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To the stars? Or to the table?


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Asimov immediately came to my mind. And Kangeskhan.


In the Asimov universe, the planet Solaria just make sure there's very few people on a very large planet to make sure no two men are together to start trouble.


...Which is quite scary, with all the loneliness,



Kangeskhan told his sons to "not fight among yourselves, if you seek battle, war on the others"


In this case, it would be like James Kirkup's "He wars on Death - for Life; not men - for flags." Fight aganist the unknown, go where no man has gone before, there's enough space in the universe for us.

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  • 3 months later...

I believe that going into space is needed as a way of solving our problems.


for example transport all africans to a planet with lots of food and resources, and voila... no poverty or hunger for them (not trying to be a racist, just an example on how this problem could be fought(on resources, not africans)) Those ppl could learn to build a society on that planet, and start using the resources and sell them.


space travel is a key to most problems, especially with overpopulation and too few resources to go around. If we start conquering resourceful planets (if there is a civillization, look at ST's prime directive, we dont want war )Then a massive amount of trade could raise up from the deep. What one planet has, it could give that to another planet and vice versa, essentially none of the planets (if not overpopulated) would need to have massive amounts of goods to be sent there, because they already have resources to support the settlers.


This could end up in some kind of star wars galaxy (without the jedi or the sith) where many different races and cultures are mixed, as well as humans being a common sight all over the galaxy.

I also believe that Earth is going to turn into a city-planet like coruscant (or better yet, "holy Earth" in WH 40k)

Also if the rate of technology and building, as well as birthrate keeps steady... Earth WILL become a planet COMPLETELY covered with buildings and cities by year 3150

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Now... if only we could figure out a good way of staving off cosmic rays. You know, the ones that punch through most protection short of many feet of water or quite a lot of lead, and which leave nice burn trails straight through human brains.

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Force field technology? Manipulation of electro-magnetism? Something non-physical but effective against radiation. Space research does need to be increased to help provide answers for things like space travel in our future. Or find a way to provide HUGE amounts of energy in space to provide power for the machines to produce water out of common gases which could be used for somewhat effective shielding against those nasty cosmic rays.


Whatever, I think that as a huge growing mass of thinking people, humanity should be able to solve problems here and travel into space.


Should, being the operative word in that sentence. Humans are great at misusing knowledge for destructive purposes.

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I don't think we have much of a choice. Space travel is already a reality. Faster than light travel may not be that far off either. Unless we all go for it, someone else will while the rest of us are still debating it.

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  • 1 month later...
Well, I can think of a few politicians I'd like to ship to Mars right now.--one way. ;)


Perhaps we could tell then it's a diplomatic mission. :cyclops:


Or just tell them there's Oil ther :rolleyes:

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Generally the practical issues of space travel are forgotten in the rush for FTL.


Which seems foolish. It's like having a family car that can do 300mph. Sure, that's going to make people think you've got a huge penis but even should speed limits not be an obstacle, the problems of travelling at that speed are going to make it most likely fatal to travel that fast.


I imagine that it's much the same with FTL... although, an Alcuiberre drive - would that be affected by stuff in space? We just don't know.

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  • 1 month later...

I believe that once we are advanced enough to explore space, we're going to come up against a powerful race that's not going to like our attitude. They're going to come to Earth and blast it with a laser beam.


I don't know. I think any race advanced enough to travel through space at practical speeds would see violence and war as primitive. I think Star Trek is unrealistic in that regard. But it would be pretty boring if every race were like Vulcans.


Maybe the whole surface of the earth is colonized but what about going underground? There's tons of area to colonize underground. I know you don't have to dig down very deep before it gets very hot, but I'm sure there's ways around that. I wouldn't mind living a couple miles underground where noone would bother me.

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  • 10 months later...

Morlock? OH NO, I'm not going permanently underground for millenia while a bunch of flower-child-people frolic on the surface! Send me to the logic and cold equations of space first!


The last thing we need is to be divided more than we already are. I can understand why you would want to go underground, but I'm looking forward to the day when we can stop being "American" and "Chinese" and start being "Human".


Racism is going to be a little hard when guys who look like Kit Fisto are walking around.


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