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What is your favourite Dr Who audio play?


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Cheating a bit here as I suppose this should be a poll, but there is that many to choose from (Big Finish, BBV etc) I'd never finish the list.


My favourite Big Finish audio would have to be either Chimes of Midnight or Scherzo but I could have picked dozens. My other favourite audio is Republica made BBV and written by Mark Gatiss.


your thoughts?


BTW everyone should give a big thanx to Tinpusher to uploading all the BF stories (I have them all on CD, but having them on my Harddrive is so much easier).

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Anytime Tinpusher.


I loved Winter for the adept right up until part four when they discovered the ghost and confronted the spillagers.


Have you ever listened right the way through the CD and heard tthe mini gag-reel at the end especially Peter Davison's bit about the baby Jesus



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I've only listened to about 30% of the Big Finish Audio Shows, but so far my far and a way favorite is Devros. I also really enjoyed Omega. More thanks to tinpusher for the ups, as it's not very easy for me to get the CD's (though I will eventually).

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Yes, I agree that Davros was a fantastic play, I loved his own refusal to admit his love for Sharn and when he described the passing of time during cryogenic suspension, i had tingles down my spine trying to imagine the horror!

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I've only heard a few but I REALLY like the "Excelis" series and "Storm Warning".


I have to say, and I'm not trying to stir things up here... I plan on buying a couple of these to support this company... it's a small biz and we should all buy at the very least one.


I think my first purchase will be "Colditz" and only because I like the story idea. I will still download some but only because I'd never be able to buy them all anyhow...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Listened to Sirens of Time and Phantasmagoria...Liked both but though Sirens was a bit muddy. Does Real Time count? Cause I loved that...totally cool way to end, makes you wonder how it fits in with continuity though.

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Oh, look nobody's posted for days... the audios must not be that popular. Just a thought; I could be wrong,,let me know if I am. Guess the people who claim that everyone just wants eye candy are right. I prefer ear candy!

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I love the BF Audios! Just on Minuet in Hell right now. I think McGann is the best in the BF Audios.


Thx tinpusher for up'ing these! My little Lyra mp3 player has never gone through so many batteries! I stick on my headphones, put on ear mufflers, then go cut the grass for almost one whole book...

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I utterly adore these audio's. Before seeing them here I had no idea there were so many or that they were so well made ( by lots of the blokes making the new series), I think I had previously thought of them as sort of strange geek fan bedroom productions.


WOW, better than TV, cos the FX budget is inside your head.....and I'm a real Stanley Kubrick :)


I don't think I COULD pick a favourite in terms of sheer mightiness, but for silliness, you could do a lot worse than The Holy terror, which is an excellent story, and pitched about half way between Douglas Adams and Robert Rankin, likewise "the one doctor", but that lacks the genius of Frobisher ( linux user here, so I take frobisher as proof that TimeLords don't run windows).


Spare parts is good, it's sort of genesis of the cybermen, and davidson is better on audio than telly :)

Very much enjoyed the Dalek Empire series, nice to hear them finish a sentence without the Dr taking the piss outta them.


What are these other audio's of which you speak ( BBV?) are any online?


I'll be buying as many of these as I can when I get back to work they deserve the cash. My only regret is that I'm barrelling through them so fast that if I have to go into hospital between now and returning to work......I'll have sod all to listen to there. Mind you, they do numb the endless boredom of 20 hr days stuck in the house.


PS: symptahy not required....not dying JUST yet :)

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You will SO love Spare Parts if you aint heard it yet. You get the original highpitched and disjointed cybervoices, as well as a modern vocoder trying to make the Troughton era voice for cyber control. Even the wet vet doesn't ruin it :)

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I have all of the Big Finish stories and my favourite is Time of the Daleks because of the complexity of that Eighth Doctor series and how it all came together. It's closely followed by The Harvest though. It's the first Doctor Who I've come accross where the cybermen appear unexpectedly.

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