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Everything posted by Hilander72

  1. If you think this is "wrong", try imagining the "NBC employee" that came up with this "brilliant" idéa. ::) iTunes is a large video downloads service and when they say they won't sell Heroes cause it's too expensive say it all...
  2. Smart enough to use someone's wi-fi, but not smart enough to know when to keep his mouth shut... ;)
  3. I think Enterprise didn't manage to create a sense of new exploration except for the gel-rubbing. ;) The Mirror Universe episodes in Season 4 are awesome and without doubt the best eps of Ent. :)
  4. You have been invited.
  5. What's your name in the game? Kaena?
  6. The first story was poor, but Lockley made it even worse with her poor acting skills. :( The second story was much better and they better continue that storyline in the next DVD or else... ::)
  7. Andoria The planet pinkskins... Not the species... :p
  8. Brunt, a rival to Quark in DS9... and a few more: Memory-Alpha/Jeffrey_Combs#Characters <--- link
  9. Cause the rule says: It's null and void thanks to Ulysses ("artist" formerly known as neomaster ;))
  10. Jeffrey Combs is one of my fav actors too, but that's no excuse for being a lazy bum. :P Word already used: Andorian (Page 1 - Commander Data) Sorry slacker but NCC-1701A doesn't count... this time... :P Looks like gatefan either noticed the "laziness" or just got lucky, so I'll continue with the Y. Yuta (TNG 3x09) ps. I was lazy and had to go to MA for this one. Hate Y's. ;)
  11. Premiere (pilot) 10th August 2007 according to scifi.com schedule. Going by the directors and producers previous track records, I'm prepared for a disappointment. I'll have to watch the pilot and a few episodes, just in case I'm wrong.
  12. hahaha? ---------- We had the same problem here a few years ago... Now the ISPs are adding almost unreadable fine prints on the commercials. Imagine reading this on a TV commercial from 3 meters away within 2 secs...
  13. Hilander is correct in what he said about it being yet another 5 year mission, I would actually say that a big event like wars with the klingons or romulans would be more interesting, the only snag with this is that we have already had this with DS9, in season 4 we had the way of the warrior and then we had the romulans against them in season 5/6. DS9 was mostly about the Dominion War, but I can see your point that it might be repetitive with yet another war. Then changing the style from the basic "canon" format would help a lot. Would be nice to see Main Cast wearing a "red shirt" and be replaced by a new face every now and then. ;)
  14. I thought is was the either a ref to a snail (slow and slimy ;)) or a bullet slug (much tougher than the snail ;)). :cyclops:
  15. Happy Birthday Slug. ps. Slug = Sly in Swedish.
  16. I wouldn't say no to a new series, but it all comes down to if the movie is successful enough. :-\ I'm not to enthusiastic about a series featuring a young Kirk and I'd rather see a new Captain and crew (perhaps someone that has been mentioned or been part of a past series). They could also make a series of "short" series (miniseries or a double seasons) exploring some of the "big" events in canon like the wars with Klingons and Romulans, as long as they do not make yet another 5 year mission that turns into a gel rubbing disaster.
  17. I really wouldn't crank up to volume for any of these, but with the help of a mild "hypo" I'd go with Iron Maiden. ;)
  18. Sylar + Pointy Ears - Emotions = >:D
  19. Quinto Confirmed As Spock, Kirk Not Cast Source: SyFy Portal
  20. I'll just wait 'til Monday (30 July) to give my congrats... :p
  21. I'm not sure, but ENT was new when this poll was started and that might have affected the results. My order is: TOS > VOY = TNG = DS9 >> ENT
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