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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Soulreaper

  1. I'll get to test my new invention, the doctor said and _____
  2. Microsoft mainframe virus called "Windows Longhorn", which had been the cause of the Skynet/Terminator wars in a mirror universe. Suddenly ______
  3. The Borg Queen suddenly woke up in a flash realizing this was the craziest dream ever dreamt up by the Collective Dream State. She hastily _______
  4. aroused the interest of the Q Continuum. Q (J. De Lancie) again felt inclined to pay them a visit, but this time bringing along a _____
  5. Stop and think about things for a while. Meanwhile, Neelix had been doing some handy work in the kitchen and something smelled of BBQ and ..chicken? Chakotey was tired of dancing his hips of and proclaimed they should all now sit down, relax and play a game of _____
  6. Except for those mentioned here, how about LOST?
  7. try contacting USE IT (a friend works for them in Rotterdam) it's an organization working for guiding tourists and such and they'd probably know something helpful (of course ask for a corresponding office or such to the towns you mentioned), this is one of their webpages: http://www.jip.org/usecms/index.php
  8. the honourable thing would be to moderate them and then lock them down since they are no longer active
  9. Well the true danger is if one starts scraping off the teflon while cooking using sharp metallic objects like a fork or likewise - which is why it's ALWAYS recommended to use PLASTIC frying/cooking ware
  10. Moderator Notice: Quote deleted as both parties have been asked to take the issue to PM. Parts of this [thread (Moderator Edit] reminds me a little of the various movie portraits of Jesus when Barabas gets the hoorays and Jesus gets the cross...... Now, mind you (all) I'm neutral as always and not part of nothing - I'm simply adding a point to subtly.. make a point. [it can be a burden being a philosopher]
  11. Right on - but I believe you must see what BorisP is saying as two things; exactly how he says it AND also litterary speaking (at the same time).
  12. I'd probably be me but with a strong notion towards chaos, villainy, "evil" and also probably only work on egoist strategic plans serving me and no one else.
  13. Let me just ask: why use another role AND movie in this case when you're referring to Data? Of course Data has energy (ref. to Startrek TNG in general). Now the pettiness distinction comes down to what you're pointing at: Aura energy, his internal energy or is it some other kind of energy he radiates and if so, define that. [Offtopic/Notofftopic footnote: I've once taken an AURA photo a proper one with the special camera and all that.]
  14. As I've stated before I have a great deal to deal with in many different ways so I'll refrain for now from replying simply because I have nothing to say. Still I'm amazed at the quick degredation train everyone has been so eager to jump on. Why not put all childishness aside and quit being at "eachother" like sharks. A constant pattern is that any and every topic becomes a "flamatorium" and everything becomes off-topic. If anyone is getting "upset" in any way simply ignore those posts entirely instead of jumping head-on onto the wicked train so that even those topics or posts that may be or seem "controversial" still stays true to purpose instead of being just a flame-ground where pettiness, attacks, negativity etc is spawned. If something in here is "bothersome" IGNORE IT. And please follow the rules and STOP GOING OFF TOPIC WITHIN TOPICS. For attacks create a new topic/playground with the sole purpose of fighting or keep to PM-ing. It's EVERYONE's responsability to keep the forums clean just like any town or place in real life. Conclusion: if and when YOU (read *.*) decide to engage in a specific topic that may or may not be controversial STICK to TOPIC otherwise if you have nothing to add, DON'T and stay out. I've got nothing more to say. Get a grip people... all of you. Be who you are.
  15. http://www.brains4zombies.com/brains.html Should be of interest... in regards to the topic :cyclops:
  16. I agree with Elderbear and Psheldrake and I'm NOT running =)
  17. Happy birthday dudes! <<<< back from Holland now! I'd send you some leafs if I'd still have any ;)
  18. Well, I'm still in Rotterdam, actually right now @ the "USE IT" Office for tourists, where my friend Tony works. http://www.jip.org/usecms/index.php <<< I think - there's a diary at the bottom or so. So well I guess I'd say I'm spending my week of vacation in Rotterdam (Netherlands) and that we're going for a little spree in Amsterdam today or so. I'll be home at the 26th though spending the rest of my "summer" in school/distance education sort of... pre-university starting by the 27th. Hope you guys have fun! /Andreas checkin' in from Rotterdam!
  19. S0v13t is right I used to play all that stuff with my coverbands in the past :)
  20. DS9 - already many times before stated why...
  21. 00:22 AM (24:22 or 00:22) GMT+1 Sweden and soon (tomorrow or rather in 14 hours Amsterdam!) ;)
  22. Q for all the obvious and not so obvious reasons - though I think I wouldn't be into the practical jokes he plays =)
  23. Absolutely! He did say though that (because he was really kicked in the groin on several occations in various ways) he wouldn't continue with any more eps of Firefly after it got canceled - though that COULD perhaps change after the movies are released. Anyone lately around on IRC heard how I felt about firefly being cancelled in the midst of exellance!
  24. Videodrome is cool and spurs different thinking.
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