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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Soulreaper

  1. I believe (as I've stated before) that first maximizing our genetic potential then perhaps add up some hardware if needed (before any of those I HIGHLY recommend humankind to evolve MENTALLY first.. sort of like the vulcans without being that stiff, if I won't shutup now I'll rant on and on why this is a good idea ;) so I'll brace myself for your mental safety...
  2. Soulreaper


    Invite me! :) MYREALFIRSTNAME@churchofthemachine.com :)))) (check profile if this seems confusing)
  3. Hung around here for a while... likes scifi & fantasy and I'm trying to work in those areas as well. Musician, artist-to-be, currently a student in economics. And so on - the rest you'll find in my profile by clicking on my nick ;)
  4. Well... if anyone may feel "unfit" as you 'are' it's always easy to change.
  5. I'm happy to see so many non-users, that's a good thing and hopefully more and more people will follow that non-tobacco direction.
  6. Indeed very cool! Hey Elder, why not start working on one of them then?
  7. I smoke on occasion, though I'm cutting back more and more due to me 'being healthier' in various ways, however I voted on the last line because I do that as well - on occasion! :)
  8. I've uploaded the new lost torrent consisting of all files + the trailer for season 2
  9. I have absolutely NO concept of night and day for the moment due to: 1) totally wrecked day/night rythm/bioclock 2) sun is up pretty much 24/7 ;) ;) ;) ;)
  10. * Symphony X - Through The Looking Glass * Lemur Voice - Deep Inside * Symphony X - The Divine Wings Of Tragedy * Dream Theater - Metropolis Part 1 * Anything from the rest of my special 'playlist' within the given range; gamemusic, moviesoundtrack (symphonic), classical, deathmetal, fusion, acoustic and progmetal. ;)
  11. Scotty's toupé dingling and dangling as a shield barrier between life and death. Appearantly it had stuck in the roof during the time Scotty was recovered from the transporter banks and his time scouting around The Enterprise. Picard was dumbstruck by the awesome sight of the blurry stars, they had never been brighter..one did resemble the Tree of Life from Silmarillion Picard mused to himself in a moment of (un)clear thought and ______
  12. LOL Elderbear and LOL c4evap :D
  13. Yes, to a degree (see above post). None of my business, but do you really have the time to waste typing these words? I like to use them like salt and pepper sometimes, but I can type a conversation faster if I skip words I don't need, including adverbs. If I have the time to waste? What kind of question is that? It'd be obvious that if I CHOOSE to take time to write this, I've taken the time, there's no waste. Like salt and pepper.. didn't I just say that in my two posts above? I thought that was equally obvious (especially if you had been speaking more with me..) S0V13T: :D :D :D :D hahaha [back to topic...]
  14. Yes, to a degree (see above post).
  15. Lee I think I would differantiate between the IRC channel and the forum, mostly because of the fact that whatever we write "here" is more or less carved in stone and put up for everyone to witness, while on IRC it's said more casually, like in a direct conversation, plus that most people don't pay attention on IRC unless being directly adressed OR continually in/out of the main conversation going on, and that IRC goes on and on in a faster manner (as described above) so "profanities" are usually 'washed away', swiftly, in the tide of communication so to speak. As I said before, for myself, I'm an extremely tolerant person, I don't mind much, still I'd like to keep the forum clean or clean-er and I try to promote a fairly mannered speech "here" due to many reasons. Add up what I posted earlier before you stated this question. As for myself, usually when I speak I always carefully select the words I'm using. Sometimes F***** words and likewise ARE more appropriate for the communication, and I tend to use those on occasion when speaking in real life. Besides, I hate sticking things under wraps, because I don't believe in lies, so why hide words I'm using and pretend them to be otherwise? I did though like what Elder posted; "I feel like a fly in the urinal" a funny and creative way of using so called 'strong words' in a clean manner. Very creative. Still for myself, I speak my mind and 'bad words' pop up now and then because I intend them to. Simple as that. A thought: I see no need for prudes, as usually that behaviour is anchored in a narrowminded lifestyle/beliefs etc. Perhaps some people have a tremendous need to live under wraps, but I certainly don't, can't stand it, but I do respect those who believe themselves to have that need anyway. I hope this answered your question. /Andreas
  16. Look both of the Picards deep in their eyes and noticed only one of them was redeyed with slightly hanging eyelids. He swiftly concluded that the imposter must be the one ____
  17. Left eye, it twitches uncontrollably. Since you're disguised as a doctor, do your duty and ____
  18. he'd go and wash his socks as well, at least 2 times before putting them in the dryer. Meanwhile _____
  19. took off the bra... she had on top of her head and let her hair out. Will's eyes almost popped out of his had as ____
  20. LOL...look at that poll ;) can't say I'm innocent.. I'm actually highly tolerant, but I agree to what has been discussed before, especially those pointers Fenriswolf made; such as having the "redlight" districts and those rules over there and the regular world here so to speak. PS. I did vote for the last alternative DS. :D
  21. lit a coneshaped cigarette that smelled funny. Picard's eyes started turning red and ____
  22. spew gigantic hairballs into space. Kes said: Hey, that ain't no hairballs!! It's ______
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