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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by GorunNova

  1. Going to the lake? Good thing it's werewolves that are the problem and not hockey-masked mass murderers. ;)
  2. Yes... right up until I accidentally nuked my windows partition on my desktop. Now I run pure linux. ^^' (ahh... what a one character typo can do ;p) Anyways... when I was using 7.5, it worked fine, and given that they're discontinuing updates for 7.1, upgrading is probably a good idea.
  3. If you're running a 32-bit version of XP and get a 64-bit version of Vista, the you would get more out of that 64-bit processor... unless Vista's incredible overhead eats up all the 64-bit benefits and then some (which is probably what would happen).
  4. Benefits of XP over Vista? XP is only massively bloated instead of being utterly insanely uberbloated (higher idle specs than Half Life just for the OS!). It won't stop you from listening to music or watching movies if it thinks you don't have the right to do so (which includes when you try to see things on old, non-Trusted platform hardware). You don't have to upgrade everything just to run the OS / DirectX 10. I could be wrong about the no playback on non-Trusted monitors, TVs, or sound cards... but I doubt it. Feel free to correct me if that's not the case. ^^
  5. Look on the bright side... you have a bandwagon all of your own! ^^
  6. ... only if you're implying homosexuals should be blown up. -_-'
  7. ... and that was a surprise because? It happened with XP, after all, and IT became the ultimate platform for DDOS attacks. Oh, wait... it's just the video DRM that got cracked. Still, it was inevitable. A lot of very smart people hate such protections, after all. Heh... 'Candian'. Nice to see these guys doublecheck their spelling before submitting articles. ;p
  8. Naah... There's only evidence against S0V13T if you think he'd spoil the game by blabbing everything... Oh, wait... maybe you've got a point there... ^^'
  9. Whoops... my bad. ^^'... what do you expect from one's first post of the morning, stupidly done before having a cuppa joe? ;p I apologize completely for falsely accusing you of being a Wolfenstein fan. I hope you can live down the stigma...
  10. I'll vote for Tablet... I don't like the cut of his jib, he's got shifty eyes, AND he's a 'Wolfenstein' fan!
  11. WHOO-HOO! It wasn't me! *ahem* Um, I mean, "Alas, poor QueenSpock... may thy loss be avenged!" *eyes neomaster* Hmmm... 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein', you say...?
  12. Which witch is rich? ^_^ (couldn't resist... feel free to say that 10 times fast, though.) ... you played 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein'? *backs away from neomaster slowly* ... then again, I played 'Wolfenstein 3D', so I really can't talk. ^^
  13. Ummm... wouldn't that just increase your smell and draw 'em to you?
  14. o.o... I didn't know ears needed sharpening? *preps his stake and holy water... and remembers that these are werewolves we're worried about, not vampires...*
  15. Just because he co-wrote the episode doesn't mean he can't make mistakes... or fix them, for that matter. Besides, wasn't the concept of the whole regeneration scheme still a bit vague at that point in the series? I know retcon when I see it... but it doesn't make retcon bad. ^^
  16. Heh... as another guy who's known for tossing random fans in his tower, I'd say go for it... but only after checking to see if you can get a replacement fan. If losing the card doesn't bother you, go right ahead... it may work, and work well! On the other hand, if you really -don't- want to buy a new card, wait and get a proper fan. What exactly is this card, anyways? If it can run with just a fan without a heat sink, it can't be very recent... and if there IS a heat sink between this fan and the GPU, then it should be pretty easy to tape or glue it in place. The fact that it lived at all after two months with a dead fan suggests that it's not very recent...
  17. Force me to open a 32-bit chroot, will ya... *grumble* All in all, I think it's a great ad for the nice new features of Vista! ;)
  18. Well... at least they're letting some of the ad revenue reach the people who create and add popular videos. On the other hand, I bet this'll lead to a rise in people adding crap to try and get money. ^^'
  19. Well... they're remaking everything else, so I don't see why they wouldn't remake that. The again... the whole deal with copyrights and named 'franchises' probably precludes any remake. Can't very well remake it with a title like 'Space 1999', can they?
  20. HAH! It's like reading a list of linux kernel and filesystem features that have been around for years! XD Symbolic links, I/O cancellation and priority schedulers, intelligent CPU scheduling... they're all in linux, and have been for ages! I was laughing my guts out by the end of the article. I look forward to part 2 to see what other ways Windows is playing catch-up.
  21. A good thing about the new theme... personal text that goes under the avatar pic! :D A bad thing about the new theme... scroll bars on avatar pics? >_< Edit: Maybe it's because I'm viewing it at 1024x768 on my laptop... and not some crazy resolution like 1600x1200 or 5120x4096...
  22. Star what? Oh, um... *ahem* Yes, I miss it. Honest! Seriously, though... I wasn't a an incredible hard core fan at the best of times, and there IS a lot of sci-fi out there (in movies, in TV series, in books, and so on), much of which was (imho) much better than even the best of Trek. It was a great series, sure... but it was also relatively shallow and thoroughly escapist, for the most part. It genuinely screamed Judeo-Christian morality, complete with less-than-subtle allusions to the human form being 'divine', genetic manipulation of all sorts being 'evil' (aka. "Playing God" and messing about with the divine perfection of the human form... *shudder* I feel dirty even SAYING that), and so forth. The alien races make cardboard cutouts feel fat in the third dimension, and ALL are simply one aspect of humanity blown large and caricature. I can't think of one race in Star Trek that isn't 'humans if we were all <insert specific characteristic>' in nature. Still... It was good for what it was, and although I'm not exactly crying out for a new series, it would bother me if the existing series disappeared from view forever. Damn... this sounds way too much like an eulogy. >_<
  23. The new skin burns my eyes out! >_<... I like gold and dark grey. Less LCD glare shining into my poor, poor eyes...
  24. i.e. those of us who don't like the new skin have to keep resetting it every login. *sigh* I don't understand why they did it either. You'd think that a user selected skin should be considered one of the user's preferences, and stored as such. Methinks they either ignored it to keep things simple, or intended to subtly 'suggest' users stick to the default skin... well, I can't think of any other possible reasons, and the second one is definitely not legitimate in my opinion. Not knowing the innards of the board software, I don't know whether cookies or database entries are easier... but this configuration suggests that cookies are easier to code, and they chose to spend their time on other features.
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