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Dr Who S3-E10 - 'Blink'


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:Antilles: This is the Official discussion thread for Episode 10 of the 2007 Doctor Who. 'Constructive' criticism is welcome.


[glow=white,2,300]ADDITIONAL: This Episode is airing at a slightly later time of 19:10 PM (GMT) [/glow]




Official Synopsis - In an old, abandoned house, the Weeping Angels wait. However, when people start disappearing, a young woman called Sally finds cryptic messages bleeding through from 1969 – messages from a mysterious stranger called the Doctor. But can she decipher them before the Angels claim their best prize yet?


Apparently the scariest story yet..lets hope it lives up to the BBC sites word!

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oh I really loved this episode...who need CGI for a decent scifi story.... My G/f's 10 year old hid behind the sofa cushion all through this...nice to see it still has the old effect it had on me many years ago...

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I have to day i also loved this episode, it had the right mood, pace everything, and a story that was well....a story.


One thing that did bother me a little, and i mean a little was when the tardis moved, its contents didnt, i dont remember that happening before (it probably had i just dont remember)


oh but the end, if the little kids wern't scared enough, that cut of the doctors warning with the statue, that freaked me out!


oh well can't wait for next week :)

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Yup, a good solid story for a change, after reading on BBC site that it was 'off the scale (5.5) in the Fear Factor, it did take a wee while to actually get me slightly scared (not that I actually was mind) but seeing my nephew crawl into a ball on the sofa and cover his eyes completely at the last few scenes when the lights were going out and the Angels were attacking was just fantastic and made me all warm inside to see a new generation of 10 year olds literally hiding behind things...brilliant.


If you watch it again when Sally & wossisname are saying 'Dont blink', one second later he actually blinks LMAO, Im surprised they let it through!


No Mister Saxon links (that I saw) but definitely looking forward to next week when Jack's back, dying to see why the Doctor did what he did (in the early trailer/teaser).


And Sally, what a dish..swap her for Martha LOL

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Loved it. Probably the best ep of the season, i think. It was nice to see the Doctor taking a back seat in the episode. I just loved the creepyness of the episode - the statues just looked amazing and the whole idea that they moved when you weren't watching was great. The way the Doctor tricked them at the end was also great.


Haha - the ending, another great way to end an episode - they are watching you, are you watching them? ;)

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oh I really loved this episode...who need CGI for a decent scifi story.... My G/f's 10 year old hid behind the sofa cushion all through this...nice to see it still has the old effect it had on me many years ago...


Hell, I hid behind the sofa for this one :( Spooky, damn spooky. It got scary as hell when dude twitched then looked back, instead of a weeping angel the angel had fangs, claws and was in a screaming pose.


Overall I really enjoyed this episode. I was glad it wasn't entirely without the Doctor, he got steady screen time starting around the second half of the episode which was good.


If the Tardis is alive, and sentient, couldn't it have sent itself back in time to meet up with The Doctor? Or does it kinda of, need, a Timelord to fly it? Just curious if their relationship is symbiotic like a Leviathan/Pilot from Farscape's is


The ending was good, how cool would it be to just see "The Doctor" getting out of a car and running up to him? The transcript conversation was wicked cool, even better when she realized she was the person who gave The Doctor the information, in the future ;)


Next weeks episode looks pretty good, "The end of the Universe. Not even the Timelords ventured here. We should leave."

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one question is i still dont get, why did the women and bloke jump in the tardis play the dvd and then the tardis moved back in time and they didnt?  Thought it was a smart way of winning thou so they all see each other.


Id say this also was one of the best of this series!!

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Wasn't scary but more creepy (scary shocks/freaks you out but creepy gets under your skin).


It was quite clever, a definite reminder of the horror movies of old where atmosphere was used to hide the simple effects of the enemy making you believe it as much as the protagonists do.


The effects were simple but combined well - essentially making us scared of motionless objects with lighting effects adding to the tension.


Someone pointed out in answer to something else that because we simply don't see it makes it harder for us to understand (like Invisible Boy's power in Mystery Men where he could only become transparent when no-one looked at him) much like the philosphy of "if a tree falls down in the woodsand no-one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?". Simple yet ingenius.


The only part which didn't make sense was the bit at the start with the rock through the window. Seemed out-of-place with what followed.


One thing that did bother me a little, and i mean a little was when the tardis moved, its contents didnt, i dont remember that happening before (it probably had i just dont remember)
one question is i still dont get, why did the women and bloke jump in the tardis play the dvd and then the tardis moved back in time and they didnt?  Thought it was a smart way of winning thou so they all see each other.
Happened before in Bad Wolf except in reverse - the TARDIS materialised around Rose and the Dalek and also in School Reunion when K-9 is 'left behind' when the Doctor leaves at the end.
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Hi all! I'm new, got introduced to this forum back for "Gridlock" and I've been reading it with interest ever since! Now was the time to make myself known though I felt, after last night's show.


This has to be one of the best episodes of modern times, my 8 year old daughter also had a "cushion moment" or two watching this! You can just imagine kids wetting themselves next time they walk through a graveyard and see the weeping angel headstones....!


But can anyone please venture an explanation on why one of the Angels had the TARDIS key but hadn't used it for years? Plus why was the TARDIS in the cop shop then in the Manor, I didn't quite follow that. And how did the Angels rocking the TARDIS shake Sally and the feller about inside, when I can't recall turbulence really affecting the passengers anywhere as near as much as a standard Star Trek episode?

I'm a picky perisher, I like to see all the loose ends tied up  ;D

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Welcome aboard!


My guess is the Angels had the key, but didn't know where the TARDIS was located. They followed the girl when she took the key, then stole the TARDIS when she discovered it at police HQ, but now they no longer had the key to get in. Maybe the fact that they could shake the TARDIS could be evidence of their awesome power? I don't know. They send their victims through time so they must have some kind of control over the vortex that the Doctor travels through.

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Welcome to the forums Halmir! :)


Plus why was the TARDIS in the cop shop then in the Manor' date=' I didn't quite follow that.[/quote']


Well, i'm pretty sure the Angels moved the TARDIS. I can't be certain, but it makes sense. I'm going to have to watch this episode again to catch all the details.

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It wouldn't be the first time the Tardis had "turbulence". In Runaway Bride, as the Doctor was wizzing past cars bumping into a few, they got shook around a little inside. When the Daleks fired misses at the Tardis it also shook from "the blow" of the explosion etc


I guess it makes sense, since it's pretty damn hard to break into the Tardis without a key or the Doctor's permission, that once inside you're gonna feel things like. I mean how many times did the Doctor and Rose have a "rough" landing? ;p

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That happened even in the old series, although there was a switch the Doctor could use to disable 'internal orientation' or something like that (i.e. so the innards of the TARDIS would be upright even when the TARDIS itself was sideways).

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Hi all! I'm new, got introduced to this forum back for "Gridlock" and I've been reading it with interest ever since! Now was the time to make myself known though I felt, after last night's show.


This has to be one of the best episodes of modern times, my 8 year old daughter also had a "cushion moment" or two watching this! You can just imagine kids wetting themselves next time they walk through a graveyard and see the weeping angel headstones....!


But can anyone please venture an explanation on why one of the Angels had the TARDIS key but hadn't used it for years? Plus why was the TARDIS in the cop shop then in the Manor, I didn't quite follow that. And how did the Angels rocking the TARDIS shake Sally and the feller about inside, when I can't recall turbulence really affecting the passengers anywhere as near as much as a standard Star Trek episode?

I'm a picky perisher, I like to see all the loose ends tied up  ;D


Hiya Hilmar.....erm think I know you from the KM12 clan lol...anyway welcome to Nitescifi

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hmm... isn't there a number of paradoxes going on?


like when Sally's friend ends up in 1920... she ends up in a time where she dosn't belong


from my point of view the Doctor and co. makes a mess out of the timeline, also creating a causality loop.


AFAIK, those things from "father's day" should have showed up "to sterillize the wounds" Might be a simple continuation error, but still...


at least they still know how to make good episodes without all that CGI, it's a thubs way up from here

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It's only a time loop if it's not resolved in a linear fashion.


Doctor gets packet from Sally -> gets trapped in the 60's -> leaves messages for Sally -> Sally finds house -> Sally gets messages -> Situation resolved -> Sally gives Doctor packet.


... it's a linear stream of events from everybody's perspective, it's just that the Doctor's linear stream isn't parallel to Sally's linear stream.  The script was simply a result of how those two linear streams interacted.


As for not being able to return the victims to the future... it may be something that the angels do to their victims that prevent them from being able to return to their own time.  Something about the angel's power also makes the victim's arrival in the past... consistent?  Not a good feeding method if it results in messing up one's own existence through paradox.


Edit: Scratch that last bit... he couldn't return 'em because their living in the past was necessary for the whole business to be resolved... it already happened, so it had to happen that way.

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It's only a time loop if it's not resolved in a linear fashion.


Doctor gets packet from Sally -> gets trapped in the 60's -> leaves messages for Sally -> Sally finds house -> Sally gets messages -> Situation resolved -> Sally gives Doctor packet.


... it's a linear stream of events from everybody's perspective, it's just that the Doctor's linear stream isn't parallel to Sally's linear stream.  The script was simply a result of how those two linear streams interacted.


As for not being able to return the victims to the future... it may be something that the angels do to their victims that prevent them from being able to return to their own time.  Something about the angel's power also makes the victim's arrival in the past... consistent?  Not a good feeding method if it results in messing up one's own existence through paradox.


Edit: Scratch that last bit... he couldn't return 'em because their living in the past was necessary for the whole business to be resolved... it already happened, so it had to happen that way.


well... I understand the last bit, but the entire "Doctor gets packet from Sally -> gets trapped in the 60's -> leaves messages for Sally -> Sally finds house -> Sally gets messages -> Situation resolved -> Sally gives Doctor packet." thing is still a loop since the chain of events start at the same point they end... it might be a linear stream from the audience's and everybody but the involved part's point of view... what started the loop and what ended it? You must remember that  at the end of the episode Sally meets the "past" doctor, from before he ended up in the 60's Then the whole thing happens again in some way... it is a linear string of events from their point of view, but there is still a loop.

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