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Starfleet Security
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Everything posted by S0V13T

  1. 24 here. And why do I have a sneeking feeling that this is gonna be the next gay / straight poll. . . all the old folks are gonna start flaming the kids, lol
  2. One time my brother saw Jello Biafra, Lars Ulrich, and Tom Waits in a street fight at Paramount Canada's Wonderland sticking it to 2 Ferengis, a Klingon and 3 red shirt ensigns near the hotdog stand. Then patrick stewart, and brett spiner came in and cleaned house with REAL phasers. It should go without saying that they had to close the park for the rest of the day, and it never made the papers.... // my imagination is just as good as real life fact
  3. This is probabally gonna sound stupid, but what about a crew made up entirely of extremely hot, genetically enhanced women? I remember in a ep. of Voyager where Q made a remark about "Is this a ship o the Valkeries" after the suicidal Q got rid of all the men. You're damned right that Paramount won't end THAT series after 3 1/2 seasons!
  4. True, true Data's main post is Ops, but he's still the chief science officer, and does spend a lot of time at the science stations behind Tactical on the bridge.
  5. It also beats he time I saw Kate Mulgrew in a porno from the mid 80's, // Just making sh!t up
  6. Joining the other team, and looking at the facts from their point of view are 2 entirely different things.
  7. That beats the time that Glen Danzig and Henry Rollins tipped over my mothers car.
  8. I think it would be awesome to be gay. We all know how strong our sex drivers are, eh guys? We just wanna screw all the time. How cool would it be to have a partner that was the exact same way? No BS games with a woman, trying to figure the hell out what you did wrong all the time, no mind games, no expencive dating and gifts. All ya gotta do is just say "get those pants off, we're fsking now" I think it'd be awesome. What about living in a house being a guy that is into guys, full of guys that are into other guys? Oh man, how cool would that be?
  9. I think it would be awesome to be gay. We all know how strong our sex drivers are, eh guys? We just wanna screw all the time. How cool would it be to have a partner that was the exact same way? No BS games with a woman, trying to figure the hell out what you did wrong all the time, no mind games, no expencive dating and gifts. All ya gotta do is just say "get those pants off, we're fsking now" I think it'd be awesome. What about living in a house being a guy that is into guys, full of guys that are into other guys? Oh man, how cool would that be?
  10. I was watching TNG last night and something occored to me. From all the trek canon I've seen / read The color of your uniform during the TNG era identifies what you do on the ship. Red being command, Gold being engineering / security / ops, and Blue meaning medical / sciences. Why does Data wear a gold uniform if he's the chief SCIENCE officer? Shouldn't he be wearing a blue one? Spock was the first officer and the chief science officer, he wore blue. From what I can tell, medical / science officers always have wore blue. Does this seem strange to anyone else? Maybe the producers gave him Gold to match his skin / eye color? http://www.memory-alpha.org/en/index.php/Starfleet_uniform <--- This is the most definitive description of what the uniform colors mean that I've found so far.
  11. I think that cloning is a wonderful idea. I mean how else is the Republic gonna fight off those Droids?
  12. <---- User name is Soviet.... No offence taken :P
  13. Straight guys like to stick their wiener in a tight moist hole.... so do gay guys... what's the problem? It's all about getting laid, right?
  14. I'd gladly watch Star Trek: The Motion Pitcure, with the Voyager 'Vger" Probe then the Star Trek: Voyager (Season 2 or 3 I think?) episode "Threshold" (The warp 10 ep, where Paris and Janeway turn into... uh.... lizards...? Yes, A Bragga Episode)
  15. I picked other. I think it'd be neat to see a ship with "The Traveller" as a regular crew member in Engineering. In the ep he was introduced, they not only left our galaxy, put passed through several more. How's THAT for going where no one has gone before? Just on a related side note, There was an ep in season 4, "remember me" where Dr. Crusher gets stuck in a collapsing universe, and the traveller pops in and saves her ass. I don;t remember wether or not the enterprise contacted him, or if he just popped in on his own. Wonder why he didn't pop in on Voyager in 1x02 and save the day, lol
  16. I hope the finale some how involves Enterprise time warping to the early 80's for the soul purpose of removing Berman and Bragga from the time line, and Dr. Phlox giving Roddenberry some kind of immortality treatment.
  17. TOS: Scotty - Be Great to live with the hardest drinker in Starfleet history. TNG: Jordi - Becuase he get's so rediculously nervous around women, he'd never be competition to steal my ladies ;) DS9 : Garek - Ex Obsidion Order Agent, you KNOW that you'd pick up some useful skills. VOY: Samantha Wildman - Hey, it's gotta be tough being a single mother. ENT: Forget Her Name, That Makos Colnel that Trip was seeing for a couple of episodes. Just something hot about a woman that you can spar with. Special Conciteration: The Duros Sisters. C'mon guys, tell me that wouldn;t be hot :)
  18. Really? Thanks for setting the record straight, werecow.
  19. I voted DS9, becuase it was the middle child, between TNG and Voyager. That, and a) The Ferengi stories were hilarious (subject to opinion) b) I really thought that Garak had very well written lines ( especially with his lunches with Bashir, subject to opinion) c) the Federation's war vs. The Domionion was just pain cool, more then enough ship battles / hand to hand fights / phaser stand offs / best written war story arch of the entire Trek series.
  20. Nothing rapes a guy using a P90, as an evil jem'hadar or borg (drone).
  21. Anyone have any idea what a hypospanner would do in real life? Like, it seems to be the equilivant of a screw driver, or a wrench in the Trek world.
  22. Yeah, me too. //me too posts rule, eh?
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