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military expansionism


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So where do you stand? Do you support huge military forces around the world or small military forces, dependant on peace to ensure security and world order?



Are there only two choices?


Doesn't the size of military at some point become irrelevant in the modern world? There are enough nukes on this planet to make everything rubble. And if a nuclear war ever started, traditional armies would be powerless or meaningless wouldn't they? Aren't there other possible scenarios?



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You'll never win the war against terrorism until you start playing dirty. Use intel and covert hit squads.


True, It really doesn't help if you invade and occupy other country's, unless you want to make more terrorists.... I doubt that many Iraq's like "the Americans/American government" right now..... I would really think covert operations would work a lot better. Let's hope that the occupation of those country's will soon end and that please they will stay democracy's. So that all of this wasn't an useless show of power.



I dont think that is true about the Iraq ppl hating American troops over there. If any thing they are glad for us to be over there. With out US and Colilition forces ppl would be getting there heads cut off for looking the wronge way. All the recent polls have determined this.


but i do think your right about the Hit squads. America needs to do a tactical air strike on the suni triangle and appy the green berets to finish the job (i.e. the green berets are an advanced tactical squad much like Navey SEALS but of the Army branch of armed forces).

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Let me just put it this way anyone with a simple historical perspective of imperialism will know that we are there ownly for it's material value aka we don't really care about the Iraqis. The thing I don't like is just plain party bashing. I really don't care what "party" your in; I care what you believe.


but back to the subject, this is just the way human nature is, and we cannot do anthing to prevent that except pull out from policing the world except if countries pose a threat, AND the UN supports action there.


wow some people have such a low value for human life. No offence but it genuinly makes me want to vomit.

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but i do think your right about the Hit squads. America needs to do a tactical air strike on the suni triangle and appy the green berets to finish the job (i.e. the green berets are an advanced tactical squad much like Navey SEALS but of the Army branch of armed forces).


Really, this would all be so much easier if we'd just kill all the damn Iraqi's, and start re-populating the country with Americans. It'd only take like 25 million bullets, I'm sure we got that many lying around collecting dust. Even better, we could just offer citizenship to all the illegals here from Mexico, on the condition they'll go work in the new U.S. territory of Iraq. Worse that could happen is the U.N. would bitch about us, it's not like they could actually enforce a sanction against the USA. If they could then they'd have sanctioned us for invading Iraq in the first place. Kofi Anon himself said it was an illegal war. Not to mention all those Palestinians we've helped Israel kill. They're just all brown people anyway, and heathen Mohammadins to boot. Lord knows it wouldn't be the first time a few million brown people died so America could get their hands on some new territory. Hell if I care, whatever lowers the price of gas I say!

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You'll never win the war against terrorism until you start playing dirty. Use intel and covert hit squads.


True, It really doesn't help if you invade and occupy other country's, unless you want to make more terrorists.... I doubt that many Iraq's like "the Americans/American government" right now..... I would really think covert operations would work a lot better. Let's hope that the occupation of those country's will soon end and that please they will stay democracy's. So that all of this wasn't an useless show of power.



I dont think that is true about the Iraq ppl hating American troops over there. If any thing they are glad for us to be over there. With out US and Colilition forces ppl would be getting there heads cut off for looking the wronge way. All the recent polls have determined this.


but i do think your right about the Hit squads. America needs to do a tactical air strike on the suni triangle and appy the green berets to finish the job (i.e. the green berets are an advanced tactical squad much like Navey SEALS but of the Army branch of armed forces).


I doubt it.... if a muslim country invaded the USA to take out an evil dictator, and then applied their own style of governing, I doubt you would like that.


And if the Europeans don't like America I guess that would defenitely go for the Iraqi's.



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I doubt it.... if a muslim country invaded the USA to take out an evil dictator, and then applied their own style of governing, I doubt you would like that.


If a muslim country invaded the USA to take out an evil dictator, radical christian conservatives would be driving SUVs packed with explosives into crowded mosques.

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Military expansion is nothing more than a get richer scheme by the rich & powerfull, who run most countries anyway.


The US like most other countries are not true Democracies, there what's known as Liberal Democracies, there isn't a true Democracy on the planet.


If you want an end to terrorism & high oil prices.....learn how to conserve.

Although with China's growing modernization & continual purchase of oil & oil related industries worldwide, I very much doubt we'll ever see prices go lower, artificially inflated pricing is always going to be the industry norm.


The only reason the US is even in Iraq is oil, the US imports 75% of there oil & only has reserves for 5 days.


Imagine that, on the 6th day the US would be totally crippled, helpless as a baby!


What good is your big military if it can't go anywhere.

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There are times when war is necessary, but waging war on a vague concept like 'terrorism' is NOT viable... it's like waging war on 'anarchy', 'solipsism', or 'botany'... Wars are waged between countries and people, not on general concepts, and the people the US are waging war on had nothing to do with the 9/11 bombing, as virtually everybody already knows...


You are talking like you know every thing there is to know on war. Well first you say that war can only be waged between counties, well if you flip on the news in America You will see that this war on terrorism is being won by the combined forces of the US and the Colition. Do this alone with some research should be enough evidince that; yes, you can wage war on an ideal and win.


And you say that the ppl who the United States are attacking have nothing to do with 9-11......wow, b 4 i thought that you where mislead but now i see you have to be ignorante. you are unwilling to look for the truth. The ppl America has declared war on are the exact same party of ppl who attacked the united states and UK and are moving into Tiwan, japan, philipines, and every where they can kill people in the eyes of the back words religion.


Now i think that America does not need a super large army like other countries have but an effective one. An army where there are smalle groups like the green berets and the Navy SEALS. But along with an army that is well trained in any combat situtation and with soldiers that are educated and can each make an informed desision. Much like the army we have today, so i guess that we dont need a much larger army.

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Now i think that America does not need a super large army like other countries have but an effective one. An army where there are smalle groups like the green berets and the Navy SEALS. But along with an army that is well trained in any combat situtation and with soldiers that are educated and can each make an informed desision. Much like the army we have today, so i guess that we dont need a much larger army.


Maybe even a somewhat smaller army..... and more green berets. IMHO that is.



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The only reason the US is even in Iraq is oil, the US imports 75% of there oil & only has reserves for 5 days.


Imagine that, on the 6th day the US would be totally crippled, helpless as a baby!


What good is your big military if it can't go anywhere.


OMFG, 1) our military is only 2 million ppl strong, 2) we dont need oil much longer.


The American government does not like to be dependant on oil, especialy after the last few years. The military is moving in diffrent Directions than oil.


Like i said, The Abrahm Tank, Americas elite tank, is going to be Nucular powered soon. Our jets, Air craft carriers, helicopters, Navy, they are all going to be nucular powered within the next 15 years.

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For all of you worrying about oil...people keep forgetting about Canada. In Alberta theirs enough proven recoverable resources to supply the ENTIRE world at it's current demand for the next 300 years.


Canada provided 15% of the total US oil consumption last year, and this year its already on par to hit 20%.


It's price that will make people switch to different power solutions, not quantity.

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Many of your aircraft carriers & subs are already nuke powered. As for tanks, jets & helicopters, going nuke power with them is just plain stupid.


So lets just see what happens if the US's oil supply is stopped......


How many countries do you think will allow the US to fly nuke powered aircraft over there soil or let an invasion force drive nuke powered tanks across there land? Aside from the country your invading that's a big fat zero. Not to mention that these nuke powered vehicles would be spending every minute of everyday just moving personel & have absolutely no time to fight a war, remember there's no oil.


Oh lets not forget the US needs permission to use another country as a staging ground or to fly aircraft in that countries air space. This isn't something new either all commercial aircraft have been subject to treaty agreements to allow them access to other countries airspace.


Anyway you have all these nuke powered vehicles, tanks jets & helicopters & your oil supply is cut & six days has past, most of the US is at a stand still with all remaining oil being reservered for the military, now what happens?


Well the world saw a good picture of what would happen in the US already, it was called Katrina!


All US military would be brought back to the US to act as police & you'd have no way of fighting any kind of war with another country, you'd be to busy fighting yourselves.


While it's true the Alberta tar sands contain the largest oil reserves in the world, there's just one little problem it's also the most expensive oil in the world to extract. In 10yrs, maybe 20yrs or 30yrs from now we may have the technology to extract it cheaply enough for the Alberta tar sands to really mean anything. But right now it's no different than the futuristic nuke ppowered tanks.

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How many countries do you think will allow the US to fly nuke powered aircraft over there soil or let an invasion force drive nuke powered tanks across there land? Aside from the country your invading that's a big fat zero. Not to mention that these nuke powered vehicles would be spending every minute of everyday just moving personel & have absolutely no time to fight a war, remember there's no oil.




i think you are confused about the way a vehical is powered if it was powered by nucular power. There is only a nucular reactor about the size of a baseball in our subs, and boats. now yes, that is enough to cause a nucular explosion. But Tanks and Aircraft would use a nucular reactor about the size of a dime. Now the worst that could happen is the tank would melt. It would get to hot and melt the tank. there would not be enough to cause an explosion like a nucular powered sub could. and the whole point of using a nucular reactor to power our vehicals is not only for war but imagine what the world could do with nucular powered vehicals. They would be stronger and able to move faster, rescue operations could be done better.


i would not predict a problem of countries not allowing us to pass beacuse America has a LOT of allies and the other countries would probly not be intrested in losing diplomatic realtions with America just beacus the united states want to go through there back yard to kill a few terrorist. And if it where a time of war then we would only be going through allies and sending our nucular powered fleets to the enemy.


But i wouldn't worry about a massive war happing in the world b/c according inteligence most countries like N. Korea cant even fuel there army to do practice. N. Korea cant even fuel

there tanks to practice more than 15 minutes a week and ther air force is in no better shape. they can oly be in the air for about 15 min a month.


Now most of you dont believe that this could happen. But it will happen. Billions of dollars have gone into this research and shown sucsess. I have complete faith in our military in its power to defend the United States, its allies, and its ability to handel this current problem.


And if your pestimistic world comes to reality and America does run out of oil and loses all of our allies and is attacked and china moves a fleet aginst us ( i dont know how they would power it but assume they can) and there is a world war, then i will WALK to the enmey and die fighting them for the United States, as i would pressume most of you to do for your respective countries.


(and yes it is actualy possible for an american to WALK some where with out our SUV......)

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Even if the US scales down it's military, if it stays in it's own borders then it's military is more than strong enough to tackle any attack from a foriegn power. In reguard to terrorists, well you cannot fight them with force. Especially after you've shown the world that terrorism works.

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Even if the US scales down it's military' date=' if it stays in it's own borders then it's military is more than strong enough to tackle any attack from a foriegn power. In reguard to terrorists, well you cannot fight them with force. Especially after you've shown the world that terrorism works.[/quote']

Historically, terrorism is ineffective in the achievement of political goals.

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Even if the US scales down it's military' date=' if it stays in it's own borders then it's military is more than strong enough to tackle any attack from a foriegn power. In reguard to terrorists, well you cannot fight them with force. Especially after you've shown the world that terrorism works.[/quote']


obvioulsy terroism does not work. Anerica hasnt been attked in years. And yes you can fight terrorism with force, like Al quidea. They had a large military traning facilties in Iraq and we bombed the HELL out of them.


in proof that force works read this


October 3' date=' 2005: There have been several clashes between Palestinian Authority police and Palestinian terrorist gunmen in Gaza. Perhaps a dozen civilians and fighters have been killed, and over fifty wounded in these clashes over the last few days. The Palestinian Authority is trying to avoid a civil war between the majority of Palestinians who are willing to make a deal with the Israelis, and the terrorists, who want to resume attacks against Israel, and eventually drive all Jews out of the region. Any peace will be temporary, as long as the Palestinian terrorist groups exist, because the terrorists refuse to give up terror for the long run. Even the Palestinian Authority continues to post material on its Arab language web sites (and in textbooks, and other media) proclaiming their ultimate goal of destroying Israel. [/quote']


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lol, i got this from one of the other sites i go to;

"just imagine what was US soldier's disappointment that AK-47 doesn't use any electric equipment....:o)

That was a shame, insofar as our M16s and M4s *do* use electronic equipment. Consistent reports from the battlefield indicate that the Iraqis never quite fathomed the notion of night vision goggles, IR laser pointers, and such, and died in droves for their ignorance."


lol, so true

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I think if the US government or military is relying on other countries to allow them to drive or fly nuke powered vehicles through there countries in the future if the need arises, then the US has sadly mistaken the extent of friendship they have with other countries.


Good relations or not, the fact is radiation would be involved. No government would commit that kind of political suicide.


If the American people are willing to have nuke powered vehicles driving past there houses & schools that's there choice. I don't dispute the possible benefits nuke power could have. But from what I know of nuclear energy, mankind is still at least 50 to 100 yrs away from using it safely.


It's bad enough were pushing the use of battery powered vehicles, which are twice as wasteful as using oil & just as much of an environmental problem.


I very much doubt another world war would ever occur, there'll likely be more Iraq type situations arise in the coming years, but they'll be dealt with.


Terrorism on the other can't be defeated, it never has & never will be, the US isn't winning the war on terror there just escalating it to new levels.


Think of terrorists as a bunch of computer hackers......now follow that analogy through & you'll see it'll never end.

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