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ENT: Enterprise Canceled


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when i said that the nx-01 looks better than the TOS Enterprise; I did not mean the cgi models.

My point was that the ships look too advanced, having in mind the TOS Enterprise is made after the NX-01.


The NX-01 can barely fight its way out of a wet paper bag......


2 phase cannons & outdated torpedoes don't even come close to the weaponry of a Constitution Class ship.


.......Now I'm certain your next comment will be


"Why did the NX-01 survive the Expanse?"


.....Easy. It shouldn't have.





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what pisses me off is that they probably cancelled it just going by what happens in the states, I think theres a lot of us fans that are not in the states.


Star trek has a strong following here in the UK, Sky One has most of the rights to the star treks here in the Uk & BBC, Sky 1 does quite a good job keeping the trek fans happy, and because Sky is the main satalite channel provider there is not the same problem here in the uk.


surely the makers should relise that its star trek is more of a international show than just a American show.


That's the point. All Star Trek Productions (yep, including Enterprise) are translated into quite a few languages - french, german and spanish - to name a few. And this translated productions are aired by highly available and very common TV Stations in this countries. Still, there are a few freaks like me who prefer to watch the Eps in english, but there are good reasons to do so (impatience, the possibility to watch a whole season in 2 days, that hasn't even been aired here.). The fact hat TNG is beeing aired here two times in a row now on the same german TV Network, shows there is a lot of demand for Star Trek - I think even Enterprise gets decent quotas here in germany. So the conclusion is, that Paramount should be able to get quite a bit money for the export of licences of their "product" on the international market - like they do since TNG was produced.


I can understand the statement of UPN to some degree (as it is for the U.S. market only, but I wouldn't consider 2 million viewers a bad quota, because it consists almost exclusively out of one target group, which makes it attractive for advertising), but with that facts in mind, I really can't imagine that Paramount considers any Star Trek production a loss.


Granted, Enterprise isn't the best Star Trek production ever made, but I liked it. If you find any grammatical or spelling errors - keep them. :p


/edit: Let's get this over with and start to demand a Star Trek mmorpg, where ye can pilot shuttlepods, visit Risa and wield a Bathleth. yarr!

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My point: The way the NX-01 looks is like a WW1 airplaine looks more like a modern airplaine then a WW2 airplaine.

I am NOT talking about the CGI or the weapons. :stare: :thinking:

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Listen, guys - I really don't know what the fuss is about.

It was high time ENT was taken in the backyard, shot dead and put out of its misery.

I tried to give this show a chance.

From two dimentional characters, never changing expression on Scott Bakula's face, lousy writing, etc, etc. Enough!

It has nothing to do with "not being able to show all this futuristic stuff".

It's amazing it's lasted four seasons. Time to remove life support.

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It's amazing it's lasted four seasons. Time to remove life support.


......And in so doing, you've condemned all of us to 3 years (minimum) without any Star Trek at all.




Good going.......What would you like to do next? Doom all of sci-fi?





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Listen, guys - I really don't know what the fuss is about.

It was high time ENT was taken in the backyard, shot dead and put out of its misery.

I tried to give this show a chance.

From two dimentional characters, never changing expression on Scott Bakula's face, lousy writing, etc, etc. Enough!

It has nothing to do with "not being able to show all this futuristic stuff".

It's amazing it's lasted four seasons. Time to remove life support.


If you really prefer watching NO Star Trek show at all instead of one that might not be perfect...


Mabye you haven't noticed yet, but Star Trek itself is dying together with Enterpise. At least for the next 5 years (minimum).

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It's obveous to me why the show is going under. Yes I know it's because it's ratings suck, but I think the show would have done well if it was a more "Star Trek TNG, or DS9" like acting and set. Voyager was borderline goofy. Paramount and the producers took the acting from serious and believable, then in Voyager added a trumped kinda comedy to it that just was out of the traditional style of the last 3 generations of Star Trek. To put it simply, the acting and storyline just ins't as believable as its predesessors.

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If you really prefer watching NO Star Trek show at all instead of one that might not be perfect...


Mabye you haven't noticed yet, but Star Trek itself is dying together with Enterpise. At least for the next 5 years (minimum).

I don't think there's any question about whether Enterprise is perfect or not. It is not. Yeah, I'll watch anything with the Star Trek name attached to it, but I find it hard to enjoy Enterprise. Maybe a break isn't so bad. Star Trek has been going downhill for years and now it has finally gotten to the point where a show had to be cancelled. Of course, the break will have been for nothing if Trek comes back with the same @ssholes in charge that ruined it in the first place.

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i was really liking it, new writers and the start of all the good stuff. federation, upgraded gear on Enterprise (due to new "United" federation sharing tec), Romulans and other nutters to go and kick the crap out of. oh how i laughed when they got their butts kicked (with their crummy weapons), but i was elated when they'd get their own back and found myself waiting for the day when the crew would get a new heftier ship, what the columbia could have become perhaps?.


i'll will sorely miss it, i'd gotten over the newness of all the computer and ship gear - in my mind eventually, it was more touchy feely to me and our time. sure TOS was WAY different...it was made in the sixties and there were goofs talking all sorts of strange things regards aliens. TOS was their idea of the future, a bit hippy, a bit "Austin Powers".


unfortunately for Enterprise, there was the computer age, you just can't replicate all that "old" style really and do it justice...the skirts wouldn't be so short for a start LOL


TNG, DS9 (to a little degree) and Voyager realised modern production and effects/modelling techniques. pitching ENT before Kirk was gonna be very controversial from the outset with the modern look and feel it had, it's not the sixties and LCD screens are everywhere these days. as another poster said, pitching a "starfleet" type vibe would have been smarter, or setting it before TNG would have been the obvious choice. maybe they should just have stuck with tradition and continued on from Voyager, which i also sadly miss and not just for miss ryan...well mainly for miss ryan LOL


the idea of Enterprise as a "prequel" to TOS was sound, the technology of today could not make it happen however.


please don't let the franchise die oh mighty entertainment moguls, it's a heritage that i will miss my children seeing if it doesn't return.


just my two cents worth, don't go blasting holes in it now folks :p

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Star Trek: Enterprise, like all it's previous incarnations, had a rocky start. I, and I believe fans across the board, were very harsh in the beginning with thier treatment toward this show.


We poo-poo'ed it because it took place 100 years before TOS, and they opted to not use cheap 1960's sets, effects, or ships. We closed our minds, and our hearts, and we are now paying the consequences.


I have to admit that the first two seasons of Enterprise were unimpressive, and unnerving. They seemed to concentrate too heavily on TNG, DS9, and VOY storylines and characters.


Like I mentioned before, Enterprise wasn't the only Star Trek show to have a bad start. Even the now much-loved The Next Generation's first two seasons sucked compared to Season 3 - 7. The same goes for Deep Space Nine, and even more so Voyager.


The Next Generations' niche was to finally let go of Roddenberry's Motion Picture-esque writing and acting, and full embrace what it means to be Star Trek: The exploration of human kind through the exploration of the Final Frontier. The introduction of the Borg in "Q-Who?" and it's re-introduction in "The Best of Both Worlds" made Star Trek: The Next Generation a top-notch show, one that has continued to live on 18 years later.


Deep Space Nine's niche was The Dominion War, and the exploration of the darker side of Trek. Roddenberry was actually opposed to action sequences, and depictions of violence, for his vision did not include such events. But, we live in a universe of duality, and good cannot exist with evil.


Voyager wouldn't find it's niche until it nixed the character of Kes, and introduced the sexy, big-breasted Borg drone Seven of Nine. Seven of Nine would join the ranks of Spock and Data, and represent a character who yearns to learn (or in her case, re-learn) what it is to be Human.


Enterprise was just now finding its niche. To be what it promised to be: A prequel to The Original Series. It eloquently dropped the arcs of its previous two seasons (The Temporal Cold War and The Xindi Crisis) and pushed forward with its primary mission: To explore strange new worlds, and to seek out new life and new civilizations.... To boldly go where no man has gone before ...


This was a time before the UFP, and before Neutral Zones. We, as fans, must open our minds and our hearts, and witness the birth of what Star Trek was to become.


I beg to all fans to no longer support UPN or its affiliates. Star Trek, in all of it's incarnations, was the flagship of the network. Without it, it is doomed. They rather concentrate on shitty ass reality shows, and "mind-numbing" shows like "Veronica Mars", etc, etc. instead of quality shows like Enterprise then so be it.


I only watched UPN one night, and for one show only. Star Trek.


It is my hope, and I ask all fans to come together in unity, and fight ...


Wouldn't it be an ironic twist of fate if, just if, we could get NBC to pick Enterprise up. I believe this would complete the cirlce, so to speak.


It is NBC that aired the original 3 seasons of Star Trek, and let's face it, since it's flagship shows ended their run last year, NBC hasn't been the King of Networks in my mind.


Let's all start writing to NBC, WB, ABC, or even Cable outlets such as Spike, and get them to pick up Star Trek Enterprise for Season 5 and beyond!


My vote is with NBC, to tell you the truth. I believe this would be sweet justice.

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I agree. I believe it was close-minded overly-picky Star Trek FANS that killed the show. The franchise's own fan-base ultimately killed it's own beloved. People didn't like Enterprise because it contradicted "canon". Did anyone complain about The Next Generation when Data's "off-switch" appeared in 3 different locations in Season 1 alone? (Dr. Crusher used his left-leg, Riker used his back, Dr. Soon used his tooth)


I read people complaining about the episode "Regeneration" saying "there's nothing in canon that says anything about the Borg being on Earth back then". That's just ridiculous, you except the show to ONLY show things that have been talked about in other shows, who would have just made it up anyway? For goodness sake, they didn't even know what they were called, so how COULD they DOCUMENT that the borg were there? Would people from 200 years in the future know that a weird alien creature was dug up in Antartica 200 years before? Would they then look back and go "hey look, it's a Borg, we just met them again. How weird." I thought Regeneration was one of the best shows of the first seasons. It build on events we know happened (the borg sphere blown up in 2060-something, sorry if I don't know the exact date of a ficticious event). We got to see Borg taking over the ship, it was awesome. Believe me, the ENTIRE time I watched the show, I thought about how it was linked to First Contact, not how it couldn't have happened.


Then there are the people that say "The NX-01 looks more futuristic than the NCC-1701! How can that be, it was build 100 years earlier"... actually, it was designed 40 years AFTER. Would anyone watch a show where everything went "booooeep, beep, boop boop". Give me a break. Look how cramped that ship is. Watch Captain Archer duck as he paces back and forth in his ready room. Captain Kirk didn't have to do that. And in that case, Luke Skywalker lived even longer ago and he had a cool ship with lasers!


So, WHO CARES. It's all fake and make believe anyway. If you like Trek, support it, don't tear it down. YOU, the FANS killed the show by spreading your filthy "canon" messages on message boards and discouraging others from watching the show. Those who call themselves big fans, have only donated $9,000 to help save the show. Wow, you really are big fans aren't you? You can put out $100 for a season DVD, but can't put out $10 to help keep the show on TV.


Of course, this message probably belongs more on Trekweb.com or something than here, but that's my opinion anyway.

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There are a lot of continuity errors in Star Trek. With 24 seasons (not counting Enterprise), that is to be expected and is almost impossible to avoid. However, all the "non-canon" stuff in Enterprise could have been avoided by never making the show. I would rather have seen a different Star Trek, one that takes place in a different time, and I think most other fans would have as well. The quality of the show only made matter worse. But in the end, I don't think it is the fans that killed the show. Star Trek has a lot of fans and many of them may dislike or even hate Enterprise, but I bet most still watched it. A large portion of the people watching Star Trek at home are not even fans of the franchise. They may not even be sci-fi fans. This is may be more true for Enterprise than for any other Trek. If people stopped watching Enterprise, it is not because it isn't canon, but because they didn't like it. If Enterprise were good enough, it would have survived without the support of the fans.

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Why did they cancel it any way ? every one seemed to like it ?


Well, from the industry's point of view, it cost too much to make.


.......At least that's what they kept screaming.


Their excuse got exposed, however, when one learns that it is actually CHEAPER to make HDTV.


So, either they were just greedy, or they wanted to kill it off, one or the other.





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So, WHO CARES. It's all fake and make believe anyway. If you like Trek, support it, don't tear it down. YOU, the FANS killed the show by spreading your filthy "canon" messages on message boards and discouraging others from watching the show. Those who call themselves big fans, have only donated $9,000 to help save the show. Wow, you really are big fans aren't you? You can put out $100 for a season DVD, but can't put out $10 to help keep the show on TV.


Nite I have to disagree with you on this point, dont you think that paramount/UPN/Viacom or who ever has made enough money out of the star trek series out of us the fans? Alot of use have bought the films, the dvd box sets, the computer games and anything thing else that they have liked. hell some of its not cheap...hell i even bought a 3 foot model of NCC1701A afew years ago and yeah the studio's get a nice healthy margin on all theses items that WE have paid in the past.


Not forgetting the subcription fee to UPN or SKY One, it would cost millions of $ to just even buy the rights to produce the series not to mention the production costs. How much did each episode cost to make?? even if 4 million fans donated $10 each that would only generate $40 million.


People have a right to voice there opions on most matters, like you said on a previous post its UPN that have killed it off more than anything else not the fans themselfs.


Maybe the makers got arrogant in thinking they knew what the fans wanted to see with this series....who knows!!


End of the day its the fans that decide if a show is scucessful or not, the makers took a gamble and it not paid off alot of viewers have not liked this series at all. You only have to goto other websites and read there forums to notice this.


I personally have liked parts of Enterprise, but theres other parts i have not liked at all...but I have still watched them in the hope that things get better.

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The quality of the show only made matter worse. But in the end' date=' I don't think it is the fans that killed the show. Star Trek has a lot of fans and many of them may dislike or even hate Enterprise, but I bet most still watched it. A large portion of the people watching Star Trek at home are not even fans of the franchise. They may not even be sci-fi fans. This is may be more true for Enterprise than for any other Trek. If people stopped watching Enterprise, it is not because it isn't canon, but because they didn't like it. If Enterprise were good enough, it would have survived without the support of the fans.[/quote']


Thats my point as well I totally agree with what you said

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