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Starfleet Security
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Everything posted by Hilander72

  1. Don't know if I should feel insulted or just proud... :cyclops: Welcome... To all the new Rare "Birds". ;)
  2. I think you guys got it wrong. :-\ It's the suspense of not knowing, fearing the unknown and so on, which the Lt makes obvious and later he learns to deal with it. (Sort of the TOS counterpart to DW's Blink) Why didn't the First Federation get involved in the Big Conflicts? (Dominion War, Borg Threat) ??? They seem to be a formidable "Federation" with advanced tech and Huge ships. Borg Cube vs Fesarius anyone? :o
  3. Yup. 4.7 GB ~ 4.377 GiB There's a good table: Here ::)
  4. I'm going to skip this episode. ps. Easily the worst TOS episode. :(
  5. I watched this one yesterday after work... and fell a sleep. :-[ After I watch it yet again, it's an ok episode. Can't stop wondering why they didn't see the apparent "abuse" potential of the machine... (interrogation anyone?) ps. Kirk did it again? (tongue ;))
  6. Not knowing it's pretty obvious a male wrote the story. I'm hoping part 3 or 4 doesn't involve some gel-rubbing. ;)
  7. If any show has earned an Emmy it's Battlestar, but I fear the worst that Lost will receive the sci-fi "token" award for something obscure, while Heroes will get one for SFX or something sciffy related.
  8. Easily the worst episode so far and the only memorable "thing" is Andrea. Hilander72 removes his tongue off the display... ;)
  9. Battlestar Galactica 'Razor' is being aired Saturday November 24th? I've read plenty of articles claiming that date, but not a single one from any "official" source or have I missed something? ???
  10. Q: You like Opera Web browser now? A: No. ;) ps. FireFox released a few days ago.
  11. SPOILER WARNING Source: SciFi Wire The odd thing about this article is... That I already knew these "spoilers". Ha :p
  12. Source: SyFy Portal Looks like Heroes is going to pick up one or two, but I'm holding my thumbs up for Battlestar Galactica. :)
  13. Happy Birthday... ;) ;) ;)
  14. Actually there's 6 (IMDb) and they're "working" on the 7th. Star Wreck VI: In the Pirkining (gatefans video) is the latest and by far the best. The first three are animated and the 4th and 5th are with real amateur actors. ................... Here's the best short battle from Voyager. ;) [yt=425,350]LfjQ1hWV00U[/yt]
  15. I finally had the spare time to rewatch this episode and it seems that they had "similar" issues back them. Moral of the story: Beautiful "unreal" women = Useless "Real" women = Less useless ;)
  16. Hilander72

    NiteShire 5

    I'll play. :Hilander72: Where do I pick up my "red shirt"? ;)
  17. In my case she's been un-anything-able since ever, but if I'd been 10-20 years older that would be a different story. ;) If I were at a party almost any damsel with this "look" would catch my attention... (look at those eyes... ::))
  18. Mine is faster than all of the above combined and few more Mbps to spare. :P
  19. Actually the deleted scenes are only a few seconds long and has been added back to the movie in the above YouTube. (There's a "clear" change in both video & audio during an inserted deleted scene)
  20. I "hate" the new 2007 so much that I reverted back to the "old" version, which is by far more comfortable to work with. When it comes to the GUI of the IE I have no opinion and don't care either. After all it's IE. :cyclops:
  21. Transformers were the a must see highlight of every Saturday morning when I was a kid. I even had a couple of the toy's and played a lot with those until they fell a part and couldn't be repaired with glue. To expect mind boggling plots in this one is like making Tate the Doctors new companion. ::) Now I'm a bit older and going to the theaters to see this "kids" movie is ridiculous, so I'll wait for the dvd.
  22. Hilander72 feels a creeping chill crawling up what's left of his spine... Why are they punishing us? :(
  23. You did. * Hilander72 catapults a cream pie in TetsuoShima's face. :cyclops: ps. Do not google "cream pie". ::)
  24. Then there's the "stims" (amphetamine's sounds "bad" ;))
  25. Doctor Who <=> Titanic Kylie Minogue <=> Celine Dion OK, I'm guessing the "big surprise" is a musical score with a christmas theme... ::)
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