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Everything posted by GorunNova

  1. I assume the new theme you're talking about is Azure TP? I honestly can't see how easier to read OR easier on the eyes than the white on dark grey of the Tiger Eye theme... so, back to Tiger Eye it is for me! ^^
  2. It has as much to do with Doctor Who as 'Time Tunnel' or HG Wells' 'Time Machine'... which is, basically, not a lot. If any show involving time travel is a 'Doctor Who rival', then Star Trek - Enterprise and Back to the Future were 'Doctor Who rivals'. ;p
  3. I always figured that regeneration is impossible when the body is damaged beyond a certain degree (i.e. none of the Doctor's regenerations involved a sudden death (well, other than the TV movie... but it seems to be an exception in a LOT of ways)). Has a Time Lord been shot by a Dalek beam weapon and regenerated? They definitely don't regenerate when shot with Gallifreyan stazers, and I assume they can't regenerate if their entire bodies are destroyed. Then again... the rules might have been changed somewhat in the new series...
  4. Electromagnetic fields could be very useful for propulsion, actually... but it's more suited to launching things than being a contained form of propulsion (i.e. rail guns and ionized gas jets). I agree with Wahaha about using 'em to shoot things into space cleanly and quickly, but that would be rough on the payloads. On the other hand, I totally and utterly disagree with Wahaha about using magnetic sensors to tune into "the magnetic property of some point in the galaxy" thing... magnetism doesn't work that way. Sure, the magnetic field of a star 1000 light years away IS acting on us... but the amount of actual force involved is a 0, followed by a decimal point and an incredibly huge number of zeroes before ever actually reaching anything approaching a non-zero digit, and definitely an incredibly huge number of zeroes weaker than a field strength that could ever be detected by anything.* On top of it all, even if that miniscule field could somehow be detected by some weird amazing detector that could somehow ignore the sea of billions of other stronger fields, it wouldn't be from the destination as it is -now-, but from it's location 1000 years ago... so you wouldn't even be heading to the right place. It'd be a lot easier and more accurate to just watch it's emitted light (which involves a nice and handy telescope instead of some impossibly complicated device that detects effectively nonexistent magnetic fields) for a while to figure out how fast and in what direction it's travelling, calculate it's new position after the travel time, and just go to that position. A computer could do that automatically with modern technology, much less the technology an advanced alien race would have. UFOs, if they exist, probably use exotic matter or antienergy (i.e. negative charge energy, which has nothing to do with polarity) to create antigravity. After all, if they've managed to travel the distance between solar systems in such small vehicles (as opposed to generation ships, which would be slow and easy for us to spot), they've probably mastered gravity. Imagine the maneuverability of a vehicle that is effectively weightless (i.e. has NO inertia), always travels in a vacuum thanks to a repulsive gravity field (which affects all materials, not just those sensitive to electromagnetic forces), and is propelled by tweaking gravity to make it -fall- in the appropriate direction using effectively arbitrary acceleration. Also, such propulsion systems don't involve jets emitting streams of used fuel or whatnot. Interestingly enough, UFOs are described as being incredibly fast, turn or stop on a dime as if inertia didn't exist, and don't leave trails of spent fuel... all pointing to the ability to create gravity and antigravity fields (assuming they actually exist as the observers claim... which I don't believe.) * I'd calculate an example using the known magnetic field of a distant star in our galaxy to come up with the numbers, but I'm way too tired and lazy. ;)
  5. Actually, right from the start he's dropping heavy hints that he's not from Earth. He mentions how 'primitive' Earth is, expresses his desire to 'go home' and 'leave Earth' repeatedly, shows no surprise at high technology and has the ability to work some of it... they make it quite blatant, actually long before Trion is even mentioned. Besides... they never asked exactly which planet he was from, and do you think that Turlough's the type to offer information just for the heck of it? He only mentioned where he was from because it became important in a very immediate way in Planet of Fire. ^^
  6. GorunNova


    I'll wait until they release the iDamnedNearEverything... or iSpoon, for short. "SPOOOOOOOOOOON!"
  7. Space elevators? Talk about impractical. Not only does it require immense quantities of materials (even if the cable's molecule thin, it's insanely long...), but the energy required to build it would be astronomical. It'd probably be WAY more power efficient simply to launch things into space. -_-' ... I won't even get into how vulnerable such a lift would be due to the incredible tensions on that cable. One molecule knocked out and BAM! Dead passengers, carbon cable embedding itself miles underground (possibly provoking a volcano), etc. etc. WAY too dangerous and impractical in comparison to launching things into space.
  8. BEST SHOUTED ALL-CAPS POLL: THIS ONE! Anyways... I'd have to say Doctor Who as well, but that's because I haven't really been watching the new Battlestar Galactica... and from what I've heard, it's pretty good.
  9. Umm... yeah, he can... he just doesn't -stay- that way.
  10. It's not bad. I had some misgivings when episode 2, and they REALLY overemphasized the sex thing... but it's was a good season. It's highs more than make up for it's lows, even though some of those lows were pretty deep. (i.e. EPISODE 2!) The last episode makes me VERY curious about the next season of Doctor Who... will Jack be showing up near the end, or near the beginning...? Will Jack NOT show up in Doctor Who proper, but the Doctor show up at the start of season 2 of Torchwood? Lots of questions... Honestly, I'm pretty sure that the Doctor won't be showing up in Torchwood. They've done a great job keeping their scopes relatively separate, so I doubt they'll mess it up by having the Doctor do an explicit cameo. Well... full body cameo, at least. ;)
  11. ;p... one comment. The retina scan thing wouldn't work. Retina scans work by blood flow through the retina, so if Jack was dead at the time of the scan... no blood flow = scan's useless. Why do all these movies / shows / etc keep DOING that? Otherwise... these two shows were great. A great way to finish off the season. ^^
  12. I think they were going for the idea that he fell for her so hard, he was willing to give up his 'amoral ways' for her... and then she left, and the emptiness drove him to the events in Episode 11.
  13. ... except that humanity seems too utterly stupid to connect those dots even with a step-by-step how to guide, judging from the looks of things.
  14. Yeah... that's the infamous unaired 'in house' joke episode. I hear the BBC used to do that a lot before the fun and joy was sucked out of much of the TV industry.
  15. Yeah, it does seem strange that a bunch of entrepreneurs, businessmen, and joes with anger problems out-teched and out-secreted Torchwood. I mean, Torchwood is only a mere secret organization that's more than a century old with multiple branches and fingers everywhere, after all. Then again, maybe Canary Wharf threw them into so much chaos that those guys could sneak under their radar? That reminds me... what about the other Torchwood branches? There's at least one up and running, right? You'd think they'd be at least in touch with each other...
  16. I find it funny to see that 'The Doctor' is a terrible speller. XD
  17. I got a bottle of Irish Cream and "Art of the Discworld"... which is great, btw. Paul Kidby really brings the Discworld to life. ^^
  18. WAY too much sonic screwdriver. -_-'... it's gone beyond sonic and into magic. "Ooh! Let's unlock a spider web with the screwdriver!" -_-'... *sigh* The worst screwdriver abuses of the old series (and much of the new) can't even compare to what they've done with it here. I'm amazed he didn't just point the thing at the ship and have it go *BOOM*. It's crazy. Thank goodness that Catherine Tate didn't end up as the next companion... she is VERY annoying. -_-' Does anyone else find that Tenant's doctor says 'Impossible' a lot? "Gravity pulls things downwards!" "That's impossible! Well, not really impossible, actually certainly, but impossible!" ... for someone who's supposed to be scientific, he calls a lot of things he sees 'impossible'. XD Other than those details, it was a great show. ^^
  19. With Torchwood (i.e. in the Doctor Who setting), it was starting to look like they were finally going to set up a world noticeably changed by alien incursion... but nope, it just became another 'in the know' group (i.e. Torchwood joins the ranks of UNIT and the Doctor for 'people who know what's really going on', while everyone else remains ignorant even if they personally were affected by the invasions / attacks / etc.) You would think that the threatened mass-suicide, cyberman invasion, and the like would make the populace (dumb as they are) accept aliens... but obviously the populace on Doctor Who Earth are so hopelessly stupid that they accept it all as a hoax. I mean, the population on whole IS prone to that sort of ignorance, but NOT to the sort of degree assumed in Doctor Who... ----- "Naah, my aunt wasn't killed by a tin plated man right in front of me and a dozen witnesses... it was all a hallucination! She just moved away." "... to where?" "Who cares? This is my aunt we're talking about." *the other 10 people nod in agreement* "Yup." "Not dead." "A hoax." "Moved away"... "Hey... where's Dave?" "Oh, he... moved away with your Aunt when the hallucination happened. Left his wife and everything. Poor thing's distraught... thinks he was killed by a tin plated man." "Sad." "... DELETE DELETE DELETE!" "Oh, look! Another halluci-*GARK*" "Dammit! Steven just moved away!" "Crap! He owed me three bucks. Have you got his forwa-*GARK*" "Mike moved away! I guess he found Steven's address." ----- *sigh* ... I guess it's just that when I see a series of events happening in a setting, I subconsciously think there's a consistant progression going on, and when there isn't... suspension of disbelief suffers for me. I don't care if everyone manages to forget cybermen invasions and mass zombification with threat to suicide... I just want a good, plausible reason FOR that forgetfulness other than, "Well, everybody just shrugged it off, forgot about it, and weren't affected by it in the slightest." Haven't seen such explanations in either Doctor Who or Torchwood, really... not on the scale needed to compensate with the scale of the alien presence. At least in the old Doctor Who series, most non-Unit people were shuffled away before hell broke loose... and those that weren't typically died and had their deaths explained by UNIT troops (i.e. lied about) or were so few that nobody'd believe them anyways. It's hard to overlook all the A+ blood people going up to high cliffs worldwide, or cybermen on every street globally. Still, the new Doctor Who does handle lasting effects a little bit better than previously. "Mass hallucination", my arse. Do you really think most people would accept that? XD I should mention that the old series had an interesting way of dealing with such continuity issues... they set big invasions and the like in the future. Of course, the result is that new stories (and the new series) are happening in that future, and people don't seem to remember the invasions. Still, can't fault the old series for trying to avoid the continuity issue with the 'future invasion' technique. ^^ On second thought, Torchwood is fine (continuitywise, that is), simply because what they deal with is typically not on the same sort of scale as what the Doctor deals with, and thus far easier to cover up. Amnesia pills are handy... maybe they should get in touch with the MiB in the US to get themselves some flashy-things? ;) Still, they should avoid the sitcommy "Reset at end", because long term effects = better, deeper show. It's a pity that they don't have UNIT and Torchwood butting heads every so often. After all, they wade in the same waters, so to speak.
  20. "Say you forgive me!" ... like hell. If I were Rhys (it IS spelled that way, right?), I'd never forgive her, especially given the amnesia pill thing. That's just... twisted. Looks like there was a little redirection as far as Owen getting beaten up in last ep's preview... Hmmm... damn, if I hadn't accidentally voted early, I'd have downgraded my vote to Average for the 'fight club' thing. XD
  21. Well, it's not a bad episode, but it's also not one of my favorites... I'm looking forward to the next one for some reason that eludes me at the moment. (Yes, I have a reason... just can't place it at the moment. ^^)
  22. Is it just me, or is there something screwy with the poll formatting up there? oO
  23. I really liked this episode. It was more of a drama than many of the other episodes this season, and it did THAT very well. I actually found myself caring about Eugene, if only because I can sympathize with his position in life. ^^ Action is nice, but there's more to a good show than action, and this was a good show imho. A LOT better than the similar episode in Doctor Who. Now... off to see #10.
  24. Heh... almost as catchy as the music from the Third Doctor! XD (yes, I'm kidding... I hope. o.o)
  25. Playing games is simply one of many possible actions one can take in the course of living. It's not as if it's another 'life' than your own... it's ALL part of your life. ^^ *agrees with Megalith about having to 'stretch my legs and unnumbify my buttocks' every once in a while. ^^ However, I don't typically think about games when I'm not actively playing unless I'm talking to someone about them... too much stuff to do. ;)
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