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Starfleet Security
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Everything posted by Hilander72

  1. It'll hit the big screen sometime next year. That's all I know. --------------------- Moved this topic to Ten Forward. (Adventure/Action movie)
  2. Happy Birthday, neomaster! ps. Don't forget to change ur pants... ;)
  3. DS9 4x06 Rejoined A very thrilling episode. ;) Imagine that Lenara is the Borg Queen. :cyclops:
  4. I have a slightly different list. :) 1. Family of Blood 2. Human Nature 3. Utopia
  5. I was thinking about a "pretty boy" saying: "I'm on top of the WooooOOOOO..." *SQUISH*. ;) ------------------------ Having saved the last 3 to enjoy a mini marathon, this season finale was a slightly disappointing, considering the great build up in Utopia and all the way through Sound of Drums. It was the combination of highs and lows all mixed up into a single episode, but still the lows made this episode a mere average in the end. I only wish they had used anything else instead of a "prayer".
  6. Fluffy is pretty harmless. Only a "grumpy" pooch. Maybe it's the em-pee-aye-aye? :cyclops:
  7. DS9 3x05 Second Skin Apparently I had a TOS marathon last year... ;D
  8. There's a shuttle in TOS. In an episode one is damaged and has to land on some planet. Can't remember which episode. :-[
  9. Just watch it. I wish they had a shuttle. ::) It's not a spectacular episode other than classic good vs bad human qualities and the attempted "rape" by "evil" Kirk. I'm still confused about what is a good and bad quality, though. :thinking:
  10. SPOILER WARNING Source: SyFy Portal Plenty of new spoilers about the upcoming fourth season. :) The big question is, who's responsible for Teyla's pregnancy? ??? Sheppard? ::)
  11. Depends in what circumstance they are used and also how vulgar or offending the word is.
  12. I'm only guessing... ::) But you're going to update that "order" when you reach the end of Season 2. B)
  13. (Firefox > Opera) :grr: Besides, the "un-official" Firefox logo is way hotter... ::)
  14. Ambassador Sarek has been used, but he has not always been an Ambassador, so plain and simple Sarek is OK. :) Kobayashi Maru
  15. But they did fix the FTL in "The Captain's Hand". :thinking:
  16. Oomox (no explanation needed :cyclops:)
  17. That is a big mystery and something must have happened, either when the nuke blasted in the miniseries or another possibility is that it has to do with the still unknown Cylon somehow. But it can also be symbolic. It's not uncommon for humans in reality to have fantasies/dreams/daydreams about almost anything one can imagine, including a "imaginary personal version of a Number Sex Six" or it's simply an added "drool factor". ;)
  18. I'm guessing that, if Riley had been around for as long as Wesley did in TNG, they might both have ended being atleast equally "annoying". ::)
  19. Drama! :o / :) / :( / :cyclops: / :'( / >:D / 0:) / :-* / ::) ...in full color!!! ;) [spoiler=A small reminder, just in case...]2. No foul, obscene, or demeaning language. -- Let's try to keep the site 'family friendly'. Also, please refrain from making comments regarding race, religion, sexual orientation, or web browser usage. Some people can be very offended if they are told that Firefox is a c##ppy browser. I think Starbuck is one of the most interesting characters, she's so easy to "hate" and that's why I "love" her. ::) If there is one that I couldn't care less about, it would have to be Baltar's imaginary Number Six. What I mean is, that she really doesn't serve any real purpose, never has, other adding a "drool factor" to the show. Among my favorites are, besides the obvious (Bill & Laura), the "Chief" & Sharon. :)
  20. I think the absence of "techno-babble" is relieving in a sense that you do not have to bother with it. It just is and works without any explanations. :D But if you insist, then there's always Battlestar Wiki (link in my sig): Source: Gravity in the Re-imagined Series I might add that there's some interesting reading about other advanced tech-related stuff too, but most of them (all?) has the same answer as the above qoute. ::)
  21. "You Are Cordially Invited" (DS9 Episode)
  22. I just finished watching this and it's still one of the most memorable TOS episodes there are. :) Was TNG "The Naked Now" supposed to be a tribute to this TOS episode? If it was, then it failed... Utterly! What were they thinking, when they made Wesley play Riley's memorable "Acting Captain" part? :( (not to mention, who wants to watch an embarrassing drunk teenage genious! ;)) "D'Artagnan": Sulu was the "comic sidekick" from day one and it is hard to Takei him seriously even in ST VI (and Heroes). ::) They only down side is the Time Warp in the end, which is something I wouldn't mind if they could erase from ST canon, using Time Warp. :cyclops:
  23. Isn't this biased. ??? (Daleks vs Borg in the DW Forum) I vote Borg, cause I'm Swedish... ;)
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