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Defiant VS. Voyager


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I gotta say definat


because a jem hadar ship took down a galaxy ship and i'm sure an interpid is worse than a galaxy. But we are talking stock voyager not series final. so it wouldn't b able to survive a jem hadar attack, but the Definant can take out a jem hadar in a few seconds. Plus the cool quantum torpedos rock and it friggen surived through most of the war before being destroyed plus the valiant was able to take out a jem hadar dreadnaught!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which is same of about a cube and can take out cardissan war ships.


Don't like voyagers bridge as much as the defiant.

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I think it has nearly been decided through the poll' date=' I don't think Voyager is going to make up that 10 points anymore...[/quote']


i know - bit of a dissapointment... :)


I suppose the reason i like Voyager better is cause we got to know her more - unlike the Defiant where it wasn't there till season 3 and even then it was still mainly DS9

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I think it has nearly been decided through the poll' date=' I don't think Voyager is going to make up that 10 points anymore...[/quote']


i know - bit of a dissapointment... :)


I suppose the reason i like Voyager better is cause we got to know her more - unlike the Defiant where it wasn't there till season 3 and even then it was still mainly DS9


I'll have to agree with you there.

VOYAGER the ship had a character... like Enterprise.... Serenity... Moya.

While Defiant was just a warship.

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defiant = mans ####

voyager = sissy coward womens ####



Careful. You are coming close to being MODDED. There are much more constructive ways to get your point across. Not a great start for a newbie on this forum.


c4 ~Moderator :(

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defiant = mans ####

voyager = sissy coward womens ####



Careful. You are coming close to being MODDED. There are much more constructive ways to get your point across. Not a great start for a newbie on this forum.


c4 ~Moderator :(



heh, heh, thankfully we have at least some automodding for cases such as these... :)

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defiant = mans ####

voyager = sissy coward womens ####



Careful. You are coming close to being MODDED. There are much more constructive ways to get your point across. Not a great start for a newbie on this forum.


c4 ~Moderator :(



heh, heh, thankfully we have at least some automodding for cases such as these... :)


Agreed. As you know I'm a mod for the SG forum. I've sent a note to Nite asking him to switch me to this forum instead since I don't spend too much time in SG.


c4 B)

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Something I havent seen mentioned in this thread, in 'Sacrifice of Angels' the Defiant is the only ship to make it through the combined Dominion/Cardassian fleet of 1200 intact, dodging and taking shots from every class of ship on its way (and I don't think the Jem'Hadar would worry about the possibility of friendly fire, their primary objective would be to make the kill), its only later that we find another 200 starfleet ships have survived after the Dom/Cardie fleet retreated with heavy losses.


In 'First Contact', the Defiant is still salvageable after Worf and crew are recovered, when at least one other ship still capable of moving and fighting was destroyed by the Cube's explosion.


I forget the episode title, but where the allied fleet is decimated by the Breen super-weapon, the powerless Defiant still takes 4 or maybe even 5 torpedo hits before its destroyed, and thats not just with no shields, there's no inertial dampening to lessen the physical shock of weapons, no structural integrity field to stop the ship's secondary hull and internal walls buckling under those strains, and I would assume they kept the polarised hull technology from Enterprise (why throw away a means of defence that may just give you the edge), so that would be gone too.


To quote Riker: "Thats a tough little ship."

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yea, thats right. but i bet some gard core VOY fans will bring up some lame fact avout how VOY escaped some sort of imposible situation.... like survivnig this "all mighty" Delta quad... or surving the borg...


we let me say this b 4 they respond, the delta quad was inhabited by third world powers like the kazon, or the talaxiens (nelixs race)... and the Borg.... they are lame in VOY, a fly could have taken down the borg empire.

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