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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Beawulf

  1. i hate the way some people think gay=paedophile, especially when there are more paedophiles per person in the catholic church than any other group of society
  2. how about : I.E.S. Tribble the first self replicating star ship with fur, comes in a pretty range of colours too
  3. I agree, I dont think 2 would be enough to portray the entire series. I really hope they stay true to the books. and they better not get will smith to lead!
  4. IIEEEEEEEEWWWW, gross!!! :cyclops: get your mind out of the gutter hehehe :p
  5. holy cow its anakin. HIDE YOUR YOUNG!! LOL I hadnt noticed hehe B) edit: my original post has been deleted, so if you didnt see it you will just have to use your imagination :P
  6. Darth Vadar bit too obvious a choice atm though :thinking:
  7. no data doesnt count :p he played all the one "family" hehe I think we have come up with a pretty good list here
  8. for me it's the sniper rifle all the way :) I like to survive, being able to take a shot with deadly accuracy with minimal risk is what I want :) they wont see it coming :cyclops:
  9. I hate the character building episodes, if there isnt a risk of death, battle, scientific problem or prime directive dillema....i'm not interested ;)
  10. I can understand why the US wanted to overthrow the taliban considering what happened. However I dont think they were justified invading Iraq, in the end the only reason was to overthrow Sadam....and werent they responsible for him being in power in the first place except in extreme circumstances I dont think an outside nation has a right to overthrow a government. It is up to the citizens, ultimately if they arent happy they will rise up. There are plenty of examples around the world right now where this is taking place. I realise this is simplifying things a bit. :cyclops:
  11. Democracy for all!....as long as you vote the way we want :cyclops:
  12. I'd love to see a sci fi series based on some of asimov's stories....as long as they stay true to the originals. and they cast some ex star trek actors hehe
  13. i liked enterprise theme, at first I hated it and thought it was a bad idea having lyrics in a theme song, but it grew on me I also really like dr who, but i dont know which theme is which :p
  14. I just noticed that the majority of people have voted that the marquis are "misguided but understandable". to get back to topic, i'm curious what methods if any should they be pursuing in their situation? personally i voted freedom-fighters. viva la resistance! :) but I am curious to hear about the alternatives in their specific situation.
  15. BTW, I am not against an individual being spiritual. I just believe that organised religions around the world are leading people astray, forgetting what the basis for all the teachings are and widening rifts between cultures even further and I know this saying is getting worn but, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. If there is a god out there, I doubt any of this fits into the vision.
  16. I agree that a common enemy will unite us. What does that say for us as humans though, that we need conflict to become better as people? if this is the case where will it end. I fear we may never get over our differences. I certainly cant see it happening so long as religions exist. as for a modern day Confusius....I doubt enough people would listen. :(
  17. hehehe, I look like i'm about to throttle the cameraman ;)
  18. Yeah that explanation doesnt cut it for me either :p Q said that he was only responsible for sending picard into the future and back into the past, not creating a different reality.
  19. I'll answer your call elder :D 'cept I wont be going to work for NASA, they can bite me. I'm gonna try and get work with the ESA
  20. i'll give you a 7 because I like the gorillaz B)
  21. the solar winds could certainly be used to travel to another solar system, as long as the solar wind hits the sails the ship will continue accelerating. Once the force of the solar wind has gone the ship's velocity will not reduce until another force is encountered. no comment on the amount of time it would take though. :) and yeah mass is very relevant even in the absense of gravity, force = mass x acceleration, momentum = mass x velocity, kinetic energy = 1/2 x mass x velocity^2
  22. Unfortunately here in Australia we have reached the extent of hydro power as nothing remains to be dammed. Wind power on a large scale is also not practical as we dont have reliable wind speeds in most of the country. the best alternative for us is the 200MW solar thermal towers that are currently planned. Once completed they will be the tallest structures in the world standing 1km tall and 10 square km at the base. We certainly have the space for them, and the sunlight B)
  23. ahhhhh yeah that's right, thanks heaps :)
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