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a dull life


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Life is working in a crappy dead end job. Report for work early in the morning. Don't forget to punch in. Don't forget to go to the bathroom before punching in because you won't get any bathroom breaks until lunch, and after lunch you have to wait until supper break to go to the bathroom. Do the same boring monotonous job from 7 to noon. Have a 30 minute lunch break. Continue work until your day is done. This can be as early as 8pm or 3am. Go home tired and exhausted, having missed a meal due to work. It was very important to get that $20 more. You are poorly paid so buying decent food (ie. a sandwich) is out of the question for lunch and a luxury for supper. At best you hope to live in a house in 20 years time. For now you live in a tiny apartment that eats up 90% of your pay. The room is in crappy condition as the landlord cut corners everywhere. Here you share a bathroom with ten other people, have no privacy and can be evicted for the slightest thing. You must understand that you are very fortunate to live in this kind of apartment.


Don't even think about having interest in academics because this can get you fired. Your opportunities for better jobs are nonexistent because you need to have at least a degree to get a decent non-managerial job but you cannot get one because you think like an academic. With affirmative action in place you don't stand a chance of getting a good job because you don't fit the race or gender criteria.


You live in a world where sex gets you the better jobs in life and crime is rewarded and good character is punished. Criminals live in better dwellings than you and get better medical care. Don't even think of reporting a crime to the police because it may be you found dead next time. The police know the law. If a fire breaks out don't phone the firefighters, they have better things to do than stop a fire.


This is a pretty dull life, and people wonder why my generation smokes weed and gets drunk all the time.

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Unfortunately, getting drunk and smoking weed won't fix the problem either. It'll just make you inured to the situation, make you depressed and passive, and probably get you fired too, in the end.


Your brain and a clear head may be the most important assets you've got going for you in such dire circumstances. You can't find your way out without that mental equipment; so, don't blow it away needlessly. If you do, you'll just be playing into the hands of the forces you're fighting. Don't let the bast***s win.

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This is a pretty dull life' date=' and people wonder why my generation smokes weed and gets drunk all the time.[/quote']

And there goes the other 10% of yor income...HA!

What's going on with you that you are so down?


My commentary has nothing to do with my life but the lives of younger people and the trials they face just to get a decent job in society. I noticed that many of the older generations don't particularly like us and often hold malice against us. This is very odd considering they did the same things people of my generation are blamed for back when they themselves were young. So why do they hold malice against us? They created this world of suffering and we are forced to put up with their mistakes.


People don't want to beg for money or for jobs. They simply want to make a good life for themselves. They should not have to be a Ferengi to get a job or an education. As you can see I don't think much of post-secondary education. It's a staple in our society but from what I've seen it offers nothing more than 4 more years of high school. That's how uninspiring I find it. Who needs 4 more years of math or essays? The work gets longer and perhaps even more sophisticated but in the end what difference is there between a person with a degree and another who doesn't?

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<- partially agrees... thanks to higher levels of unemployment (probably intentionally fostered by the big corporations), wages are supressed, potential employees almost have to beg employers for scraps, and the majority of jobs barely pay enough money for rent, food, and token entertainment...


... I don't think smoking pot and drinking help, though, and even 10 percent can add up if saved. I do think that the bottom rung service jobs should pay better, given inflation and the fact that they ARE undesirable jobs... There are many that would prefer welfare to that sort of work -because- there isn't enough money paid for the stress and abuse that are the natural order of things in such work.


Anyone who believes that 'the customer is always right' should work in those positions for a few weeks... there should be a minimum of courtesy -required- by customers... hell, ALL people.


... anyways, that's enough of THAT rant ;p... Just be more polite to the next convenience or grocery store clerk you meet. ^^

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Do they have welfare in the US? I know that in Canada you can go on welfare but it is very little money and there are many restrictions. It is probably easier for drug addicts to get welfare than for someone who actually needs money. As for those crappy jobs that nobody wants, they are all slaves of the rich people who employ them. Employers care nothing about the workers and some even want to control the lives of their workers. 10 percent may add up if saved but inflation will always get the better of the workers' efforts because wages are kept very low. Ever worked at McDonald's? Only the owners make enough money there. The workers make enough money to buy a small burger and that's it.

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I've worked all over, and you know, those jobs that pay well are hte one where you are trusted and not lorded over buy the employer. Restaraunt owners pay so vey little, but look at some of those employees, you have to keep your eye on them contantly, but is that because they are lazy and dishonest or because paying them so little and treating them like garbage makes them that way. Somrtimes it's both I think. BBBB, the only advice I have is to find a job that satisfies, not the one that pays the best. I only average $15, but I really love what I do and I'm top of things. Poor and happy or well paid and miserable...I choose happy.

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I suggest focusing all of your willpower and resources towards land ownership. And be sure to get an allodial title. Don't give up until you have it.




heh, heh, you guys are lucky if you can do that, over here you have to pay taxes on the land/houses you own, even if you own them completely. The tax rate is based upon the amount of money you could have made if you rented the property. They don't look at whether you already rent it or not and they don't even care whther you live there or not.


for example:

- you live in and own a house on a nice piece of land, you have to pay taxes baesd on what you could have made if you didn't live there and rented it to someone, where would you have live if you rented it? they don't care...

- you have a piece of land, but don't rent it to anyone, again you pay taxes based on the amount you could get if you did

- you rent a house and land to someone (don't laugh/cry) you pay taxes on the amount you get for rent AND you pay taxes based on the amount you could get if you rented it to someone else (that you wouldn't get the other rent than, who cares, right?)....

Governments are crazy..... :thinking:

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I'm with bbbb on this one, 100%. I've worked in kitchens all my adult life, and I barely had the will to graduate high school. Nothing ever made me want to go to college (debt) university (way more debt). Even though there are a few things that I'd really like to study in more depth. I find time to read, and tinker with everything I'm interested in on my own time.


Nothing ever fills me with more self rightious joy, and strange sorrow, when 3 times a year, or so, regardless of what place I'm cooking at, making $12 or so an hour, when I'm introduced to the new dish washer that makes around 7 bucks an hour, who also has his batcheleors / masters degree in computer sciences, astrophysics, web design, or some other over saturated field that everyone thought would have been the sure fire way on the gravy train after they graduated, only to find that it's damn near impossible to get into that field now, becuase all the jobs were taken before they even applied for school, nad the market just didn't expand the way they thought it would.


Hi, I'm Matt. I had a C average all during high school, I get drunk all the time, infact, I'm 1/2 in the bag right now. I havn't had a haircut in 3 years, and I shave twice a month. I don't owe any loan company / government funding racket, tuition agency or anyone a dime. I'm your new boss, college boy. I want the dish pit cleared, the grease trap scrubbed, the trash taken out, and when I call for more clean plates, I want them yesterday. Don't even think about sitting down or taking a break for at least 6 hours. And believe me, don't complain, becuase no one on my line is listening, you're just making things worse on yourself. Heres your apron, and your time card. You start at 11am every day, and you punch out when all the work is done. If you're lucky, that's between midnight, or 3am. It's all up to you.

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So... you punish someone's misfortune with more misfortune? ;p

Unfortuately, that is how it often is.


Funny, I'm in a field now where we don't even have computers, and we're expanding.


I've had so many people tell me to go into computers, and just the other day, I heard that computer jobs in North America are all going to disappear, because they are being farmed out to countries with lower wages.


I am so glad that I didn't listen to those people now. In my job I work with people. Maybe some day they'll find a way to eliminate jobs that require actual people. When they do, I guess we'll all be obsolete. :rolleyes:

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I have a Computer Science degree. I live in the US. I lost my computer job because Bill Clinton cut all of the Government contracts the company I worked for had in September of 2000. Have spent the last 5 years doing the following:

Selling Pianos for Commision.

Working as Asst. Manager for Domino's Pizza for $8.00/hr.

Currently cleaning a medical facility for $9.00/hr.

I have no benefits and no vacation time. I work 6 days a week and still don't get 40 hrs. The Governor of the Commonwealth has raised my taxes. I was penalized with more taxes for working in a city in which I didn't live. And I've spent the last 11 months wearing a splint because I was injured at work and the Doctors were too slow figuring ou that I needed surgery.


So far the only thing good to happen to me in these 5 years is I got an extra $1200 back from Bush's tax cuts. So from where I'm sitting, Clinton screwed me over more than Bush has.


Now, I'm just waiting for the Government to finally seperate church and state by declaring religion to be illeagal and throw me in jail. At least I'll get 3 hots and a cot until they lop off my head.

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