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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by str82u

  1. Hey, if it's entertaining someone, let it go. Thing is, if we can hang out here from time to time and accomplish something more social than swapping episodes and complaining about who is screwing up what TV show, then why not. It's better than soap operas and it's real.
  2. It seems to be important to someone, but why? I've been watching Enterprise Season 2 again, remember "Singularity", everyone obsessing over trivial stuff?
  3. I missed that knuckle rapping, how's that?
  4. You all realize that Tim has possibly becom corrupt or employed by this money and needs something else to do. The money will probably get returned with a dent in it, but as stranger said, not until the fan support quits feeding Tim's desire to continue his efforts. Actually, has anyone seen him doing anything? I have only read abot things done, I'm on the east coast and don't know if the guy has ever left his house since the start of all this.
  5. Cry, hmm, I won't admit to that, but at the end of Movie 6 "Undiscovered Country", the speech makes me a little misty. and in Nemesis when Picard is talking to B4 about Data, you know you won't see data again. A great way back into bringing Data back is to say they swapped bodies and his mind is backed up on the ships computer...not intelligent, original or plauseable, but.... When Spock died, my Godfather had a friend on the inside that had already told us the basic story line for "Search for Spock"...and that was the week the movie came out. I was prepared, but it was a spoiler I'll never forget, it robed us of the moment.
  6. Those are in the supermarket I bet, I'll have to do some shopping. Thank's for the link. I believe more than ever that it's all gonna end up being a history lesson on a holodeck. Piss, poop, ugh! And the to scenes arefrom the last show, at least the Frakes scene for sure, but Combs is in the last show and that's probably it.
  7. Well, here's mine again. I've been watching though. PheonixAsh is cool, a 8 For originality and humility, I give a 7.5 to eRRoRz, don't be hard on yourself, that's what we're here for. Andreas and elderbear , hey, exposing your face desserves an 8 Skippy, Stephenofnine, karimw786 and thanatos355 I give 8.5 for the effort involved. That freakshow Yoda gets a 9 for Shadowrunner because I laughed out loud. Another decent 7.5 I saw was that belongs to damacles
  8. str82u


    Yes, I think it is better, but you'll probably tweak that into a real work of art before you're through with it. I was playing with my plate logo in Photshop. I am going to start using it for my site, but without the Texas theme. It seems that a majority of women don't get it "straight" unless they see it spaced apart this way and since the site is for finding information, it may make more sense this way.
  9. str82u


    Very nice, I love layering things, what program are you using? And dont worry about my comments, there are some folks with small videos for avatars (.gif) that are super sized.
  10. str82u


    Small file size is missing. Try it as a png if the site allows you to use that format, it'll be criper too, assuming you are using a decent program like Photoshop or similar. What I don't get is why anyone would load down a web page with so many graphics, I'm on 4mbit cable and there are times that some of these pages load slow because of it. Pendrake, between that and your avatar you would be adding 125kb (compared to the sites main banner at only 16kb), plus all the other people with avatars, and no offense VonHelton, but damn... I see you did away with the battle cruiser. I'm a crab at 12.30, eh?
  11. Without looking at everyones profile, the next poll should be what time zone everyone is from so we can figure on the best location. I have a couple weeks vaction coming up and this would be an excuse for one of them. I'm usually strapped for cash, but there are always ways to work that out. I live on the east coast and for anyone that's on the way without transportation could hitch a ride depending on where we go. Like Andreas said, You can do it, even if we have to put people up on a cot or rent a house for a weekend. The only thing I wonder about is drawing the attention of "The Man" (whoever the man is at any given time). Either that or figure out how to clean up some of the iffy legal stuff before we started promoting, if that is part of the plan.
  12. When asked about the rumour which states that his character will die in the finale Trinneer provided the following by way of his answer. "They did what they felt like they had to do to wrap it up. That's not a ringing endorsement, I know." Sci Fi Pulse That's really the kicker for me, why not let us have happy memories of an intact crew, at least so the character can live on in books....but noooo, screw everyone. The only time characters should die is lack of talent, popularity or contract/ego disputes.
  13. My favorite part of that and the biggest truth about it : “The joke is, and I don't mean this in a disparaging way at all, but 20 years from now, [Enterprise] will be being bought and viewed somewhere, and the eight shows that are on UPN right now, none of them will be,†he says. “It's nothing against them; it's just that it's the nature of the genre.†- Scott Bacula And I feel the same way about it being on the SCI_FI channel, not every get's it, but we'd all watch somehow.
  14. Personally, I think the NX-01 is perfect, Yeah it looks more advanced than NCC-1701, but when I was a kid and the original series had just hit reruns, you had to imagine that the ship was cooler than it was. Would any of you stand for a show that had as bland a look as the original? Heck No! At teh same time, Kirk's ship was the hottest thing around and is still cool. The new/older /original Enterprise is built like a tank: Thick bulkheads, polorized hull plating, a freakin' GRAPPLER???, not to mention what happened to that poor bastard in "Strange New World". Didn't see those kinda breakdowns did ya? Innovations? How about when they introduced the phase pistol in (Episode 1x03[?]) Phase cannons... or the Photonic Torpedo? Yeah, they were way behind tecnologically, if Gene Roddenberry had Skywalker Ranch in '67, where would webe now? Or what if Lucas had done Star Wars in'67. My point is dull, I use my imagination watching Enterprise the same as I did Star Trek TOS, I also have a condition (no joke) that allows me to watch these shows repeatedly like they were campfire stories, over and over....
  15. First of all, be careful what you read here...either it will spoil things for you or drive you to maddness. Secondly, have you been to Startrek.com? Same advice for that site too. Enterprise predates the original series, it takes place in the 22nd century, Captain Kirk and Spock are 23rd century and The Next Generation is 24th century. The idea is to give the origins of Starfleet, the Federation and uses alot of "Blindly going where no man has gone before" to fill in the back story of Star Trek. If you look at the NX-01 Enterprise, it's built more like a World War 2 battleship than a sleak Steath Bomber. Keep watching, the show is probably going to cancellation here in the USA, but there are four whole seasons for you to enjoy, my favorite is Season 3...almost the entire 24 episodes are one long story line...and you'll love the Xindi.
  16. 101 get's a 7, it's natural. <<<----Y'all like this one or my old Archer?
  17. I've been meaning to post this for a while, but my username was on the outs..We have all seen alot of evidence and read/heard enough rumors to make the tabloids look like the Bible. Maybe I missed this posted elsewhere, but here's my theory on how Enterprise is going out...WHAT"S YOURS? We already know Riker, Troi and a Holodeck (probably on Enterprise-D) are involved. Now: Put this together with the HUGE part the Temporal Cold War has played in the series as well as the empasis Daniels has put on the idea that Archer has something to do with the formation of the Federation of Planets AND the (brief) decriptions of season 4 episodes 20 and 21. I believe it all comes together with the successful formation of the Federation with Riker and Troi observing it in 22nd century attire. Archer will turn down some Almighty position, probably to replace Admiral Forrest, to be with his crew to extend the hand of the newly formed Federation.... then.... as the Enterprise NX-01 peels by the camera, Archer gives us the familiar "Space, the final frontier..." to excite (most of) us, then ("Ensign Mayweather, second star to the right, warp 6*), boom, she blurs off as the starlight darkens, cut by the yellow, squared lines of a holodeck, the camera pans to Riker and Trois, still in 22nd century garb. Then they say something to make us cry or piss us off as they enter the corridor, then out a portal to an exterior shot of the 24th century Enterprise going to warp...fade to black. Hell, I don't need to watch now, if it ain't better than that we're forming a lynch mob. Hope You aren't thinking the same of me. And YES, warp 6, we have to get some sense that our Ship and Crew will progress without us.
  18. I'm Andrew in PA, USA, 34, divorced (from ex and occasionally reality) and I have a Beautiful 7 year old daughter named Ruth Ann. I try to see her as often as possible, but I'm having to use legal methods on the ex to see her more. I love Star Trek, especially Enterprise now, and most Sci-Fi in general, so does Ruth (she prefers Next Gen. movies because of Data and Worf), and SpongeBob is a favorite show we share.
  19. The C.S. Lewis "Chronicles" was another childhood favorite, don't know why I didn't mention that. He was also quite a theologian, which influenced him in righting the 7 book series. He descibed it (paraphrased) as the struggle between good and evil, with a loving God who didn't interfere but included every one and helped when needed...something like that. I can't say whether or not I understand much of anything in this life or the next (and we really don't need to), but the books certainly helped me develop my personal sense of the Creator, more than church ever did.
  20. Piers Anthony's Xanth series got me through some rough times a long time ago and still hold a place in my heart. Another not mentioned would be J.R.R. Tolken, but if that's too mainstream (they didn't have movies like that when I was a kid) then Douglas Adams.
  21. str82u


    Sounds Buddhism to me. And they say that those who talk the most about God are those who claim He doesn't exist.
  22. I have the good fortune of having a job with a satellite DVR, so I have an easy way to capture stuff, UPN doesn't pre-empt here and does rebroadcast onSunday night, but the real truth is, UPN IS NOT the network for Enterprise. If you look at the bulk of thier programming, you can tell that the veiwership is not geared toward Sci-Fi. I don't know what goes on with them outside of Pennsylvania, but the only time I watch UPN is for Enterprise and I Might...MIGHT...stick around to watch Twilight Zone. Fear Factor holds no intrest for me any more than the urban programming that's on the rest of the week. I agree that a channel like Spike is good, but Sci-Fi Channel has done wonders for shows in the past, I would love to see that first. A real broadcast network would be better though so everyone has equal access to veiwing.
  23. The whole thing is crap. We' get the joke if it funny to us, what the hell were they thinking anyhow? Enterprise is probably one of the biggest traffic areas of thier site since it's the only active show, and now they insult us?
  24. The Reptillian Xindi are my new favorite bad guys!
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