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Everything posted by S0V13T

  1. Try having a Zero, a One and a Three. :(
  2. Ah I might as well share my thoughts on the series so far too. All the OTHER kids are doing it. Keep in mind that I have very little knowage of the classic series of Doctor Who, and these opinions are from someone who's previous experience with the program, is seeing it on TV in the early 80's, and teasing his older brother and telling him that he has the same hair cut as Dortor Who (Tom Baker). ANd yes, he DID have the same haircut, so the teasings WERE justified, not just a little punk running his mouth. 01 Rose - 7 <--- Nobody can expect the 'pilot' to be stellar, when they are introducing the main charecters, and establishing the mood and theme for a new audience (ie, guys like me). 02 The End Of The World - 6 <--- I don;t know what it was about this ep, but it seemed to drag on, and was very unintertaining for me. But the sostumes for the aliens were definatelly interesting, especially the concept of the last true human being a piece of stretched skin 03 The Unquiet Dead - 10 <--- Yes a 10. I LOVE Zombies, and the use of zombies made this episode extremely awesome for me :) I don;t care what anyone else says, but my opinion of the undead is non-negotiable. 04 The Aliens Of London - 9 <--- Great charecter development here, all accross the board. Great humor with The Doctor and "Rickey", and the little piggy running around all terrified on its hind legs was absolutely priceless, genuinely made me feel like a kid again. A very rare, and special treat, indeed! 05 World War 3 - 7 <--- All the farting jokes got a little stale, very dramatic, very touching parts with Rose and her Mother, a bit of humor with 'ricky". I didn;t care much for the Slitheen, as their motivation for blowing up a planet to sell radioactive, uh... dirt to fuel starships? I don;t know, dosent seem likely that that power source would do the trick, lol. 06 Dalek - 6 <--- I'm sorry, and I know that I'll get flamed, but I don't have the same nostalga for the Daleks as you guys :( Although, since this is my first dalek experience, I was pretty impressed with the overall "Bad-assedness" of this dalek, and how Rose made it question the purpose of exterminating. A good example of a good overcomming evil story. 07 The Long Game - 7 <---- Since I'm also in the process of watching Max Headroom, the theme of the Media controlling the masses is engrained in my mind, so I probabally would have given this a lower score. Best villian in the new series yet, in my opinion, had good chemestry / excellentetly scripted banter with The Doctor. And I think a lot of us can relate with the Adam side story. Trying to alter the past by 'borrwing' from the future, no matter how good the intentions are.
  3. I think that was in an episode of Voyager. The one where Paris and later Janeway go through that goofy evolution thing, and have little monster babies. ;) You may have read it somewhere else though too. That was a Season 2 episode called Threshold. And Yeah, despite Riker's enterprise from TNG's "All Good Things..." going at warp 13, the Borg Cube still gaining on the Enterprise in "Q Who?" when the Enterprise is at warp 9.95 and a handfull of other instances where a ship still appears to be using standard warp technology (ie, not using Trans Warp Conduits, "The Traveller" or other means that necissitate different special effects), but is clearly going faster then warp 9.95. Somehow paris and Torres determine that warp 10 is the ultimate speed limit, and if one were to go at warp 10, they'd occupy all points of the universe at the same time, kinda like the idea of the heart of golds infiniate improbability drive, or the starship bistromath (now that's one bitchin' form of pulpultion, robot waiters, and a simulated resturaunt.) Threshhold was a great story, if you can overlook that a) It clearly defies pre-established canon from episodes SO memorable that even non trekkies can probabally discuss. b) the whole super-evolving into... Lizards? was just plain stupid, confusing, and unlikely. Tom Paris was allergic to the water in his coffee and had to be rushed to sickbay at one pont in the episode, but later on, His and janeway's kids go swimming in what is assumed to be water. I'm not an expert in evolution or anything, but it dosent seem reasonable for a species to be dependant on water (like us) then later down the road to be allergic to it, then later on, to be fine with it again, is a little TOO far of a strech of the imagination. c) It's gotta be a breach of starfleet protocal for a captian to get her groove on with an officer under her command.
  4. In one of the TNG DVD extras (I THINK atleast, it could have been the bartender for all I can remember the source of this info, but it seemed like a reliable source at the time) Warp 1 is light speed, warp 2 is 3-4 times faster then light speed, warp 3 is 300 - 400 times faster then light speed, etc. Its an exponential kind of scale. (Uh, I think). Can anyone else remember hearing that somewhere?
  5. The grim reaper is always in fashon. 9/10 Can I get a comment on my new one, anyone? Its a guy lighting a cigerette off a lightsaber. Something that I would undoubetelly do if I were admitted into the Jedi Order.
  6. S0V13T

    Hi all

    What do you mean by most? ;) What do you mean by do?
  7. Hope so. Been itching to see if Gmail's spam filter is that good. Then again, had my account for a year now, never had any spam. Yet.
  8. S0V13T

    Gay Trek.

    I think that the Dax symbonite differs to the preference to it's host when it comes to sexual pefrence seeing how a worm in the ol' tummy dosent exactelly have a need for reproductive organs, so it would stand to reason it wouldn't have a concept of gender identity. Put dax in a straight woman, and boom, dax loves men. Put dax in a gay man, and dax also likes men. I've always thought as the Dax symbonite in the same light as installing a second hard drive for the purpose of storage. I keep all my movies and mp3's on a 80gigger , so that if I have to format C, or it C breaks down, I still retain all my stuff for the next install of windows / linux. I think that the symbonite works the same way, lives inside a host, makes a copy of the hosts exeperiences / memories or whatever, then goes to the next host, and gives that host the experience of the previous hosts. And just for the record, I think that Malcom Ried is gay. Remember that eposode when they find that planet that is populated by their decendents, and malcom was the only one that never got married or had kids? Theres your explaination right there, he's in the closet, everyone. What other explaination could there be? he's a good looking personable guy, how could he have not gotten down with at least one women in that alternate future? Or how about that episode where Hoshi and co. are trying like hell to find out what his fav food is for his birthda? Malcoms own parents didn;t know, none of his friends knew either. If he's so good at hiding that kind f information away from his nearest and dearest, what OTHER info does he have locked away in the closet?
  9. I've been getting my online banking in order, and messing about with my stocks, gic's and rrsps and all that hoo-ha lately. As soon as I get my blasted pay pal account in order, I'm in for a few million ruples ($20 or so american dollars). When I was posting earlier today, the page was loading wicked slow, the tracker was at 100% and my torrents were going slow with booth uploading and downloadng. It was like that for about 1/2 an hour, someone else must have noticed it. Is that abandwidth issue, or a hardware issue? Eitherway, I feel more compelled to donate becuase of that (That and I absolutely love the site, the torrents and most of the people).
  10. I found Bakula to be very convincing, especially in the first 2 seasons. Any nervousness, thats generally associated with an actor 'finding the charecter' he did on screen was perfectelly camoflauged as playing the charecter even better. Archer was the first Starfleet star ship captian. My god, thats a huge responcibility, not only is he responcible for 70something lives (I think that was the number), but he has to make first contact with countless new and exotic races, give himself on the job training (becuase starfleet academy dosent cover this kind of thing, no examples to learn from), practically write the official policy on what a star ship captian can and cannot to (No prime directive to abide by), and interact with the crew, and be a leader / father figure to everyone. And to top it off, he only has the Vulcan database to go by, so he has no idea what's out there. Frig, you think starting a new job in the food court at the mall is stressfull? Jeez, Anyone, no matter what kind of training they recieve will probabally be a little shaky the first few months, especially when there is so much at stake, and such colossal responcibilities. I found that the rough edges added more to Archer's charecter then it took away from it.
  11. S0V13T

    Hi all

    Welcome aboard!
  12. So THAT'S what he meny by that! John wayne... Janeway...Such a sloppy rhyme, like 'Often Wrong Soong'. Thanks c4
  13. S0V13T

    YES or NO

    Now now now, Lord Kromdor isn't the real issue here, now is it? nuages here is clearly trying to distract everyone from the real issue here. YES or NO. By identifying me with Lord Kromdor, and hating puppies and kittens, he's trying to spread his vicious lies, to undermine the NO minority, thus putting the YES majority into a position to gain further momentum in this poll. Remember kids, a vote for YES is a vote for HITLER!
  14. Got the full set when I got home from work, Pella. If you go to http://www.dapcentral.org, you can also find 2x06, thus getting the full set :D What a great series that is. Watched the first 3 episodes, and it kinda has an X files feel to it (that is of course, if you can get past the old school computer effects)
  15. S0V13T

    YES or NO

    iIm really ashamed here, and sad for my friends that voted yes. Come on guys / gals, it's the third millenium here, a vote for "yes" is a vote for continuing monothism, biggotry, and ... and COMMUNISIM. I mean, it's not the victorian era any more, I honestelly cant believe that the majority has THIS kind of view. Urgh. I many not agree with what you guys say, buy I'll fight to the death to protect your right to say it.
  16. Wow this is one fukced thread. I think that I'm just gonna stay out of it. Oh, just a quick comment though, I though that "gay" ment happy. Tolver, you sir are one angry gay man, it just dosen't work, brother. I dont particularly care for Vin Diesel (I actually really really really hate him, bruce willis, aerosmith, carrot top, j-lo, and a lot of other actors, both inside sci-fi, and in the man stream) but you don;t hear me, or the other members here cryin bloody murder.
  17. Sweet. I remember that I loved that show when I was a kid (I was like 6 when it first came out) but I sure didn't understand it. SOunds like something that would be well worth the DL nowadays. YOu can find the season 1 & 2 torrents (2x06 is missing for some reason) at TorrentSpy, and get good speeds (Getting S1 at 300kbs) Maybe this is the reason I liked the TNG Episode "A Matter of Time"
  18. S0V13T

    YES or NO

    No no... Certianally not.
  19. 100% NOT a Photoshop job, actual never before seen footage of Enterprise's Chef.
  20. lmao, yep! I was thinking that he was Starfleets version of Wilson too. Just for the record, there IS a good reason why we never see him though. I've been working in kitchens for years, and the front of the house (servers, and all that riff-raff) manegers perfer if filthy kitchen slobs like ourselves stay out of view of the costemers. I can just imagine Archer and T'pol's reaction to Chef if he popped in every now and then, covered in blood and god-knows-what- else (as I usually am at work) to check if the meal is alright. Leave it to Chef to hire a time traveling covert op agent to be his Steward though.
  21. I've been out of high school for about 5 years or so, still not exactelly sure what I want to be 'when I grow up'. been working kitchen jobs in the mean time, and loving it. Been thinking about going to school for a degree in the culenery arts.
  22. Damn c4, I thought only I knew about that magical site.
  23. I guess I got it right, so I'm gonna go ahead and ask a question now. What crew member is mentioned about once every 2 or 3 episodes (sometimes more often), and in very high regard, but is only partially seen in one episode for about 5 seoconds? Bonus points to the name of the episode
  24. Its pretty much a tie for me, honestelly. On one hand Star Trek has so much more substace and way better writing. I actually pride myself on having the full run of all the trek series on dvd, and having watched it all enough to a degree where someone can give a vauge description of an episode, and I can give the title of it and the season (not so much with Ent, only saw the full run once) But at the same time I'm a gamer, and the Jedi Knight series and Knights of the Old Republic (Only the first one I liked, the second one sucked hard) beats the hell out of any trek game, with of course the exception of The Elite Force games (100% awesome) I voted for trek, becuase theres way more to it then a thinly vieled Samuari story, and muppets.
  25. Sub Zero Versus One - Three Terrorists //This took 20 mins to come up with
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