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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Beawulf

  1. Yeah loosing land isnt the end of the world, but what if they are trying to take something else from you, like your freedom, or your life, or the lives of your family, what if they want to put your sons into slavery and your daughters into prostitution...would you fight to stop that?
  2. I think it is only normal for people to take action if they are being attacked or oppressed. If an alien race were attacking earth and we had no miliatary left would we just give up and be oppressed? no! We would fight.....for our freedom.
  3. Sorry to hear about your experiences Yammichi. What country did you go to school? From what I have seen of US school culture (on tv i must admit), it doesnt seem very accepting. For the most part my school environment was very accepting of me which I am thankful for, especially with some of the horror stories I have heard. But then I have been over 2m tall since I was 15 so I'm sure that helped hehe B)
  4. Very good work :) I recommend swapping sentance in the third paragraph "And no, not even Star Trek is perfect." with "And no, not everything is perfect." just to cut back the repitition a bit further.
  5. I wonder how many people accidentally voted "yes" thinking they were answering "does alien life exist?" :cyclops:
  6. they explained it in the ep i think, but i cant remember :(
  7. also, might need to make clear you are refering to the federation as not all the trek cultures treat prisoners with as much respect.
  8. What's the deal with warp speed? I always thought it was impossible to go warp 10 or faster, except in voyager Tom Paris achieved warp 10 and was everywhere in the universe at once.....ok, so they can go warp 10 now (with some side effects). but in tng "all good things..." the enterprise with 3 nessells went warp 13! wtf
  9. Oh, but you're wrong, the average man is quite intelligent, unfortunately the average man is also quite stupid! hehe, what's that saying... individuals are smart but the masses are stupid. I think coolcat was saying that our creation may come to the conclusion that we arent intelligent, despite whatever the reality might be
  10. apparently patrick stewart's son dennis stewart played picard's son in the episode "inner light" some more trivia for you: he was so certain he was going to be sacked in the first season he didnt unpack his bags for six weeks johnathan frakes jokingly refers to picard constantly tugging on his shirt as "the picard manouver" hehe, i love imdb.com
  11. The romulan commander character she plays in season 5 is supposed to be tasha's daughter that she had with a romulan because she went back in time (at some stage, dont remember how) :stare:
  12. lmao yeah all two of them THEY WERE STILL GOOD - U DON'T GET ANY EPISODES ABOUT SPOT DO YOU!! hehehe tuche :p
  13. All the talk of self replicating robots got me thinking. At what stage should we class advanced technologies as being alive, should we grant them rights? what rights would they have? a story in the Animatrix movie came to mind where the robot killed to protect it's own existence. If we give something the ability to learn and expand its knowledge and an awareness of it's existence have we given up the right to take this away. the tng episode "measure of a man" tackles this issue with regards to data, and it is deemed that he fullfills the conditions of life and is granted the same rights as humans. I think that whenever oppression exists there will eventually be a struggle for freedom. I beleive that would be true for any situation involving a certain level intelligence, human or not.
  14. gotta love discovery. saw a docco on different offshoots of human species that have existed. There were some that were over 7 feet tall. and some that were only 3 feet tall! among others they came about as an environmental response to the conditions they were in. When the conditions changed the offshoots that werent suited died off. :cyclops:
  15. True, but isnt it better to give some rules on behaviour than none. If we dont give any guidance they would probably make up their own, what if they decide humans are a disease on the world and need to be wiped out. at least with the zeroth law, if crudly interpreted, it will still be in the interest of the greater good. I'd prefer that to mass extermination.
  16. I have always thought it is really odd, that a country so righteously democratic doesnt have compulsory voting, or failing that only gets voter turn out of about 60% The global warming is certainly a pressing issue, I'm embarrassed that the current Australian government is so spineless that it unquestioningly follows US policy. I hate to think that they want to wait till it is too late before taking action. also the world is in a sorry state when the greatest power wont recognise the geneva convention back on topic though, I can understand what some are saying, that it is better the devil we know to let US be the one with the weapons. I dont think they need to have such weapons, the ability already exists to destroy all life on Earth. Perhaps by deploying such weapons they would be opening up the posiblity of access to terrorists. I doubt terrorists would be able to develop and launch their own, but they could probably hack in and take over control.
  17. I just noticed that Sisko's father was also in the original battlestar neelix also played one of the ferengi that boarded enterprise and drugged the crew
  18. What are you talking about, everybody knows pigs CAN fly!! I read it in the newspaper.
  19. yay i'm in the majority! (I'm 23)
  20. Yeah apparently majel barret has been in more episodes and series than anyone else, I also didnt realise she was roddenberry's wife Also, the actor that plays Weyoun and brunt also plays commander shran in enterprise
  21. so did he get your vote? :p
  22. I think it could be a bit concerning, we may at some stage get too far ahead with creating technologies that we dont fully understand the implications of their creation or how to completely control them thanks to Asimov we have the laws of robotics, but will they be used? and if they are will they be used effectively. I'm all for progress but we should be careful where we step. when i heard about the replicating robots i thought of stargate, battlestar, terminator, matrix. (I should read more hehe) There certainly isnt a shortage of warnings
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