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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by p4p4b34r

  1. nope, just wanted you to feel wanted for once =P
  2. p4p4b34r


    to further add on to the errr experience?......yarrrrr!
  3. p4p4b34r

    Gay Trek.

    well, i think less of romulans, and vulcans aare related to the romulans... i blame the romulans for everything bad that has ever and will ever happen..
  4. Main Entry: Trekkie Part of Speech: noun Definition: an avid fan of Star Trek science non-fiction, television shows, and films; by extension, a person interested in space travel; also called Trekker hey! you could be a dictionary! are you a dictionary hiding inside a suit that looks like a human?
  5. "your hull plating is stuck on with bubble gum and duct tape"
  6. p4p4b34r


    my imagination consists within the time period of, 11:00 to 3:00 weekdays and 3:00 am fridays...star trek! i concure
  7. i watch the show religiously, but i refuse to dress up like spock and order a burger at mcdonalds, though i do go to conventions if i have the opportunity
  8. if i read it correctly it is a mixture of different ones
  9. that it would, heck, id like to see worf as captain...
  10. hmm, does it have to be a star fleet uniform? because if not i like the borg circitry, its just awesome looking,
  11. what i would be, is fly around, duct tape all the ships in star fleet together and fly them all at the same time.....or voyager, thats a cool ship..
  12. mmmm mmm, nothing beats deep fried tribble
  13. just for fun, star fleet should go and steal a borg cube...just to kill some time, and finnaly give ensign #132123341 his chance to get as name plate...
  14. yes, the new versions of the klingons will be played by a million clonesd of sarah michell gellar!!!!.....id like to see either a ferengi or betazoid vampire lol...
  15. lol, a romulan trader in star fleet...lol
  16. alas, sadly that is true...
  17. thats pretty cool looking...
  18. Agreed. But both have their weak spots, too: - Spaceballs is partially pretty childish - Galaxy Quest takes itself a bit too serious for a parody Conclusion: A mixture of them would be an ass kicking movie B) ya that would be cool...
  19. Personally mine is a tie between TNG and Voyager....Whats yours? :thinking:
  20. thats cool looking...i like that and the GALAXY class :)
  21. i agree, i loved Heavy Metal, other than that, i like Heat Guy J...now that was a good seires
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