt working either. I had down several themes at once. Finaly with a friends help I figured it out. This is what you do:


1. You disable all extensions by runnings firefox in safe mode. You do this by going to START MENU and to mozilla firefox then FIREFOX (safe mode).


Then restart firefox and your theme should be choosen.


I think I tried this twice before my themes worked.



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I'm beginning to think that firefox is more trouble than it's worth


Not Really. Firefox is the best browser out there. It is based on open source therefore there is lots of people making extensions and themes for it. Sometimes they are not compatible.


I love extensions like the tabbrowsing feature, its adblock, imagezoom, gmail notifier...etc etc.

They make IE look like nothing.

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I'm beginning to think that firefox is more trouble than it's worth


Nope! It works just fine. Most of the plugins are amazing! I've never played with skins/themes, though - that's not high on my list of priorities.


Today I had about 30 tabs open at one point. No complaints from the browser. I remember IE crashing after about a dozen windows opened (no option for tabs, of course). Why on earth would anybody need 30 tabs at once? Reading an article with lots of links: right-click-open-in-new-tab; repeat. I was on dial-up, so it was nice to have the pages loading as I was browsing related articles.


I bookmarked a bunch, then used the Bookmarks Synchronizer plugin to transfer my new bookmarks to a few other machines.


Almost as wonderful as sliced bread! B)

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I'm beginning to think that firefox is more trouble than it's worth


Nope! It works just fine. Most of the plugins are amazing! I've never played with skins/themes, though - that's not high on my list of priorities.


Today I had about 30 tabs open at one point. No complaints from the browser. I remember IE crashing after about a dozen windows opened (no option for tabs, of course). Why on earth would anybody need 30 tabs at once? Reading an article with lots of links: right-click-open-in-new-tab; repeat. I was on dial-up, so it was nice to have the pages loading as I was browsing related articles.


Almost as wonderful as sliced bread! B)


Here is a quick tip about tabs. If you want to open a new tab from a link in the page, Click the middle button on the mouse or more commonly known as the the "scroll wheel". When you click on 'scroll wheel' , it automaticaly opens a new tab.

Also you can Close a tab by click on the tab with the 'scroll wheel". You may also scroll through the tabs using the wheel when the mouse is on top of the tabs.





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