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Loose Change 9-11 Alex Jones Conspiracy


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Loose Change 9-11 Alex Jones Conspiracy Movie - Streaming




is this an insult to the collective intelligence of the American people or the memories of the people who died?


is it a possibility that the bush administration sanctioned this or staged a cover up.





(the truth is out there - do do do do do dooooooo, we we we we we weeeeee, we weeee)

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Hey Mav! That was odd, I heard things I haven't heard before, as a matter of fact, I watching the tail end now. That is a little unsettling, but the quality is horrible. I couldn't make out shadows or see what he was trying to point out in most of that. If he were right, someone else would have brought this out by now, I'm sure, there is no way the government could stop all of us.

On the other hand, the Pentagon parts did leave alot of questions.

EDIT: I tried going to the website this came from, the thing is nothing but intuitive links, I wasn't able to view any other video, or anything else for that matter.


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unfortunately for the world, the evidence of controlled demolitons is strong. Loose Change and Loose Change second edition are an excellent introduction to the evidence of government and media duplicity.


In a thread from a few months back the topic of 911 cover-up was discussed. (well, at least I posted my opinion ;-))

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There are a lot of strange things that happend on that day..... And I doubt the US government has been entirely honest with us. But I really am not sure if they blew their own buildings up. I'm only saying that they could have done it and that there is evidence that they did do something. If the US government did blew up the WTC buildings and it comes out, they are in a lot of trouble....


The US government has thought of it before during the cuban missile crisis. Allthough it is not certain if they actually did it.


So they can think of it, they could have done it and strange things happend on that day. It's up to you to draw your conclusions.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Really, if you think the US government murders its own people, and you are an abiding tax paying citizen, that makes you complicit in these alleged murders. And if you're from Europe...hating America is your national passtime so it's understandable why tinfoil hat freaks like Alex Jones get attention.

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And if you're from Europe...hating America is your national passtime so it's understandable why tinfoil hat freaks like Alex Jones get attention.


Good to hear your tour of Europe went so well! Please - people in Europe (there are several hundred million of us, you know) do not share a single collective mind and we do have better things to do than think about America all the time. Contrary to what you might have been told, the world does not revolve around the USA.


Yeah - these conspiracy theories are sometimes interesting and point out some interesting but I think that they're quite disrespectful to those affected.


I don't doubt that the American government is lying and deceitful and has a whole load of stuff going on that they'll never tell anyone about but the fact of the matter is - all governments are like that. It's simply the fact that America is a relatively young country that people haven't settled into the patient cynicism of the Old World.


I mean, I can't deny there are some incongruities in the evidence but if there is some monstrously huge conspiracy going on - let's face it, the fact is that most people (myself included) will simply dismiss the notion out of hand because the notion is ridiculous. To think otherwise is rather too worrying.


I'll give the man credit though, he put together an excellent case but it's very much one-sided (as you'd expect). Too many eye-witnesses I think - notoriously unreliable. The evidence though is interesting... but I'll stick to thinking that this was terrorists for the moment.

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its a symbol of what USA is not ment to be. even our founding fathers of our country predicted someday our US gov would someday put fear into its people. thus the consitution was placed to make us different from other old world lands that would protect its people not only from invading lands but also from our own. its been a long time since our people parade our land as being the land of the free without the intrest of aiding someone to get into office. the founders of our land have quoted the people shouldnt fear their gov ,the gov should fear its people.

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the only FACT in the whole video is that WTC came down at free fall speeds, which is high school physics, its as if the world trade center just fell apart without any resistence. THIS IS A SCIENTIFIC FACT THAT WTC BOTH TOWERS FELL AT FREE FALL SPEEDS (factoring wind resistence). The only way thats possible is if all the steel beams in the entire WTC from the top to bottom, from inner core to outer shell, were disentegrated to allow this to happen: high grade THERMITE EXPLOSIVES laced with Sulfur cut steel faster than a knife through butter. i saw a video of this by an Advanced Physics professor lecturing in some university hall about the free fall nature. You dont have to have a PHD to understand it, its very simple

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