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Starfleet Security
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Everything posted by S0V13T

  1. My first modem wasn't really a modem. What I would do was call up whoever I wanted to connect with, and recite a page or 2 of code as the person on the other end would type it out. Seems to be about as fast as the original modems. :P
  2. From what I remeber about living in the soviet union as a kid (and from what my family says about it) 'Our' movies were unreal - the premise for all of them was exactely the same as "Red Dawn" / Command and Conquor: Red Alert / Red Alert 2. "Soviet Supermen" waltz in on the timid, weak and terrified United States and take over practically over night with no risistance, ushering the golden age of the People's GLORIOUS SOVIET SOCIALISIM, THE HIGHEST FORM OF DEMOCRACY! Praise Gloriorious Lenin, Workers of the World Unite, Stalin Our Mighty father, da comrade commisar! Well, you get the idea, lol. The cold war was so different on our side. The Commies actually believed (or more accuratelly led the people to believe) that the mighty USSR and its dominions would rule the world by now, so there was no "What if the USA won" kind of fiction. I actually love watching the american cold war movies / fiction, for that exact reason. Really really interesting stuff, I kinda shed a tear inside whenever the USA beats the soviets in the movies, but atthe same time, I give a "right on" when I bomb the hell out of an allied base in red Alert, lol Yeah, we kinda frigged off as soon as we could when the Union dissolved for a reason. I'm nostolgic about the USSR (as you can tell by my net handle, but wouldn't go back for all the rubles in moscow (thats about $5 American cents). Love it in Canada, and don't mind the Americans one bit.
  3. The first modem I owned (as opposed to my parents 56.6k connection) was a PCMPCIA (or whatever the hell the laptop pariphial port is called) 28800 kbps modem, that I got with my first computer that I owned. The 'computer' was an IBM thinkpad, 6gb hard drive, 64megs ram, intel 133mhz cpu, and the battery would last almost an hour if I was lucky. I paid almost 2 grand for that piece of crap back in... oh god, couldn't have been any later then 1998. The funny thing is even though my parents modem was far superior (I could download a file at 4kb/s! omg, LIGHTSPEED!), on my laptop, I swear that I could download at 6ish kb/s (witch ment the difference between 45 mins for a mp3, or a 25 mins, lol) Feeling a bit nostolgic about that old beast, the day I got it I took the train to Toronto to see my brother, now I'm taking the train to toronto to see him again again today (with my new PSP, muthafukkaz!)
  4. I liked mayweather a lot in the pilot episode, when he was showing trip the 'sweet spot' It just seems as if him (AND Hoshi too, now that I think about it) are getting a bum deal. And what makes you assume that I'm white, anyways synexo? :P
  5. Has anyone else wondered why the guy that plays Mayweather's name has appears in the intro credits, for like the past 3 seasons? I've seen every ep of Enterprise.... and besides that one Season 1 (maybe 2) episode where he goes back on a freighter for a few days, that focused on him, but I'll be damned if I can remember Mayweather saying anything but "Aye sir, laying in a new course" or doing anything other then sitting at the helm, doing fukc all. Minor TOS chars like Uhura, or Chekov had more charecter development then mayweather.
  6. Warning: Contains Spoilers / Fanboy nitpicking. I really liked this episode. But the way the ladies were portrayed was in really poor taste imo. Hoshi being a half naked slut the entire time, and T'pal's uniform was so utterly.... stupid, I was half expecting her to have a butterfly tattoo or something right above her ass (You guys know the kind of hoochi's I'm talking about) But from this ep, I'm finally able to agree with all you guys that are all drooling over t'pal ;) She was mad hot, but in a totally "How chicks in grade 9 dress now-a-day's" kind of way. Oh well, UPN has to cater to teenage males to get the ratings, it seems. As usual, Phlox's acting was rock solid, as was Vaughn Armstrong (Trip, T'pal, Reed, etc were all fine, but definatelly nothing to write home about). I think you guys are being a little overly critical of Archer tough. I think he did a somewhat good job of playing the role of a sane man in an insane world. His plan was to end the war against the (rediculously poorly done CGI Tholians) to save lives. Then again, seeing how Zrphram blew the vulcans away, and how Archer refers to T'pal as a Vulcan slave and obviously has aggression towards Vulcans. seems to me that good univerese Archer didn;t like the vulcans becuase they were interfering with his dad when he was building the warp 5 engine, so that makes sence. But what is his modivation against the vulcans in this ep? A smug sence of supuriority? And how did 'The Terran Empire" possibly over throw Vulcan and Enslave them? Seems that the vulcans in regular enterprise had a buttload of ships that in a fullscale war, would have enough power to decimate Earth over night. On a similer note, Phlox is on Enterprise becuase he's participating in the Vulcan Medical Exchange Program.... so if Earth and Vulcan never allied.... uh... why is Phlox on Enterprise? Ahhhh... The "Voyager Effect" rears it's ugly face, once again.
  7. Wow, these poll results are awesome. I've been a member / mod / admin in a number of communities, and this is by far the most diverse group I've ever seen. Kids under 16, wisened elders over 55 (with a good mix of gay /straight / bi, religious diversity, and surely a diverse mix of ethnicity) co-existing on the same board (reletively) peacefully, all brought together by our mutual love for all things sci-fi.
  8. Am I the only one that T'pol dosent do a thing for? I mean honestly, she's really not 'all that and a bag of chips'. Hoshi was much more attractive, imo. But whatever. I think that they keep te doctor male for traditions sake. Keeping in mind how old the series is, and how many Doctors there have been I can only imagine the fans outrage if the next incarnation of The Doctor (as in the TimeLord) was a woman. It just wouldn't feel right. My god, what if Rose became The Doctor (I have No idea how the Doctor regenerates, so that might not even be an option) I think that since the show is so damned old, they keep The Doctor (as in the TimeLord sence) male, becuase only men could be Doctors (as in the medical sence) during much of the shows history. //Fan of Doctor Who for 5 episodes
  9. Light years measure distance, not time.
  10. I voted for "Where are the Desperate Housewives torrents at". Why? No real reason. Any show that implies married chicks that are also total sluts can't be a bad thing. Thanks for the mad hook ups, elderbear.
  11. I also picked none of the above. I like girls who like girls who like boys who like boys who like girls who like boys.... always make sure it's with someone you really love. Just a thought: Wouldn't it be awesome to be bi-sexual? Everywhere you go, and everyone you see is a perspective partner. That'd be awesome. // As immoral as it sounds, I still claim to be all about the poon
  12. S0V13T


    Canada, North America. //Not sure why only Europe is spelt properly in the poll options.
  13. This is gotta be the most flambouyant display of biggotry I've ever seen in this forum. I thik you forgot to include the option () Irrelevent. Personal preference is no one's busniess but their own. I cant wait to see the next poll ... White Power ()Necessary ()Awesome ()Only way to go ()All of the above ()None of the above // Not gay, and definatelly not into the whole biggotry thing
  14. Dont forget The Animated Series, what was that, just the one season?
  15. Have no idea why I have this pic on my drive.... but I sure am glad I do today
  16. S0V13T

    trek death!

    You're the reason I have a sig now. Best. Movie. Ever. Thanks for reminding me of the bridge scene near the end.
  17. S0V13T

    how many...

    I have a funny feeling that after the "Trekies" movies came out, 1/2 of the major fans families threw them an intervention, and bumped themselves to minor fan status, and 1/2 the minor fans reconcitered their lives.
  18. S0V13T

    trek death!

    I picked "on the job with the Duras sisters", for obvious reasons I picture it would go down something like this: I'd be on a deep space station, or a star base or whatever, doing some kind of menial work on some control panel, or whatever. They would come barging through the hallway like they owned the place as usual, and one would bump into me, shout some harsh stuff in Klingon and start a fight. I, of course, bein a dashing young junior grade Lieutenent would effortlessly take them both out using the time honored TNG 3 hit combo (Punch to the gut, knee to the face, doublehammer fisted blow to the head). Oh yeah, since Klingon women are into that kind of stuff, they'd be all over me like gold on latinum ;) Since this is a family forum, no one needs to hear the particulars of what goes on from here, but its safe to say that there would be a lot of internal bleeding, every bone in my body would be broken, and I'd have a smile so intense on my corpse that you'd need a jack hammer to get it off. My famous last words: "The Needs of the Many, outweighs the needs of the few".
  19. What realy irritated me about Voyager, was that one episode (I have no idea what season, or title of it) when Kess is living her life backwards. The ep begins at the end of her life, and she goes back a few months or so every time. She was married to Tom Paris, and her daughter was married to Harry Kim. (That by it's self would be bad enough, lol) At one point she mentioned the alien race that use the temporal torpedos (The Year of Hell), and she determines that something about their attacks had to do with her travelling through time. So eventually she shifts back to the Year of hell, and gets the temporal frequency (or whatever the hell it was called) of their weapons. At the end (I think it was in the holodeck) janeway or Tuvok or whoever asks for a full report on the temporal weapons, and the credits come on. Right, thanks for reading so far :P What my beef is, why didn't they have a defence ready for those aliens by the time they encountered them, and why didn't anyone think "hey, remember a few months ago, when Kes was talking about this exact thing happening ,gosh, we should get those frequencys and be on the gravy train?" And just for the (completely unrelated) record, I'll go to my grave thinking that Data should have had a blue science uniform, becuase he's the chief science officer. :P
  20. Is that anything like my dad's fav quote "You're only as young as the people you feel"? (my dad = 66 years old / my mom = 45)
  21. Gold was command in the ENT / TOS eras, but in TNG gold is, as StevenofNine puts it, 'the services', the workers of the ship, Engineering, Security, Operations, Lunchladies, etc. (see the link in the first post in this topic for a full description of what color ment what, in every Trek era) It makes sence for LaForge to wear gold, becuase he's the Chief of Engineering. He's an engineer, so he wears gold. Just like Picard Wears red, becuase he's the commanding officer, and Dr. Crusher is the Chief Medical Officer, so she wears blue (I'd like to open a new topic questioning her blue labcoat / smock some time, but one thing at a time :P ) It just seems reasonable that Data should be in blue. But at the same time, it also seems reasonable that they put him in gold for makeup reasons. EDIT: I messud up the link up there here it is again. http://www.memory-alpha.org/en/index.php/Starfleet_uniform
  22. I'd reccomend a super nintendo / sega genesis emulator, and a rom library on a cd, personallly.
  23. I love your avatar GeneralLee, however, it is a tad graphic, and leaves very little to the imagination lol
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