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What political party do you belong to?


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With all due respect to wookies everywhere, we live in Republic.



Yup.. it's true for all the non-believers out there... We use "spreading democracy around the world" as an excuse to kill.. but we aren't a democracy at all.. woot maybe Bush will attack America to 'spread democracy' next?

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America is currently a Socialist Police State.


......If you disagree, define the term "probable cause" for me.




Von you puzzle me - in some posts you're taking a typical (in my mind) republican stance and yet in posts like this one you seem to question it at the same time....you're not....schizo...are you? :stare:


Not that I mind....or anything...



Um...none of the Danish parties are listed... I voted for "Social demokratiet" - guess that makes me a democrat.


Hey, if DEMOcracy is by the people, is DEOcracy by the god?


I wish the US had a stronger Social Democrat tradition. You're mixing Greek and Lation with "deocracy" ... keeping it in Greek, it's "theocracy."

Yeah, leave it to me to mess up language...be glad you weren't my german teacher! ;) (and no - I don't speak german...)

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America is currently a Socialist Police State.

......If you disagree, define the term "probable cause" for me.


I wholeheartedly agree with you that we are living in a police state.


However, having visited several socialist societies, I strongly disagree that the US is socialist.


Consider this:

If you add up all the tax money that has ever been spent on the entire welfare program, and I mean every red cent in its entire history, from Roosevelt’s New Deal until now, it is less than the foreign aid package the US gives to Israel Each and Every year. To say nothing of what is spent on Iraq.


So although the US govt. may have Socialist views towards its Client States, or its Big Corporations, it hardly has them towards its population. Just look at the US attitudes towards Unions, Homeless, Health Care, Agribusiness, or Criminal Rehabilitation.





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  • 8 months later...

I put down independent, but I identify most with the US Libertarian party. They are usually fiscally conservative but generally socially liberal which I like. Don't agree 100% with them, but far more than the 30-50% I agree with Repubs and Democrats.


Unfortunately a Libertarian won't win an election, so I usually split my vote between the greater evils of the major parties.


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I'm an Australian, so it's the Australian Labor Party for me.


This becuase it IS the party that brought Australia free universal health care, opened up Australia 's trading and political influence in Asia, ended protectionism, made multiculturalism an artice of national policy, established a scheme allowing anybody with the academic requirements to pursue tertiary study, built the Sydney Harbour Bridge and which has pursued issues from aboriginal rights, to women's rights and of course, worker's rights.


The past 5 years or so, it seems to have lost it's way, but I have faith it'll get back on track with it's mission, the light on the hill.


"We have a great objective - the light on the hill - which we aim to reach by working for the betterment of mankind not only here but anywhere we may give a helping hand"


JB Chifley

Australian Prime Minister (Labor Party)


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I am a firm supporter of Republican, but i do not share ALL their ideals. in some ways i am extrem, in others i am soft.


I believe VERY firlmy in Imperialism, and the betterment of the United States through any means.


I am pro-choice. Wemon should be able to choose about abortion, although I think that by law, they should be educated in it.


I am Pro-Governmnet, Pro-Military, and am a strick follower of the Unites States Constitution.


Among other things, i follow most conservitives.


and do not think that these parties are affiliated w/ all my belifs. And PLZ research b 4 you vote. the last ting America needs is another Flordia election....

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Well lets c i was a Liberal supporter, but since the long and recent screw ups of our government, im going to have to switch on over to the NDP(New Democratic Party 4 all u non Canadians).


Personally i don't trust the Conservatives espically with Harper at the helm, looks a lil fishey to me

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Why are there only two parties in america??? I mean if you have only two options it isn't really an democracy.... You can't expect people to be either republican or democrat, there oughta be a lot more options. But then again I'm not in charge, so never mind me :).


But I don't have a clue what I'm going to vote, probably something social....

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I have always considered myself a democrat


I am against the war, I am against how most republicans like to handle their big bus. I agree with the democrats' views on education, the environment, social security/wellfare, foreign policiy etc...


I am kinda in between as far as abortion is concerned. I think that the often times Religious Right controlled Republicans can go way too far in one direction while the ultra left-wingers can go a bit too far in giving women freedom over what they do to a fetus/baby.


My biggest problem with the Republican party is that I can not trust them. It seems like every other thing is a lie.


Only other thing I can agree with the Republicans on is gun control.

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Why are there only two parties in america??? I mean if you have only two options it isn't really an democracy.... You can't expect people to be either republican or democrat, there oughta be a lot more options. But then again I'm not in charge, so never mind me :).


But I don't have a clue what I'm going to vote, probably something social....


all the options in this poll are what you can vote for, i am sure their is more. America's two most powerful parties are Republican, Democrate, and the rest are third parties.

So its not only two. alot of ppl i know are independent or social and the majority, REPUBLICAN, WHOOP!!!

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Why are there only two parties in america??? I mean if you have only two options it isn't really an democracy.... You can't expect people to be either republican or democrat, there oughta be a lot more options. But then again I'm not in charge, so never mind me :).


But I don't have a clue what I'm going to vote, probably something social....

If this didn't get answered for you, I'll give you the Str82u opinion. It would seem that everyone else using the indpendent/whig/socialist party finally ended up getting pushed aside because they weren't loud enough or salesmen like the other two. The Rep...Dem...parties got bigger and more powerful and somehow made the others look foolish enough that they were the only two that had credibility.

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